Draw, paint

nfuniɱfuní na picture or photoƆtɛtaan nfuni. He always draws pictures.cffotophotograph6.6.5.2Photography6.6.5.1Draw, paint
taantã̂ːʔvto draw or paint pictorial representationƆtɛtaan nfuni.He always draws pictures.cfkpita 1paint6.6.5.1Draw, paint
tsan2t͡sãʔ(L) v1to scratchAndɔ amʋ latsan mɩ akuti. The cat has scratched me with her claws.Owu latsan mɩ. A thorn has scratched me. of the hand2.5.3Injure8. draw a lineOyin amʋ latsan laɩn amʋ tswii. The man has drawn the line straight., paint