Akawaio-English Dictionary



pun (poss: ɨpun) n 1flesh Mɨrɨ Main ekonekasaꞌ esiꞌpʉ ipun pe. And the Word was made (into) flesh. 2body 3muscle
puneꞌ n fat
punpupu var. of penputu
punuꞌka vt pinch Apaꞌse punuꞌkakɨ. Pinch your neice.
punuꞌpɨ n 1crumbs eki punuꞌpɨ cassava bread crumbs 2shavings 3dust
punwe (poss: ɨpunwerʉ) n a cord-type fish net Moroꞌ amʉꞌ aꞌsiꞌ punwe yaꞌ. I am catching fish with a net.
pupiyau postp 1under Masurin pupiyau under the Mazaruni River 2below, especially referring to the surface of water
puꞌpɨ (poss: aꞌpai) n 1head 2hair spec: inseꞌ .
puꞌpɨ ɨꞌpʉ n skull
puru n a variety of tree with fruit to pick puru mu; puru monsa the covering of the new leaf or flower pod of the puru tree
puru vt 1smoke a thatch roof in order to cure it for a long life Ina iwʉꞌ puru toꞌ uya iyaꞌmota namaiꞌ. They are smoking our house so it doesn't rot. 2toast cassava bread or meat with some oil on a griddle cf: putu . 3scorch, as in the sun scorching a plant in dry weather
eꞌpuru (der.) (var eꞌpu) vr roasting
purukoꞌpo n anything for sale
purukoꞌpoma var. of kʉrʉpoꞌpoma sell
puruꞌku (poss: ɨpuruꞌkuui) n 1pants 2shorts
purukuꞌpoma var. of kʉrʉpoꞌpoma sell
purumapi n a variety of black berry, the bush of which has leaves similar to sandpaper
purusuꞌ var. of kurusuꞌ
puruwe n rubber tree
puꞌsi n cat
puꞌtɨkaꞌnʉkʉ var. of puꞌtɨkaꞌnʉpʉ
puꞌtɨkaꞌnʉpʉ (var: upuꞌtɨkaꞌnʉkʉ; var: puꞌtɨkaꞌnʉkʉ) vt 1forget Mary uya tanporo serɨ puꞌtɨkaꞌnʉpʉ pʉra iyesiꞌpʉ. Mary didn't forget any of these things. 2neglect
putu (poss: ɨputu) n 1the point of a pencil, stick or other object 2point of an arrow 3upper lip low stat: eꞌpi 1 . 4bow of a boat 5bill, beak of a bird toron putu a bird's beak
putu vt roast Moroꞌ putuꞌpʉ uya. I roasted fish. moroꞌ puꞌsaꞌ roasted fish cf: puru 2 .
putu piꞌpɨ n the upper lip low stat: eꞌpi 1 .
putuꞌsiꞌ pan nom something pointed