6.7.3. Carrying tool

bakabakána basketScfblawunubasketlakpabasket6.6.4.2Weaving baskets and mats6.7.3Carrying tool
bɛnsɩbɛ́nsɪʔpl.abɛnsɩFrom:EngbasinnbasinNɩ fɛba a, hɔ bɛnsɩ gyi atɔ pʋ́ bɛnsɩ sʋra atɔ ba mɩ. When you come, buy a food bowl and a carrying basin for me.cfblanwɛpan6.7.3Carrying tool
blawunublawunuʔ pl.ablawununa makeshift basket made from palm frondsNɔyɔ ndɔtɔ a, mmɔpʋ lakpa ya, sʋ nɔlʋ blawunu pʋ mɩ atɔsʋrahɛ amʋ wa mʋ́tɔ. I went to farm and I didn't take a basket there so I wove a basket of palm fronds and put the things I wanted to carry in it.cfbakabasketlakpabasket6.7.3Carrying tool
ɩka1ɪkáʔ(H)npad for carrying a load on the headMmeyin alɩ ánɩ́ bʋtɛla blɔdɩ atɛ ɩka. Sʋ, nótsu tatida ampʋ la ka sʋra mɩ atɔ amʋ. I don't know how they make pad out of plantain leaves. So I'll take a rag and make a pad to carry my things. 6.7.3Carrying tool
ɩlɩn1ɪlɪ̃́ʔna wooden tray made from the butress roots of a kapok6.7.3Carrying tool5.2.2.8Eating utensil
kpekpek͡pek͡pensackcfkotokuobag6.7.3Carrying tool
lakpalak͡pá pl.alakpana basket; Northern dialect.NBʋtɔpʋ lakpa sʋra atɔ.They use baskets for carrying things.Mlɩtsu lakpa; abɔ́pʋ sʋra atɔ ba woyitɔ. You(pl.) bring a basket; we will carry things to the house.cfbakabasketblawunubasket6.6.4.2Weaving baskets and mats6.7.3Carrying tool
otuntuotũntuʔ pl.ntuntungourd that grows on a tree that is easily climbedTsu otuntu amʋ afʋsa ntsu wa mʋ́tɔ. Ayɔ ndɔtɔ. Take the gourd and fetch water into it. We'll go to the farm.6.7.3Carrying tool1.5.3Grass, herb, vinecomp.otuntufladescendants; generationder.otuntubigourdIdiom:otuntufladescendants; generation
otuntubiotuntubi(H)pl.ntuntubider. ofotuntu-binsmall gourdAnɩ anain betsia pʋ amʋ́ asɩra wa ntuntubitɔ.Our grandfathers used to put their snuff into small gourds.6.7.3Carrying tool1.5.3Grass, herb, vine