Browse Safaitic - English


ʕbd n.sing slave
ʕbs v. G-stem to frown
ʕd₁ irreg. infl. of ʕwd
ʕd₂ irreg. infl. of ʕyd
ʕdky prep after
ʕḍl n.sing companion
ʕdy₁ v. G-stem to transgress, to exceed limits
ʕdy₂ top name of unknown location (?)
ʕf n.col awf, a type of plant of the desert
ʕgl adv hastily
ʕgz v. G-stem to be held back (said of rain)
ʕky n a strong fever
ʕl prep against, because, on, above
ʕlf v. G-stem to feed on dry fodder
ʕlm v. G-stem to know (something)
ʕls n.sing grainland (?)
ʕly v. D-stem to raise, erect
ʕm₁ n people, folk
ʕm₂ n paternal grandfather
ʕmr₁ v. G-stem to dwell
ʕmr₂ v. D-stem to construct
ʕn₁ n.abst help, aid
ʕn₂ n eye
ʕn₃ prep away, from
ʕny v. G-stem to suffer

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