Browse English



talkingbegeng-begeng 1.1nThe indistinct sound of people talking.Asing anda ray pa-kal, nābasio ta bebegeng-begeng ong karsada.When there were no more lights on, I heard the sound of people talking on the street.
talking, sound ofbegeng-begeng 1.1nThe indistinct sound of people talking.Asing anda ray pa-kal, nābasio ta bebegeng-begeng ong karsada.When there were no more lights on, I heard the sound of people talking on the street.
tallalawig 1.1rel. wrd.alawid 1alawig 1pinaw 1.1adjHigh, tall, as of a person, tree, building; high in rank, grade, or in price.Si Dodoy alāwig da ong yen.Dodoy is already taller than me.Alāwig tang ranggo na ong pagkapolis.His rank in the police force is high. Antdibabak 1
taller thanlaboay 1.1rel. wrd.labaw 1laboay 1mas 1.2vi., vtFor something to hang down and be seen; to stick up, to extend out or beyond a point; to pass in height; to be higher or taller than something else.Panlaboay da tang nagoas mo ong saya mo.Your long half-slip is hanging down below your skirt.Masinlong pa-dekan tang ibabawen, anday lalaboay, telelepeng.The grass looks beautiful, no blades are sticking up higher than the others, they are all the same height.Aglaboayana ra tang ari mo.You are already being passed up in height by your younger brother.ov. syn.labaw 1.2lapaw 2.1lapaw 2.1vi., vtTo grow taller than someone else; to be higher than something else.Lapawana ra tang ana mo, sigoro may toroblien na ang alalawig.Your child has already grown taller than you, maybe he inherited his height from someone.Ang ibabawen nira ay lalapaw da ong taw.Their weeds are already taller than people.ov. syn.labaw 1.2laboay 1.1
tamarind tree/fruitkalampitaw 1.1nTamarind tree or fruit.Ang daon ta kalampitaw ay bolong ka ta keykey piro na aglagaen.The leaves of the tamarind tree are also used as medicine for coughs but they are boiled.
tambourinetamborin 1.1EngnTambourine.kiling-kiling 1.1ov. syn.bagting 1.2kiling-kiling 1kiling-kiling 1tingting 1.1nThe ringing, tinkling sound of a bell, wind chime, or shaken instrument such as a tambourine, child's rattle, or a can with pebbles in it.
tame an animal, toalam 1.2rel. wrd.alam 1malam 1.1vi., vtFor an animal to become tame; to cause an animal to became used to people.Bata-bataen mo tang mano mo, para madaling mangalam. Always hold and stroke your chicken so it will quickly become tame. Pālamen mo kang lagi tang baboy ang ge-ley ba-lo palpatan mo.First tame the piglet before you let it run free.Antila 1
tame animal, amalam 1.1Antila 1.2malam 1adjTame or domesticated animal.Antmaila 1.1ma-lat 1.1rel. wrd.alam 1
tangigi fishtangigi 1.1nSpanish mackerel. (This is a large fish with a long mouth. It has thin skin and no scales and is very delicious to eat.)
tangled upsibol 1.1vi., vtFor thread or line to become all tangled up.Ang agporononong ilo agbetangano ta kenay agod indi masibol. The thread I'm rolling up, I weigh down with sand so it won't get tangled up. Aroy, sia sinibol mo ra tang tamsi, indi ra sia maosay.Oh dear, you have tangled up the monofilament line, it will no longer come untangled.rel. wrd.osay2 1.1tabed-tabed 1.2viFor a rope or tether to become wrapped around something; to become tangled up in something; to be all knotted up.Ang teked tang baka tinabed-tabed na ra ong likel na, indi ra matolbad.The cow's tether, he has gotten it wrapped around his neck, it can no longer be untied.Ang baka sigi tang langa tenged ang teked na ay natabed-tabed ong papa tang olitap.The cow keeps on mooing because its tether has became wrapped around the berry tree.Anttabed2 1.1ov. syn.lambed 1.2lambed 1.2viTo become tangled up in something; to have something accidentally wrapped around one's neck or feet.Ong pagepeng na nalambedan tang likel na tang mga labat.In his diving under the water some long sea grass became wrapped around his neck.ov. syn.tabed-tabed 1.2boka-kag 1.1ov. syn.boka-kag 1golo1 1.2adjFor something to be all messed up, tangled up; to be in disarray, not in order, as of one's hair or clothes in a pile.Oso mandian ong mga artista tang boang boka-kag. It's in style nowadays for movie stars to have messy hair.ov. syn.boragrag 1.1kobog-kobog 1.2
tanktangki 1.1EngnTank for liquid propane gas (LPG); the fuel tank of a pressure lantern.
tantrumsotil 1.2viTo throw a tantrum; to disobey, disregard an order; to not care whether one does wrong or not.India magpasotil para india mapalo.Don't throw a tantrum so you won't be whipped.Pagpasotil tanirang magboat ta kasilias, animan nangamoltan.They are disregarding the ordinance to make an outhouse, therefore they were fined.ov. syn.soplada 1.2tegat tang kolo2 1.1
tap lightlyti-tik 1.1vtTo tap lightly on something.Sinopay pagti-tik ong poirtan, angay anda kay taw?Who is tapping on the door, why isn't anyone there?Indi ti-tikan mo tang kaldiro tenged mga pirapang bisis tang ti-tik mo ya kay ang pirapang takon itang magkalised.Don't tap on the pot because the number of times you tap it, that is how many years we will be poor.ov. 1.1
tap onpasik 1.2vtTo tap on a tin can, metal bowl, small drum, etc. with a stick.Pasikan mo tang lata agod mata-wanan nira ang balo golik da ang nandigo.Tap the tin can so that they will know that the widow is on her way home from bathing.Mabasi lamang tang mga baboy ang agpasikan da, sikad ang lagi ang pamansiolik.When pigs hear a can being tapped on, they immediately run home.rel. wrd.polog 1.1
tape measurepolgadira 1.1nA steel tape measure or folding rule used by carpenters with inches, polgada, marked on it.ov. syn.pantaket1 1.1pantaket2pantaket1 1.1nTape measure, or other tool for measuring things in centimeters or inches.ov. syn.polgadira 1.1rel. wrd.mitro 1
tape measure with centimetersmitro 1.1rel. wrd.mitro 1pantaket1 1.1nMeter (metric unit of length); a tape measure with centimeters and meters marked on it.
tapping soundlagopok 1.2viFor something to hit against or smack against something, making a loud sound; to fall with a loud thud; for something to make a loud tapping sound.Ang mola nabo-log ong aldan, pisan ang liminagopok ong tanek.The child fell from the stairs, he hit the ground forcefully with a loud thud. Ang sapatos na pisan ang lalagopok ong siminto mga papanaw.Her shoes really make a loud tapping sound on the cement when she walks.rel. wrd.lampak 1
taralkitran 1.1nCreosote; pitch; black tar (as painted on electrical poles, roofing timbers, and included in asphalt).
tardyori 1.1viTo be late; tardy; to fall behind; to lag behind; to be last.Naorio tenged nawilio ra tang istoria na.I was late because I was interested in his story.Padalia ra itaben maoria ra ong mga karomanan mo.Hurry up, maybe you'll fall behind your companions.
tarnishedlodas 1.1viFor food to lose its flavor; for clothes to fade in the sun; for jewelry to lose its shine, become tarnished; for old people to slow down or "fade out".Ang sandia mga naboay dang inalap, sia paglodas da tang amit na.As for a watermelon, if it's been some time since it's been picked, it loses its sweet flavor.kopas 1.2viTo fade, as of colors, clothing; for flowers to lose their brilliance; for jewelry to become tarnished, or have the gold become worn off.Angay kokopas da tang ba-long lambong mo?Why is your new dress fading already?Indi ibe-lad mo tang lambongo ong kintan tenged madaling komopas. Don't lay my shirt out in the sun to dry because it will quickly fade. Ang taw pario ka ong rosas, mga damal-damal doro kasinlo, mga apon da, pagkopas da tang kasinloan na.A person is like a flower, in the morning it is very beautiful, when it's late afternoon, its beauty is already fading away.Ang nabakalong kolintat nagkopas da, ang kalaomo matod kang bolawan.The necklace I bought has already become tarnished, I thought it was real gold.ov. syn.lodas 1.2posiaw 1.2rel. wrd.mantsa 1po-lo 1.1po-lo 1.1
taro root crop (thiskaladi 1.1nTaro root crop. (This is a plant, not a vine, and the tuber can grow quite large. They are found in low-lying areas where water stocks up. The tubers can be cubed and cooked with pork, bananas, green beans in a dish called puchero.)
tarptorda 1.1nThe awning used on a motorboat to give shelter to the passengers or cargo; a tarp; a tent made of tarpaulin, used for Scouting.ov. syn.lona 1.1trapal 1.1
tarp, largetrapal 1.1nTarp; tarpaulin; large awning.ov. syn.lona 1.1torda 1.1
tarp, smalllona 1.1nTarp; tarpaulin; awning on house.Mga anday amek ang be-ladan ta paray poidi ka tang lona. If we don't have a woven mat for drying the rice on, we can use a small tarp.ov. syn.torda 1.1trapal 1.1
tarrytareng 1.1viTo tarry; to stay awhile; to stop; to stay put; to stop or give up on a course of action.Tomarenga ka maski indi lamang maboay, magmirinda ita.Stay for just a little while, we'll have a snack.Indi ami ra magtareng, may paningan amen pa.We won't tarry, we still have somewhere to go.Angay india mātareng ta balay, pirmia ka lamang alig!Why aren't you able to stay put at home, you're always running around!Anday magalig, ang taw pananeng! No one go off, everyone stay put! Maski mapalet pagreges ang magbiahi, imbis awidan amen napananeng ami ra lamang.Even though the weather was rough he was insisting on traveling, so instead of detaining him we just gave up. rel. wrd.istar1 1.1para3 1.1para3 1.1penay 1.1poas 1taka 1.1tinir 1.1