Browse Turkmen – English Dictionary



esasanesa:sa:nconjgenerally, usuallyAýdýanyňyz, esasan dogry.generally it is right what you say.
esaslandyrmakesa:slandyrmakv caus1to substantiate, give proof (of)öz pikiriňi esaslandyrmakto give reasons for one's thinking2to takesungatda täze ugry esaslandyrmakto take the industry in a new direction
esaslanmakesa:slanmakvto base one's arguments/theories, take up one's stand
esaslyesa:slyadjwell-founded, valid, substantiatedesasly netijewell-founded conclusion
esassyzesa:ssyzadjgroundless, baseless, unfoundedesassyz maglumatungrounded information, information lacking a solid basisesassyz pikir ýöretmekto propose an unfounded idea
esasyesa:syadj1main, principal, primary, most important, basicesasy maksatprimary purposeesasy meselemain issueesasy ugurlar boýunça ekzamen tabşyrmakto take exams on the core subjects2general, ordinaryesasy bazageneral wholesalers esasy goşordinary baggage3generally, on the whole
esbapesba:pn1instrumentussanyň esbaplaryrepairman's toolsölçeg esbaplaryinstruments of measurement2aidokuw-görkezme esbaplarya lesson's visual aids 3clothes, attire, appareltoý esbaplarywedding clothesok-ýarag esbaplarythe weapons you wear4utensils, tacköý esbaplaryhome utensilsatyň esbabyhorse tack
esern1work, playedebi eserliterary work2effect, feelingyşk eseriromantic feelingsÝa oňa heniz yşk eseri ýetmedimikä?!Or haven't his romantic feelings got though to you?!
esgern1soldierharby gullukdaky esgera soldier on national service2champion, specialist, someone who struggles on behalf of a causeedebiýatyn esgeria specialist in the field of literature
esgiadjrag, duster, cleaning clothesgi bilen aýnalary arassalamakto clean windows with a dusteresgi ýalylike duster
esliadj1considerable, someBiziň şäherden gaýdanymyza esli wagt geçipdir.It has been some time since we left the city.2multiple, severalGüller esli ulalypdyr.She used several flowers
essalawmaleýkimessalawma:leýkimcfwaleýkimessalamnHow do you do? Hello.The younger man initiates the greeting by saying this. The reply is waleýkimessalam (see that entry).
esseadv1timesOl menden iki esse köp işledi.He did twice as much work as me.2much, amountgirdejiniň ýarym essesini işgärlere paýlamakto pay half the profit to the workers
eşekn1donkey, wild assOl tüýs bir eşek adam.he is as donkey.2bridgeerkek eşekmale donkeyart eşege ýüktoo heavymusicEşek semrese, eýesini depersay.If a donkey grows fat, it will kick its owner
eşiknclothes, clothingEşigiňi çalşyr!Change your clothes!eşigiňi çykarmakto undress, take off one's clothestäze eşiknew clothesiçki eşiknight clothesdaşky eşiklerout clothesatyň eşigihorse clotheshorse blanket
eşitmekv1to hearOl meniň sesimi eşitdi.He heard my voice.Biz şeýle boljagyny eşitdik.We heard it will be like this.Men başga bir zat eşitdim.I heard another thing.2to listensaz eşitmekto listen to musicEşidýäňmi!Are you listening!
eşretnbenefit, comfortadamzadyň eşreti üçinfor the benefit of mankinddurmuşyň eşretlerithe good things in life, material benefits, comfortsGör, bu nähili eşret!Look, how good this is!durmuşyň eşretini datmakto experience the good things in life
eşretliadjblessed, happy, comfortableeşretli durmuşhappy lifeeşretli ülkeland of plenty/abundanceeşretli günlerhappy days
etn1meatetli nahary iýmeýän adamvegetarianet üweýänmincersygyr etimutton or beefet satýan dükanbutchersetini iýmekto eat its meatetden geçip, süňke ornamakto get past the meat and onto the bone2flesh, muscle, fatBiziň etimiz ýok.We're lean.
etape'tapnstageokuwyň başlangyç etapyndawhen you start studyingtäze etapnew stageTurkmenistan özbaşdak ösüş etapyna düşdi.Turkmenistan started an independent new stage.Ýaryşyň birinji etapynda biz öňde bolduk.We were further into the first stage of the competition.Tussaglaryň her etapynda on tussag gelýär.In each stage of prisoners ten prisoners come.
etdirmekv causto organise, get someone to do something
etekn1skirtOl etegini dolduryp alma getirdi.She brought some apples gathered up in the folds of her skirt.2edge, borderBiziň öýümiz obanyň eteginde erleşýär.Our house is on the edge of the village.Biziň öýümiz kölüň eteginde ýerleşýär.Our house is on the edge of the lake.3footdagyň etegindeat the foot of a mountaindagyň etegiat the foot of a mountainbaşyňy etegiňe salmakph. fear
etliadjmeatetli iýmitmeaty foodetli naharthe meal with meatetli-ganlycomp.edli-ga:nlyadjhealthy, strong, full-bloodedetli bolmakto be healthy
etmekvto do, makeSeniň edeniňi menem ederin.What you have done I will also do.Sen şu gün sapaklaryňy etdiňmi?Have you done your lessons today?Onuň näme edýänini bilýän adam ýok.No one knows what is he doing.Içerde gizlenip näme iş etdiň?What did you do when you were hiding inside?Tikin etmek üçin zehin hem höwes gerek.For sewing you need talent and desire.Men öz maksadymy amal etdim.I fulfilled my goal.Mugallym uçurumlara täze durmuşda üstünlik arzuw etdi.A teacher wished success in the new life to the graduating students.Terbiýeçi Perhadyň ene-atasyna arz etdi.The trainer complained to Perhat's parents.Gapana düşen tilkini biz azat etdik.We freed a fox from the snare.Şu bolgusyz gürrüňleriňi bes etmeli.You must stop these meaningless talks.Maslahatdan soň ýene işlerimizi dowam etdik.After the council we continued our works.Oglum diýenimi etmänsoň gahar etdim.I was angry because of my son did not obey me.Watana gulluk etmek her adamyň borjudyr.To serve the state is the duty of each person.Agalarym oba barandyr diýip, men güman edýärin.I guess my elder brothers would have come to the village.Halas ediji oglanjygy ýangyndan halas etdi.The fireman saved a boy from the fire.Men gelen myhmanlara hyzmat etdim.I served the guests who came.Mejbur etmän öz erkine göýberiň.Do not force him, let him go free.Ýazyjynyň täze kitaby neşir edildi.A new book by the writer was published.Özüňden ejize rehim etmeli.You should have mercy on those weaker than yourself.Syýahat etmek üçin biz bar goşlarymyzy taýýarladyk.We prepared all our luggage for the trip.Şu gün mekdebiň baýramçylygynda biz tans etdik.We danced today on the school holiday.Bäşim pişigi gark etdi.Bashim drowned the bird.Soraglarymyz bilen mugallymymyzy halys etdik.We wore out our teacher with our questioning.Otagymyza täze öý goş almak üçin köp pullar harç etdik.We spent a lot of money buying new things for our room.Bize täze düzgün etdiler.They made a new law for us.Sen bizi uly ile masgara etdiň.You shamed us in front of many people.Jenaýatçy paş edildi.The criminal was exposed.Indi öňki eden işlerime puşman edýärin.Now I regret what I did previously.Meniň günäsizdigime aklawçy sübüt etdi.The council for the defence proved my innocence.Gören filimimiz bize uly täsir etdi.The film we saw affected us greatly.Siz bize kömek edersiňiz diýip umyt edýäris.We hope that you will help us.Kärhanany gerek gurallar bilen üpjün etdik.We provided the workplace with the necessary tools.Meni soraglaryň bilen bizar etme-de, gidip, sapaklaryňy et.Do not make me fed up with your questions, but go and do your lessons.Hereket etseň, bereket ýagar.If you act, blessings will rain [on you].Ýagşylyga ýagşylyk etmek her kişiniň işidir, ýamanlyga ýagşylyk är kişiniň işidir.To return good for good is everyone's work, to return bad for good is a husband's work.
etmişnwrongdoing; fault, blameMeniň näme etmişim bar?What have I done wrong?Meniň etmişim näme?what is my fault?