'e̱1nshamemDukkawas do not traditionally acknowledge their first born due to "m-'e̱." They do not claim the first born as being their own child (sometimes an unmarried sibling of the parents is designated as the parent). There is also a refusal to mention the childs name, often the child is referred to as "you over there...." This might be because: (1) the first born is a physical sign that the parents have had a sexual relationship (2) as an emotional protection mechanism -- since many of the first born historically do not survive infancy (3) fear that naming the child might open the child up to attacks from evil spirits. It is difficult to say which of these are the "real" reason or whether there is a missing element or a mixture of these reasons.2figembarrasedho̱ge̱ m-'e̱feel embarrasedLit. hear shame3figembarrasedno̱m m-'e̱feel embarrasedLit. do shamefamily4.1.9.8Family, clan4nembarrasmentm5figremove disgrace ; disgrace removedWu̱ dossu̱te̱ me̱ m-e̱HelpLit. He took me shame6figtreat shamefully ; shamefully treatya'as m-e̱treat shamefullyLit. give shame7fighabit (bad)Rii-yo m-e̱Bad habitLit. Thing of shamevar.43

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