Timucua - English



efaefaTawasa effallàhndogperroEfa mine anocomima melaba anola.The dog is merciful and compassionate toward his owner and childrenArte, f0 1.1Confident
efacaefakanname of a Timucua lineagePossibly contains efa 'dog'.
ehaehasp. var. ofehebe in debt, owe carry
eheehev1be in debt, oweR Nanacu, ynetitima ynino ynta, nina, ehebama Diosi nate queniqe, ano, manistanima nasinola. Pardon of the debts and mortal sins. Perdon delas penas deuidas por neustros peccados mortales, y veniales. 1612 Cat 2.1Qie| Lapununa marua mima Niña ehebotema nateque niqe nimanisi boni haue, hecate naquimosima nina ehesibotema natequeniqe manistacala, nitolobososini haue.D. It Follows, the fifth request. Meaning, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.D. Siguese la quinta peticion que quiere dezir, y perdonar nĩas deudas, asi como nosotros las perponamos a nĩos deudores.Movilla 1635a:f042v-043r 1.1Confident2carrymasiqe "yqilabama santissimo Sacrame[n]to, ohomita ytaitala" moqe, caballo ehenimichu vtiribota, neqerota, santissimo Sacramento etenta, mine caballo michunu, Itimileno beta, taohota, mineno anocobosaleqe, caballo yoquama sacristanima ohota mineno ano coesaleqe, criadomimate, quenema, nocorobota Sacramentoma, naqua iqilaba paha michu, naminosiqe Itimileno michunu, Caqi ano yayima bohono inibiti isonimano hiqùotimota, diosi naqùosomastaqere, Caqi isono terusunima minete, inihemosico, namahasosinolehauemota, Diosima lapusta quostequa elachuquatiqua anoyayimichunu. He answered that he had to take the sacrament to a sick peasant. Then Rudolfo got down off his horse, and humbly knelt and adored the most holy sacrament, and afterwards gave his horse to the priest, and his servant's horse to the sacristan, and he accompanied the most holy sacrament on foot to the house of the sick peasant. The good cleric, admiring the humility of the count, gave thanks and asked the divine Magesty to repay him for this good deed.Respondiòle q[ue] à llevar el SS Sacrame[n]to à un enfermo rustico. Luego se apeò de su caballo Rudolfo, è hincãdo las rodillas humilmente adorò el santissimo Sacrame[n]to, y despues diò su cavallo al Sacerdote, y el de su criado al sacristan, y el à pie acompanò al SS Sacramento hasta la casa de enfermo rustico. El buen Clerigo admirado de la devociõ y humildad del Conde, le diò las gracias y suplicò a la divina Magestad le pagasse esta buena obra.Pareja 1627b:f276v-277r 1.2Riding a horse is expressed in Timucua as 'being carried by the horse', so this verb typically appears in the passive in such contexts.Probable3loan, lend4given?Tentativesp. var.ehaehiejaeje
ehisp. var. ofehebe in debt, owe carry
eieisp. var. ofeydisaster, death, calamity (with mani) imagine? (with mani)
eiaeiabe, act as?sp. var. ofea1live:pl
ejasp. var. ofehebe in debt, owe carry
ela1elaTawasa I'nnyn1sunsolYuri conomano yuricota ela naechenole bitila ela echatiqua paquenolebila.(Si dixere que si, se le dira) no se ha de poner el son sin que se dexe qualquier enojo.Conf, f1 1.1Elamate, acumate, chubobomate, mocamate, anomate, acamate, hachibueno eyomate Diosi areconteti?Didn't God also make the air, the water, the rocks, men, and all the other things?No a hecho tambien Dios al ayre, el agua, las piedras, los hombres, y todas las de mas cosas?Didn't God also make the sun, moon, stars, sea, people, air, and other things?Movilla 1635a:f009r ichiqi habeleta taca chaleca alata itorita ela mareca hutanolehaue, acu tolalehecote hachibuenolehecote, viro pahama naquiluta mosonolehaue mobi cho?Just before becoming chief did you order a new fire to be made for six days in the cottage, and to have it closed up by laurels or other things?Conf, f1 1.1Ela hapu ofonoma baluta toconela nimobotela, maha, elana hapumima motanicala, nanacu Viernes ela fama, yobotuquala maqua anoyaleno fanela, onaqua ela yanqua, Sabado amiro, ela nayucha, Domingo equelamano pilanifichino tooma vquatiqua baluta toconiqe, ela nahapumima nocomicoco nantela.No dezimos que Christo resucitasse despues de tres dias enteros, sino que resucitó al tercero dia, lo qual es certissimo, porque estuvo en el sepulchro el Viernes, que es el primer dia, aunque no entero, estuvo todo el Sabado, que es el segundo dia, estuvo el Domingo, que es el tercero dia, porque los dias naturales empieçan desde la parte precedente anochecer, y de alli adelante, se va contando el día.MovDoc f 2.1Confidentsp. var.elàela uticomp.ela utinnoonelaso1der.elasovshine (of the sun)Caqipile hulubotanaqe heca puluntaqe honoleteleca chimanibotele manetiquanimaca mine Diosima uque anosoqe aqeco elasoco ibuaco anohoqe quentaqe honoletela oqe inecare Diosi himesotetilenincono pilecaremate aya honotoca caremate hachaquenta honopocha heleqete.You think that because you till the fields there is corn; do not think so, because God sends the rain, the air, the sun, and the dew, and because of this there is corn and food, and because of this there is food.
ela2elavcrawl?Used to describe the motion of the serpent after being cursed by God.Tentative
*elanspirit? [component of 'goblin']Tentativeelahiticomp ofelahitingoblinsynanoti
elàsp. var. ofela1sun day
ela utiela utinnoonmediodiacomp. ofela1sun day
elacareelakarevexpose, revealDios mucuqua minesominoma Santa Marialeqe Angelicare Santocare nia santa ano ynemimate quenema quetalaqua, caqi ano pùqua ynihauema yuchi tanayeno tana elacareleqe§ the presence of God, the Lord's ... Holy Mary, the Angels, the Saints, and all the holy women...your shame will be exposed to this group of peopleConf, 38 1.8naquenema achito felmonoma ano quenihabe cumeleno chiqenoma cusi elacare yebussa ahotaela care David ta ahosiqe mineno taamala canechala morama David nacu ano heba perama, ahote eXasiromane ano nacumeleno chiqe namosima ahosisiro manibitila motama quenemano hitimate orobininoma nacayota cumele nochiqe nomimichu taahostemano Xaquale hebano ysticosi mantanima yniheti yninoma chiqe retileta orobimema[?] because of this Achitofel hung himself, because Cusi revealed his secret and betrayal of David. No one will entrust his secret willingly to those who are very talkative, and in this way the Devil, to those who are very obliging in the confession, grudgingly entrusts the secrets of his evil suggestions and sins, because he sees that they harbor unfaithfulness, which he wanted. Because of this, AchitofelConf, f3 1.11Naquenemano ano yaha mosimano iniheti ininomima yucheti elacare ahota.Sinners must not be like monkeys, who show themselves nude to all, without shame or bashfulness.g3, p. 4 1.1Nahitela naquenema Esaias: Istanimano namotemano mine istico inino mimaqua na-iribota hebuata nelacare chienta, Sodoma hicayayima, anoma isomoni michuqui mosotema nahitela.Of these people says the prophet Esais: "Peccatum suum sicut Sodoma praedicaverunt." They have praised and publicly exhibited their sins, like those of Sodom.g3, p. 4 1.1Probable
elahitielahitingoblinduendesynanoticomp of*elahiti 1evil*ela
Elanonpropname of a Timucua town9.7.2Name of a placeConfident
Elanoguenpropname of a Timucua town9.7.2Name of a placeConfident
elaso1elasovshine (of the sun)brillarCaqipile hulubotanaqe heca puluntaqe honoleteleca chimanibotele manetiquanimaca mine Diosima uque anosoqe aqeco elasoco ibuaco anohoqe quentaqe honoletela oqe inecare Diosi himesotetilenincono pilecaremate aya honotoca caremate hachaquenta honopocha heleqete.You think that because you till the fields there is corn; do not think so, because God sends the rain, the air, the sun, and the dew, and because of this there is corn and food, and because of this there is food.der. ofela1sun day-so 1causela1
elaso2elasovunknown verb (with horo 'starve')Tentative
elatubasaelatubasansnake sp.serpiente1.
eleele1adjnewIchali ele iribosobinaco, cuyuma ubuata qibenco melasonolehabetile cuyuma naqua ubuahauetile naquosatiqua nimaca mobi cho?When the water is flooding the new fish-pond and the first fish is caught, did you order not to throw it into hot water, lest no others would be caught?f125; g3 1:1ConfidentCompoundcuyuhasomi elename of a Timucua lineage ('New Fish clan')cuyu2vwalk?Tentative
ele eleele eleIdeonewlyde nuevoQueniqe Iesu Christo mano hachaquentana ele elemacoco ano lepuena.Thus as Jesus Christ our Lord was newly conceivedcomp. ofele 1new