Names of cities

Adenkensuadɪ̃ŋkɪ̃nsúʔ (H)propn.small town on the main road, north of Bumbulalocated at 7° 15' 27"N, +0° 19' 35"E9.7.2.3Names of cities
Ahenkroahɪ̃́ŋkrʊFrom:AkanAhenkrochief's townpropn.major town of Southern Nkonya; seat of the Southern Nkonya paramountcylocated at 7° 6' 52"N, +0° 19' 24"ESynWulubitɔAhenkro9.7.2.3Names of cities
Ahundwoahṹnʤó (H)propn.town off the main road southwest of Ahenkrolocated at 7° 6' 35"N, +0° 18' 50"E9.7.2.3Names of cities
Aklobaakloba (H)propn.town on the main road south of Ahenkro; southernmost of the cluster of towns around Ahenkrolocated at 7° 6' 42"N, +0° 19' 21"E9.7.2.3Names of cities
Asakyereasatʃɪrɪpropn.town on the main road; southernmost of the Nkonya townslocated at 7° 5' 17"N, +0° 19' 28"ESynKpakplawusiAsakyere9.7.2.3Names of cities
Bumbulabumbulapropn.town on the main road; five km north of Wuruponglocated at 7° 13' 48"N, +0° 20' 23"E9.7.2.3Names of cities
Gbomeg͡bómeʔpropn.derogatory name for Wurupong; used by southern NkonyasSynWurupongWurupong9.7.2.3Names of cities
Kadjebikáʤábípropn.town on the main road; northernmost of the cluster of towns around Ahenkro.Located at: 7° 7'20"N, 0°19'38"E Although the name takes its spelling from the large town north of Jasikan, it is pronounced differently. of cities
Kpakplawusik͡plák͡pláwusipropn.traditional Nkonya name for the town of AsakyereSynAsakyereAsakyere9.7.2.3Names of cities
Kpandok͡pãndupropn.Kpando; major Ewe town south of Nkonyalocated at 6° 59' 50"N, +0° 17' 38"EƆkɛ gyi Kpando biakɛ. Sʋ nótu yɔhɔ atɔ.Tomorrow is Kpando market, so I'll get up early to go buy some things. of cities
Kwamewulutɔkʷamɪwúlutɔpropn.Kwamekrom; Bowiri town just north of Nkonya Sibriso9.7.2.3Names of cities
Ntsumuruntsumúruunspec. var.Ntsumulupropn.town on the main road between Ahenkro and Nkonya-Kadjebi; part of the cluster of towns around AhenkroLocated at: 7° 7'0"N, 0°19'26"E9.7.2.3Names of cities
Ntumdantúmdá (H)propn.town on the main road between Tepo and KadjebiOn Gold Coast topological maps from 1951, this was spelled Ntumeda. Located at:7° 9'22"N, 0°19'26"E9.7.2.3Names of cities
Sibrisosibrísʊpropn.town on the main road on the outskirts of Kwamekrom; northernmost of the Nkonya townsLocated at: 7°17'5"N, 0°19'29"E9.7.2.3Names of cities
Tepotɛ́pʊʔ (H)propn.town on the main road between Wurupong and NtumdaLocated at: 7°10'10"N, 0°19'33"E9.7.2.3Names of cities
Tayitáyíʔ (H)propn.town east of the main road between Kadjebi and NtumdaLocated at: 7° 8'16"N, 0°20'14"E9.7.2.3Names of cities
Wulubitɔwúlubitɔʔ (H)propn.alternate name for AhenkroSynAhenkroAhenkro9.7.2.3Names of cities
Wurupongpropn.major town of northern Nkonya; seat of the Northern Nkonya paramountcyLocated at: 7°10'42.19"N, 0°20'11.69"ESynGbomeWurupong9.7.2.3Names of cities