Browse Safaitic - English


rb v. G-stem to exalt
rbʕt n spring
rdf₁ v. G-stem to follow
rdf₂ n rear (behind something)
rdt n reward
rḍt n meadow
rḍw pn deity, the god Rudaw (irreg. infl. rḍy)
rḍy₁ irreg. infl. of rḍw
rḍy₂ v. G-stem to be satisfied
rglt n water course
rgm n runerary cairn
rġm₁ v. G-stem to strike down
rġm₂ adj (participle) struck down
rgʕ v. G-stem to return
rḥ 1v. G-stem to depart at night 2
rḥbt top al-Ruḥbah, east of Tulul al-Safawi
rḥḍ v. G-stem to wash
rḥl v. G-stem to leave, depart
rḫlt n ewe-lamb
rḥm pn. the merciful, epithet of Gdḍf
rhṭ n kinsfolk
rk n light rain
rkb v. G-stem to wrong someone
rkbt n riding camel
rmd v. G-stem. to perish from cold

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