Akawaio-English Dictionary



putuꞌsiꞌpoꞌ (poss: ɨputuꞌsiꞌpoꞌ) n moustache
putuꞌsiꞌtɨ vt make pointed Iputuꞌsiꞌtɨkɨ. Make it pointed (as in a pencil or arrow).
putuꞌtɨ vt sharpen, to make something have a sharp point Yʉi putuꞌtɨpɨtʉꞌpʉ iya. She made the stick sharp.
puwa var. of powa
pʉika vt pick a fruit Puru eperu pʉiꞌpɨꞌseꞌna toꞌ utɨꞌpʉ. They went to pick the fruit of the puru tree.
pʉꞌkʉ (poss: ɨpʉꞌkʉ) (cf: ) n 1end Ipʉꞌkʉ aꞌsikɨ. Hold the end. ipʉꞌkʉ pʉn nɨ infinite, without end 2a part of something Ɨꞌrɨ pʉꞌkʉ pona mɨrɨ kupʉ Timothy uya? Until when should Timothy do that?
pʉꞌkʉ n family ɨpʉꞌkʉ ton your family
pʉꞌkʉnaꞌtɨ vt join together inanimate objects Kareta amʉꞌ pʉꞌkʉnaꞌtɨkɨ. Join the papers.
pʉmʉ (poss: ɨꞌmʉ) n neck
pʉmʉi n a variety of beetle that explodes at its posterior to ward off preditors, people
pʉmʉi (poss: ɨpʉmʉʉi) n a variety of hot pepper with small gourd-shaped fruits on a bush Capsicum frutescens
Pʉmʉi kupai nprop the name given to a bay along the Upper Mazaruni River, above Imbaimadai
pʉmʉkamʉꞌ n a traditional variety of necklace
pʉn postp without negative for a noun phrase or verb phrase Iteseru pʉn warawoꞌ esi. The boy is not smart. Ɨꞌrɨ pe ikupʉ uya pʉn nɨ. I didn't do anything to him. Sises utɨꞌpʉ kaꞌpon amʉꞌ pʉn yaꞌ. Jesus went to a place without people. toꞌ iꞌkiyari pataꞌseꞌ pʉnon kon nɨ they don't plant food farms
pʉnʉ vt bathe, give someone a bath Toꞌ uya ipʉnʉꞌpʉ. They gave him a bath.
pʉra adv 1not Toꞌ pʉra man. They are not here. 2without tʉꞌtuiꞌ pʉra rɨ without number
pʉrai (poss: ɨpʉraai) n indigenous sandals made from a palm leaf stalk (no longer made), also known as kuwaimonta (is this an Akawayo word?)
Pʉraikoman nprop Elijah, from the Bible's Old Testament, as referred to in Alleluia traditions
pʉraꞌkai (poss: ɨpʉraꞌkaai) n a variety of vegetable bean
pʉrakon (poss: ɨpʉrakon) n 1ankle 2base, as in base of a mountain wʉꞌ pʉrakon base of the mountain 3source
pʉraꞌmu n beaded bracelet worn around leg between knee and ankle
pʉrantin n (non-possessed) plantain
pʉrasokoꞌme vt hurt or injure another's ankle
epʉrasokoꞌme (der.) vr hurt one's own ankle
pʉrata (poss: ɨpʉrataai) n money
pʉrataru n 1throne, Alleluia word Pʉrataru inuꞌtɨkɨ, Papa, inuꞌtɨkɨ, Papa Bring down your throne, God, bring it down, God 2the ground of Heaven, said to be shiny like silver, particularly in the Alleluia tradition