twùm2ǹtwùmv. intrvrombir ; ronflerwhirr; snoreMæ̀shîn tǎ twùm kimmi.L'engin vrombit fort.The engine is whirring loudly.ǹtwùmn5vrombissementroar, whirr (of a vehicle)Ǹtwùm mæ̀twuà yɛ.C'est le vrombissement d'une voiture.It's the roar of a vehicle.twùmmɔ̀ꞌn1bruit d'animaux ou de genssound of animals or peopleTwùmmɔ̀ꞌ ɓwum nɛ nyɛ̌ ta fæbbì fi ni.C'est le bruit des gens qui retentit là-bas.It's the sound of people that you hear over there.twùmnzìv. causfaire vrombitcause something to whirr

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