7.7.1. Hit

adalɛadalɛ́ (H) adj.easy to beatNɩ fʋyin akwɛ da a, ɩbʋ adalɛ. If you know how to drum, it is easy to drum., possible7.7.1Hit
da1dáʔ v1to hit; to beatDa mʋ! Hit him!cfsi2strike7.7.1Hitcomp.ɔkandaannouncement2to touch something2.3.5Sense of touchcomp.da bubuexclaimda ɔnɔtasteph. v.pʋ dadippʋ ɩbɩ datouch
fwie1fwie(L) vcrash intoOlebetii Natɩsʋ. Sʋ olofwie Natɩtɔ. He came upon Nate. So he crashed into Nate.Anyawie amʋ bafwie abatɔ. The friends crashed into each other.7.7.1Hitcomp.fwie wapass wind
ɩba2ɪbáʔpl.aba2nslap repetitively; co-occurs with sɛNɩ atsɩ bʋdɛkɔ a, bʋtɛsɛ aba aba. When women fight they slap each other.2.5.3Injure7.7.1Hit
kpik͡píʔ(H) v1to scrape or grate somethingkpi agbodi grate cassavaNɩ bekpi ɔkpa amʋ wʋlɩ ɔtsatsa mʋ́ sʋ, bɔmɔwʋlɩ kotaa mʋ́ sʋ a, ɩbɔwa ɔsa yinta. If they scrape the road, pour gravel on it, but don't pour asphalt on it, it will quickly spoil.cfkwɛ2grindnwɔsɩscrape7.7.6Grind2to bump into someone or somethingAlapʋ atɔ sʋrahɛ kpi mɩ. He has bumped into me with his load.7.7.1Hit
nwɛn atɔŋʷɛ̃́ atɔ́comp. ofnwɛn1 1atɔ 2vto beat someone with a stickBanwɛnatɔ dʋbɩ sʋ mʋ ɔyʋlʋ labwɛ titiritii. They beat him too much so his skin has become numb.Ɔtsawʋlɛ pɛ ɔlɔnwɛnatɔ.He whipped him only once.4.7.7Punish7.7.1Hit
nwɛn1ŋʷɛ́ʔ v1hit againstƆlɛdɩda, ɔlɔpʋ mʋ nwun nwɛn.He fell down and banged his head.7.7.1Hitcomp.nwɛn atɔthrash2to cane someoneOsunapʋ amʋ ɔbɛɛ, nka oyibibi ba mʋ ɔpʋ nwɛn nyebi amʋ. The teacher says, I should cut a switch and bring it to him in order to cane the children.
pɩtɩpɪ́tɪ́ v1to swimƆklʋn amʋ lobwie aha bɛpɩtɩ dalɩ ntsu amʋtɔ.The boat broke and the people had to swim to get out of the water. cut something apartKokoli pɩtɩ blɔdɩ amʋ ha mɩ. Please cut up the bunch of plantain for me.7.8.3Cut3to whip someone4.7.7Punish7.7.1Hit
si2síʔ(H) vto strike something precisely or in a single locationAlapʋ ɩbɩ si mʋ kantɔ. He tapped his chest. (A gesture or pride and boasting of strength). It is done with the fingertips and thumb gathered together.Si ɔdatobi amʋ wa oyi amʋtɔ.Hit the nail into the wood.Aprɛntʋa pʋ si nwuntɔ bwie a, aplanla igyi.Breaking a bottle against your head is an activity that can wound you.cfda1 1hit7.7.2Aim at a target7.7.1Hit
1vto hit with a slapNɩ atsɩ bʋdɛkɔ a, bʋtɛsɛ aba aba.When women fight, they slap each other.Sɛ mʋ aba.Slap him.4.8.2Fight7.7.1Hit