-laaffsfxThis suffix derives a noun from a verb where the noun is the object resulting from the action.Este sufijo deriva un sustantivo de un verbo dando el objeto creado por la acción del verbo.na nüneekajalakana JesúsJesus’ chosen oneslos que Jesús escogió
laacflakayawaanwaterholejagüey, abrevaderoTü tawalakat, süchekaka suꞌuyaajanain taya laairukumüin.My sister wants me to accompany her to the waterhole.Me hermana quiere que yo la acompañe al jagüey.
-laaaffsfxThis verb suffix signals a state that is other than expected, with a sense like “merely, rather, instead”.Este sufijo verbal señala un estado inesperado, con un sentido como “solamente, nada más, al contrario”.Jalia neꞌe jia, jütkaꞌalaa nümaa Maleiwakai.Be careful. You may be fighting with God instead.Tengan cuidado. Será, al contrario, que pelean con Dios.
-laa maaaffsfxsuddenlyde repenteEeꞌiyataꞌalaa müshi Jesús yaa pasanain nanain.Jesus suddenly appeared in their midst.De repente, Jesús apareció entre ellos.cfmaa -ya 1
laamaposs.alaamainnmaster, lordamoOtta jiakana laamakana, anakaja müleka kojutule jütüma na jipiuunasekana, maa aka naaꞌin nayakana kojutüin jia natüma.And you masters, you should respect your servants, as they respect you.cfachepchiactprtpiuuna 1servant
laananyarn (wool)lanaTanta anainrü tü laanakat Maikkoꞌu.I found the wool in Maicao.Encontré la lana en Maicao.
laapinpencillápizAnakajaꞌa takasalajüle / tasalajüle shiꞌichi talaapin.I should sharpen my pencil.
-laꞌayaiaffsfxThis suffix is added to the imperative of a verb as a warning that the subject(s) be careful not to do the action because it would have negative effects.¡Jaaꞌayajiraꞌalaꞌayai!(Be careful) No arguments (?)!¡(Cuidado) que no discutan!¡Jütkaꞌalaꞌayaijeꞌe!(Be careful) No fighting!¡(Cuidado) que no peleen!
lanianamulet, charmamuleto, contraThis consists of leaves and / or roots of special plants from the Alta Guajira that have special power. Different plants serve for different purposes, such as: for protection from enemies, for power to kill successfully, for riches, for friendship, for love / women, for success in stealing, for success in hunting (rabbits). It also has power to give dreams of warning or commanding, and if the person does not comply, something bad can happen. Typically it may be kept in a small bag . It may be obtained by buying it. It’s expensive so not everyone has it. It is less common now in modern days.cfwala
lapüposs.aꞌlapüinn1dreamsueño¿Jamüsü püꞌlapüin sawai?What about your dreams (last) night2sleepArülasü lapü taaꞌu achijirain müsü taya.I was sleeping lightly, I kept waking up.(?) (ref. fear of stinging insects while sleeping)aꞌlapüjaadream
laüꞌlaüꞌlaaProbably the plural form.cflaüktaavsthickgruesoAisü shiiꞌiree wunuꞌu eekai laüꞌlaüꞌlüin sümaa juluin eekai anain süpüla sikii.There is a (great) lack / scarcity of wood that is thick and dry which is suitable (good) to be firewood.
laülaacfalaülajanaalaülashialaüleꞌeraa aaꞌinlaülaashilaülawaa1adjoldviejo, ancianoyüüja laülaaold garden2nold person, elderviejo, ancianoTayalajüin yotojolo wainma nuulia chi laülaakai.I bought much yotojolo from the old mansynjaꞌapüichi 1cfalaülaseqjoꞌuubabyjintüiboyjimaꞌaiyouth (unmarried male)ataralüichiadult (male)laülaa 23nruler, boss, chief, captain, mastergobernante, jefe, capitán, amolaülaa saaꞌu tü aꞌyatawaakatauthority over the job4nownerdueñoSülaülaa taya türa tankekat.I am the owner of that tank.Soy el dueño de esa tanque.
lawaajaFrom Spanish navaja.nrazornavajaAkatchejuushi sücheꞌe süka rüi, süka lawaaja (~ nawaaja).Its ear is cut with a knife, (or) with a razor.cfwajiiya
-le1cfapülee-palaaffsfxThis is a suffix that derives a noun from a verb, indicating the place where the given action takes place.awaajülee, eere suwaajünüin maikküwinnowing place, a place where corn is winnowed
-le2fr. var.-i1cfshialeaffsfxThis suffix marks the subordinate verb in a conditional clause, with the sense “if, whether”.Este sufijo se usa en el verbo de una cláusula condicional, con el sentido “si”.Waraittüi pia waneepia, piraajeerü mmakat süpüshua.If you walk every day, you will get to know all the land.Anakaja tajuittüle anooipaꞌamüin tanaꞌlaaiwa sümüin juyakat müleka süꞌitüle.I should go outside to see / (check out) if / whether it is raining.Voy a salir afuera para averiguar si está lloviendo.cf-lejeꞌemüleka