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Browse Vernacular - English


-aVstem > vsfx1volitional2imperative
áálúwídial. var. ofállíssalmonsalmonNsalmon
áál̓áám̓ukcaníNdogsCurtin is only source of -can for plurals
áál̓áám̓ukíwcanNdogsCurtin is only source of -can for plurals
aal̓úNumbilical cordrec. with long l
aal̓úúwítnameumbilical cord place
aamáy̓tuadv1likewise2alsoqa y̓alyú·ʔjóo ʔijoq̉ú·c̉íʔ twiy̓í qa ál·ís má dó·si amáy̓du.The men speared salmon, and deer also.má·nja we· cé·wa ʔamáy̓du dó·lol cwiní·te·w̉ayjíwjíní mam cí·ta·c̉íní mám dó·lol sup cwíná·deʔéwjí.Then of course all notified one another and one hollered and all quickly gathered together.
áámicN1owl2barn owl
áámic̓nameCoveThe Cove, Madesi place near Big Bend
áámic̓ínamedweller in The Cove
aamímadv1right now2immediately
aamím aam̓áadvevery little whilecomp. ofaam̓á 2
aamím wiccíadvpretty soon
aamím wíccíímiadvin a short time
aamnókNsoft, fur-lined shoes for winter
aam̓á1coordconnbut2adventirelyaamím aam̓áadvevery little while
aam̓á cʰúút̓ac̓advwhenever
aam̓íc̓N1body louse2louse3louse

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