Akawaio-English Dictionary



aꞌkuꞌtɨ vt using something for the first time Sarai aꞌkuꞌtɨ uya. I am using my new comb.
akʉ (poss: ayakʉ) n 1contents of pepperpot; fish, meat, etc. tuma akʉ contents of the tuma 2contents or items contained in something tʉnono kon akʉ the minerals in their land
akʉ n a variety of weevil
aꞌkʉ n jewellery; adornaments to the body
akʉ n (non-possessed) bee wʉi akʉ day's bee, locust (so named because it sings during the day, especially during hot, sunny periods)
akʉꞌpʉ nom something nearly ripe, soon to be ready to eat, as in fruit Akʉꞌpʉ pe mango esi. The mango is soon ripe. dev: aꞌkʉra 1, akʉꞌpʉ, isaramenu, isuweyu, ukɨta .
aꞌkʉra (cf: isenan) nom 1fruit that is green, unripe Aꞌkʉra pe apaꞌ esi. The avocado is not ripe. dev: aꞌkʉra 1, akʉꞌpʉ, isaramenu, isuweyu, ukɨta ; opp: isuweyu . 2premature, as in a baby born prematurely syn: amiyu .
aꞌkʉranʉkʉ vt tickle syn: sakaiꞌsakaiꞌma .
aꞌkʉre keꞌ something insufficient to meet the need Aꞌkʉre keꞌ pe toꞌ iꞌkiyari esi. Their food is insufficient.
aꞌkʉreꞌtɨ vt 1endure aꞌkʉreꞌtɨtoꞌ pe Kʉrai nʉtʉrʉꞌpʉ the endurance that Christ gave syn: moronka . 2withstand; put up with
akʉta vt bore, make a hole in something like a weevil, or akʉ Iyakʉtasaꞌ. It was bored.
aꞌkʉꞌtɨ vt decorate
akʉꞌtɨ vt add meat to soup
akʉtʉ (var: akɨtʉ) vt 1cut Warawoꞌ uya piyaiꞌma apon sinkokoiꞌ akʉtʉꞌpʉ. The boy cut the vine, the giant's seat. Yʉi akɨtʉꞌpʉ uya. I cut down the tree. syn: iꞌtaꞌka . 2harvest 3shear
aꞌkwa (var: akaru; poss: ayaꞌkwarʉ) n 1spirit Papa Aꞌkwarʉ God's Spirit 2sense; good sense or wisdom Mɨrɨ rɨ aꞌsiꞌpʉ uya uꞌpai tau nin si, uꞌpai aꞌkwarʉ ke. I held that in my head; with my good sense. 3life, the essence of a person (comp.: Papa Aꞌkwarʉ (see under Papa) )
aꞌkwaꞌ (poss: ɨyeꞌkweꞌ) n 1hammock 2bed
aꞌkwa (poss: ayaꞌkwarii) 1nom something bright 2n light
aꞌkwaka vt brighten Ɨutɨ aꞌkwakakɨ. Brighten up the house. (Turn on the lights.) (der.: utaꞌkwaka)
aꞌkwarʉ ainʉnpa (id. of ainʉnpa) vr grieve Ayaꞌkwarʉ kʉsainʉnpai! You mustn't grieve!
ainʉnpa (cf: iꞌtapa) vt chase, cause to run or escape Iyainʉnpaꞌpʉ iya. He chased him.
aꞌkwarʉ ainʉnpa (id.) vr grieve
iꞌmaꞌka vt finish Mɨrɨ tʉpo tanporo iꞌmaꞌkaꞌpʉ tʉuya ꞌnokon aꞌtai, . .. After they had finished everything, . . .
aꞌkwarʉ iꞌmaꞌka (id.) vr grieve
moꞌka vt 1take away Makoi uya imoꞌka toꞌ piyapai. The devil takes it from them. 2take out from the ground; harvest 3rescue, save syn: koneka 5, pikaꞌtɨ 3 .
aꞌkwarʉ moꞌka (id.) vr grieve
emoꞌka (der.) vi come out
usemoꞌka (der.) vr grow
aꞌkwarʉka vt 1force, compel ayaꞌkwarʉkakapʉ uya pen nɨ I didn't keep on forcing you 2take something by force (lit: take away oneꞌs spirit)
aꞌkwarʉka vt 1depress 2beg, implore, ask strongly or with strong feeling Toꞌ uya aꞌkwarʉkaꞌpʉ, "Tʉpikaꞌtɨsen yeꞌ pe kuru pʉse rɨ warawoꞌ esi," taꞌpʉ toꞌ uya. They begged him, "This man is our great helper," they said. (der.: utaꞌkwarʉka)
aꞌkwarʉꞌpʉ n 1shadow 2spirit of a dead person