Browse Romblomanon - English



taliki'vSomething is mildewed.Kung 'ini hay 'uyānan, nga madali' na ma'uga, 'imaw 'ina' 'ang ginataliki'.When these [buri leaves] are rained on, when [they] are nearly dry, that's why [they] are mildewed.
talikudvSomeone turns their back; i.e., the back is in a forward position.nagatalikudvSomeone or something goes backwards.Kung 'ikaw naman nagahuman ning bayay sa 'īmu bakingkī'an, 'ang 'īmu naman 'ini ginahuman hay nagatalīkud 'ikaw kag 'i'iksa 'ang 'īmu bātu.When you make a house at your hopscotch place, as for what is done by you is that you turn [your] back and your playing stone will be tossed [over a shoulder].patalikud'Ini 'ang lagang, hay kung gadyāgan, 'ini siya hay patalikud.As for the chambered nautilus mollusk, when [it] runs, this one goes backwards.
talīnungna talinum herbal shrubTalinum triangulare (Willd.)The leaves are sometimes boiled and eaten as a vegetable similar to spinach.
talīnganthe ear of a person or animal'Ang 'ākun mata nagapīyung, pīru 'ang 'ākun talīnga hay nakakabati' pa.As for my eyes [they] are closed, but as for my ears [they] can surely still hear.
talinghūga'na spiny myrtea molluskMyrtea spinifera
talīsayna talisay treeTerminalia catappa (Linn.)Bears edible nuts.
talīwisna point at the end punta of an elongated object'Ang kāhuy nga may talīwis 'ang masigkapunta hay ginatugsuk sa ba'ba' nang kustal pāra magkayaw sa dūta' 'ang buli' nang kustal.As for the [two pieces of] wood which have points at both ends, [they] are used to pierce the mouth of the sack so that the bottom of the sack raises up from the ground.nmatalīwisadjThe end of an elongated object is pointed.'Ang tuka' nang pispis nga tikling, hay mahāba' kag matalīwis 'ang 'iya punta.As for the beak of the barred rail bird, it is long and its end is pointed.
tam'isvarkatam'isnthe sweetness of a food'Ang dugus, hay lābut 'ang sabur kaysa tam'is nang 'asūkar.As for honey, [it] has a different taste from the sweetness of sugar.Pag 'ini 'ang dugus hay nabu'uy nga tāma' lang gid baya sa tyimpu 'ini hay masyādu gid nga kalapūyut kag kanāmit gid 'ang sabur nang 'iya katam'is.If this honey is gotten at the right time it is very sticky and the taste of its sweetness is very good.matam'isadjA food is sweet, as sugar 'asūkar, candy kindi, dulsi, honey dugus, ripe papaya hinug nga kapāya, banana sāging, pineapple pinya.
tam'īsanna pitted murex molluskFavartia cellulosa'Ini 'ang tam'īsan nga sīhi' hay sa hunāsan lang 'ini naga'istar.As for these pitted murex mollusks, [they] stay in the ocean bed.
tāma'adjSomething, as a flavor, a measurement, a method, time or way of doing something is right.Kung tāpus mu na ning hālu' 'ang sarsa sa lusung, kag ma'āyu da 'ang 'īmu na pagkahālu' 'īmu naman tilawan kung tāma' lang 'ang timpla.If you are already finished mixing the salsa in the mortar, and your mixing is already thorough, you should taste [it to see] if the flavor is right.Kung kita magkā'un hay 'ang sa tāma' nga 'ūras.When we eat [it should be] at the right time.Ginagamun ninda 'ang tāma' nga paghūkay, parīhu nang pagpungku', paghambay, kag pag'istimar sa 'inda bisīta.The right way of doing something is taught by them, like sitting [properly], talking [nicely] and entertaining their visitor [graciously].synbastanti nacfbungkuyginabinungkuyginadūyugginapakangpakang nagatāma'Bāgu kunu 'i'isturya sa tāwu 'ang 'iya napananamgu nga nagkatangsu' 'ang 'iya ngīpun, ginahutik 'ānay sa halīgi nang bayay kaysa halīgi kunu 'ina' nagatāma', bukun sa tāwu.Before, it is said, what was dreamed by him will be told to anyone, that [all] his teeth happened to come out, [it] is first whispered to a foundation post because, it is said, this [then] comes true to the foundation post, not to the person [who had the dream].tāma' lang kadaku'1adja moderate amount of somethingKung ma'īnit na 'ang kaldīru butangan ning mantīka nga tāma' lang kadaku'.When the cooking pot is already hot, put in a moderate amount of rendered lard.2vSomeone or something is hit by a rapidly moving object.tāma' na1adjAn action or state is enough, sufficient for a specific purpose; nothing further is needed.Napūyu' ka dāngaw 'ang lāpad kag 'ang hāba' hay dūsi dāngaw; kung tāma' na sa sūkuy 'īmu na 'ini sapayun.The width is ten hand spans and the length is twelve hand spans; if the measurement is enough then you finish the weaving.'Ang matārung nang manga pubri hay may bayay lang kunu 'ina' nga matuyūgan, tāma' na.The attitude of poor people is that there just be a house, they say, in which to sleep [and] that's enough.synbastanti na2ti advAt the time when an event occurs another event occurs.Tāma' nga nakatāpus si Birta sa pag'iskwīla nagsaylu na da si 'Īna sa Manīla'.At the time when Bertha was able to finish going to school, Ena moved to Manila.tamā'an, tamā'unBāsi' kung may mabāli' kag may matumba kag tamā'an kami.It might be that there will be [a coconut frond] that will break and fall down and we will be hit.Nang nag'āga na bīsan malā'in pa ngāni' 'ang tyimpu; 'indi' pa ngāni' 'aku paluwasun nang 'ākun ka'ibāhan kay bāsi' kung tamā'un ka nang manga kāhuy.When it was already morning the weather was still bad; I was still not allowed by my companion (i.e., spouse) to go outside because supposing one were to be hit by [falling] trees.cfbungkuypakang tama'tāma'1adjSomething is exactly right.Bukun da 'ini dāpat mabahuy 'ang 'īmu humanun kundi' 'ina' 'ang tama'tāma' lang kay pāra maga'an.What you make should not be big but exactly right so that it is light [to carry].2vSomething comes true to someone or something.tināma'Hay sa lī'ug tināma'; na'ūtud 'ang lī'ug.It was on the neck that [the bird] was hit; [so] the neck was able to be cut off.tinama'an1na game of dodgeball
tāmadnlaziness'Indi' ku ma'intindihan kung 'anung masunud kay midyu bulakbul sa pag'iskuyla kung 'amat gina'ābut ning tāmad kag kung 'amat ginahugūran da.I could not understand what would happen next because [he] was an occasional truant from school; sometimes [he] was overtaken with laziness and sometimes [he] experienced industriousness.vSomeone is overcome by laziness.ginatamāranKung ka'isa ginatamāran 'aku magkalayu; nagakadtu lang da 'aku sa pahumānan tināpay kag bumakay day salapi'.Sometimes I am overcome by laziness to cook rice; I just go to the bakery and buy [bread] for about fifty centavos.
tamātis2sp. varkamātis2a tomato plant or fruit
tambakvSomething is covered over by someone with soil, stones, the shallow ocean.ginatambakanGinatambakan 'ini ning batu sa 'idāyum nang dāgat.This [shallow sea fish trap] is covered over with stones at the bottom of the ocean.tambākanna shallow sea fish trapKung nagahūyug 'ina' ning tabūnan 'ābir tambākan, 'igwa 'ina' ning timā'an pāra kung 'īmu butwa'un 'ang 'īmu tabūnan hay dali' mu matundugan.When dropping down those deep sea fish traps or shallow sea fish traps, there is a [locator] sign so that when your covered fish trap is taken up by you it could easily be found by you.A shallow sea fish trap is placed in ocean water about one to four armspans deep and is covered with stones on top and sides. It has a bamboo support frame patpat 2.cfbūbutabūnan
tambalīsana tambalisa shrubCassia sophera (Linn.)
tambangkyawna black-tipped sardine fishSardinella melanura (Cuvier)'Ang 'isda' nga ginahuman nga būru hay 'ang tambangkyaw.The fish that is used for cured sardines is black-tipped sardine fish.Black-tipped sardines are used in making cured sardines būru and dried sardines tuyu'.cflupuytapuyukSilvery, bluish across the dorsal region, and distinguished by black tips on the forked caudal fin. Lives in schools near coastal waters, feeds on plankton, caught with two-ply strand fishnets langgarīti.
tambasākanna band-fringed blenny fishCirripectes sebae (Valenciennes)The head and body are covered with irregular gray spots over a rusty-red background. The fins are yellowish; the distal half of the dorsal and outer lobes of the caudal are orange. Lives in holes on reefs of moderate to strong currents.
tambaynherbal bite medicineThis medicine is applied to bites and stings of animals and insects.
tambayuna pore-headed gudgeon fishOphiocara porocephala (Valenciennes)Kung tambayu nga 'isda' 'ang 'iya nasayangan sa kabatuhan, ginatuka' da niya kag diritsu tuyun.When a pore-headed gudgeon fish is what happens to be seen in a stony area, it is pecked and is immediately swallowed.Generally dark olive brown, becoming lighter ventrally. Inhabits brackish waters such as river mouths and mangrove swamps.