abbr. | abbreviation |
arch. | archaic |
bib. | Biblical |
Brit. | British |
cf. | compare |
coloq. | colloquial |
form. | formal |
isl. | Islamic |
obs. | obsolete |
off. | offensive |
Old Eng. | Old English |
oldfash. | old-fashioned |
pfx. | prefix |
pl. | plural |
rare. | rare |
sfx. | suffix |
sing. | singular |
slang. | slang |
unspec. var. of | unspecified variant of |
Academic Domains
anat. | anatomy |
archit. | architecture |
biol. | biology |
bot. | botany |
chem. | chemistry |
eng. | engineering |
gramm. | grammar |
leg. | legal |
math. | mathematics |
med. | medicine |
mil. | military |
phon. | phonetics |
phys. | physics |
rel. | religion |
zoo. | zoology |