Browse Samo
kala ilakala ilav1to escort back
kala toolakala toolavar.katoolav1to adopt, or cause an orphaned/cut off person to become a member of the household
kalo silakalo silav1to push into the fire
kaloman ilakaloman ilav1disappear ???, transform ???
kalonkanloncfkoolonlike thatKalon hooanbo.Said that/thus.kalon homoonman homansub.kanlon honmoonman honmanconnbecause of all that
kalon homoonman homankanlon honmoonman honmansub. ofkalonconnbecause of all that
kaluokaluocfulosetsomewhere (indefinite) ???
kamonkamonsetdown there, indefinite
kankancfkanfonkan kooaimonsub. ofkansetthat one, or that therekan kooaimonsub.kan kooaimonthat's enough, or that's sufficient
kan kooaimonkan kooaimonsub. ofkanthat's enough, or that's sufficient
kandilakandilav11dress2to dress (put traditional clothes on someone else)3to intitiate
kandimankandimannan initiated man or woman
kandunkanduna protrusion, corner, or uttermost point
kanfonkanfoncfkanno more, that's all, or the end
kanla1kanlacfmunlav1to wear (traditional dress, not European clothes)
kanla2kanlav1to harvest, or gather, sago grubs
kasigilakasigilav1to send forth, or away from