
ariigate ariigatenLittle Filesnakesnek1.
badi nyannCarpet pythonsnek1.
badiivinBrown-Headed snake; according to legend this snake can jump over a person, if it does, it kills both the person and the snake, however no one has ever seen itbraunpela snek1.
bayunlarge death addersnek i gat poisin1.
borunlizard with brown spotsnilnil palai1.
dabiit viyunlizard that eats sago grubspalai1.
du siigiilamnsmall death addersnek1.
guamnshiny brown lizardsnek i gat lek olsem palai1.
gubiirijaunpoisonous snake that swims on the surface of watersnek i gat poisin i swim antap long wara1.
gubayunpoisonous snake that lives in the waterwara snek i gat poisin1.
jiiwit kiitiinsmall green lizard that is ediblegrinpela palai1. of food
kabiilbonlizard that looks similar to a crocodile, lives in trees near the waterpalai i luk olsem pukpuk1.
kabiibingreen tree pythonsnek1.
kabukabuknlizard (any small variety)ol liklik palai1.
kamtapaknsmall green lizard with a brown tail that lives on coconut palmsgrinpela palai1.
kiijiinnspirit snake that has legs like a dragonmasalai snek4.9Religion1.6.1.3Reptile
kiipma niiviiknpoisonous snake that lives in a hole in the ground and lays its eggs in a wildfowl egg moundsnek i gat poisin1.
kiipma walnlarge lizard with sharp teeth. It is thought that if a person bitten by this lizard eats pig feces they would become better.palai1.
kuarakenNew Guinea Death Addersnek i gat poisin1.
kusu🔊nsnake, large constrictorsnek1.
mabiilinlarge saltwater turtletrasel1.
malinyotngreen tree python, yellow coloursnek i yelopela1.
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