7.6. Hide

dunkadúŋká vto search for someone or somethingNyebi amʋ bʋdɛ amʋ́ kɔba amʋʋ lafwɩ amʋ dunka. The children are looking for their money that has been lost.7.6.1Search
fwɩ1fwɪ́ʔ (H) v1to be lostOyin amʋ kɔba lafwɩ sʋ mʋ ansɩ lapɛ ɔdɛ mʋ́ dunka. The man's money has become lost so he is in trouble and he is looking for it.Synhʋlɩlose7.6.3Lose, misplaceIdiom:saafɩ lafwɩinsane2to die, particularly by mischance2.6.6Die3to disappear2. turn away morally
gya X ɔkpacomp. ofgya 2ɔkpa 1vto trace someoneNegyaɔkpa, tsufɛ alawa ɔpá ndɔtɔ.I went to get him because he had been at farm a long time.Gyaɔkpa. Trace him.7.6.1Search7.2.6Pursue6.4.1.1Track an animal
hʋlɩhʊ́lɪ́ʔvlose irretrievablyFɔkʋla sika a, fɔ́hʋlɩ fʋ ɔkla.If you seek money you will lose your soul.Synfwɩ1 1lose6.8.2.3Lose wealth7.6.3Lose, misplace
mɛntɩmɛntɪFrom:Akannɛntɩvcome across unexpectedlymɛntɩ oswie ánɩ́ ɔmɔkʋ wu, nɔpʋ mʋ ba woyitɔ tsufɛsɛ ɔtamadun.I came across a pangolin that had not died and brought him back to the house because he does not bite.Kɔba amʋ famɛntɩ mɩ bʋ, pʋ ha mɩ.The money that you have found is mine, give it to me.7.6.2Find
ŋaŋaʔ vdisappear using magicNkukubii baŋa mɩ sika. Dwarfs have made my money disappear.Oyin amʋ lɛŋa lɛ aha amʋ́ ɩbɩ.The man vanished from the people's hands.7.6Hide2.
ŋainŋaĩ́ vto hideKebi amʋ laŋain, tsufɛ bʋdɛ mʋ dunka. The child has hidden because they are looking for him.Asʋn amʋʋ ɔlɔpʋ ŋain amʋ, lalɩn ɔnwa.The matter he hid has come to light.7.6Hide
tɛtɛ1tɛ́tɛʔ der. ofREDUP1v1to search by scratching; as a fowlƆbatebi ɔtɛtɛ nwunasʋ dʋbɩ a, ɔtɔtʋ mʋ yín awu. When you are too inquisitive, you will find out things you don't want to know.When a chick scratches the trash heap too much, it will meet its mother's bones.7.6.1Search1.6.4.2Animal eating2to investigateNdɛ mʋ ɔnɔtɔ asʋn tɛtɛ nu. I am pecking at his mouth for words.I am investigating him (I am milking him for information). a crime
wotiiwotǐːvto suddenly encountercftii 1meet1pierce7.6.2Find