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ababa ninacvshout, yell or scream.Ini efuka meimisi goroka tora dudu ababa nigasa niyo.He knelt down and shouted out in a loud voice.Ababa nisi yaku diyo.It screamed and then came out.
abatanfloodAbata yaku kono efeya reyo.The flood made the ground collapse. renaunspec. comp. formcvfloodNivauna vauna reyori, miya, aura ma abata reyadi.When he said a sorrow chant then it rained, and wind came and it flooded.abatasaunspec. comp. formwhite, referring to coffee or tea with milk, which resembles a river after a heavy rain.Ya bi ti abatasa irigiya, ba?Will you drink your tea white/with milk?
abata renaunspec. comp. form ofabata
abatasaunspec. comp. form ofabata
abenavroof house (with sword grass).Una ibonai yava rabo abenadi.Let's all roof the house with sword grass.
abidadama renacvbelieve/trust (in); have faith in.Uni veguri Sei abidadama renadi.Let's believe in God in our lives.
abidi renacvdesignate; appoint, select, mark out, pick, elect, decide on, choose or invite to do certain tasks.Ma ina yaku amiye tuero abidi reyo.And he selected twelve men.Ini ura bi rumana vene be abidi rego.He wanted to choose some men., delegate
abita forecnrocky ground; mixture of ground and rocksBe bi abita fore odoro yareyadi.Some fell on rocky ground., dirt
abitore renacvborrowAmiye remanu yaku amiye yokoi rofu fore abitore reyadi.Two men borrowed money from a man.6.8.5Borrow
abiyeadjdry or dead, in reference to plants.Kikima ya yabo abiye tetekari raka nido.The grey-headed goshawk is calling out on the dead tree branch.1.5.6Growth of plantsabiye ninaunspec. comp. formcvdry up, die, in reference to plants.Yabo bi ini daruri gutuna abiye niyo.The tree had died from the roots up.
abiye ninaunspec. comp. form ofabiye
abounavfall downNa fofureri abouyaka.I fell down on the steep mountain.
abuatanego's generation or next generation down in-law; brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law.Yi dubuini di rema bi yi abuata.Your brother's wife is your sister-in-law.
abutumunshort (50 cm) snake (or lizard), said to have four legs and live in deep pools of water, appearing when something is not right, such as the death of the owner of a deep pool of water, or during a woman's menstration.Abutumu bi koru moka ideri amedo.The abutumu snake lives down in the deep pool of water.
ada1nhappiness; joyfulness, gladness, appreciation, blessing or fortune.Ini ori sisika reyo ma ada dudu moiyo.He made his offering and he happily (lit. 'with happiness') accepted it.Ada ya muyegedi.They died of joyfulness.antsibogi3.4.1.2Happyada renaunspec. comp. formcvhappy with or for something; joyful, pleased, glad, rejoice or delighted in something.Tau yaku mina veyori, bi ini uka ada tora gade reyo.When Tau saw this, he was very happy.Ini rautu vene ada tora reyadi.His village people were very pleased.ada rena sanaunspec. comp. formparadiseMina medari ya bi nasa ada rena sanari amegiya.This day you will be with me in paradise.
ada1vada2unspec. var. ofvadaini
ada2nhead, and by association its hair.Na gauka reida, nai ada esika redo dada.I am sick because my head hurts.2.1.1Headada bouunspec. comp. formcnhatYa bi ada bou koina.You don't have a hat.ada buniunspec. comp. formsmart; intelligent, clever, keen.Yi ada buni, totona aonega niyo.You are smart, because you were clever.ada deunspec. comp. formfoolish; stupid, brainless, hypocritical.Ya bi ada de, badina sikuru de rei mona reyo.You are foolish, because you didn't do well in school.ada fairo renaunspec. comp. formangry, furious.Nai ada fairo reyo mina ago nedeiyakari.I was furious when I heard that word.ada foreunspec. comp. formignoranceYi senagi ada fore di vegu di mokena ga ourefeidefa.Don't be led by your former ignorant (lit. 'ignorance') passions.ada forovai renaunspec. comp. formmentally slowIna bi vima no nufa ma ada forovai reyo!He has an evil spirit and is mentally slow!ada gaukaunspec. comp. formepilepticAdina bi ada gauka amiye ma esika esika tora gade moido.For he is an epileptic and he suffers very much.ada gira renaunspec. comp. formstubborn, obstinate, determined.Sina rama neideyadiri dada, de bi ada gira resi amebiyagadu.Because they heard the true story, they shouldn't remain stubborn.ada girikaunspec. comp. formskullYabo teteka yaresi nai ada girika moi uratokuyo.The tree branch fell and broke my skull.ada iyeunspec. comp. formhairNai rema di ada iye bi doba gade.My wife's hair is very long.ada mekounspec. comp. formcrown; top of head.Nai ada meko odoro erena raka niyo.The bird sang right on top of my head.ada ninaunspec. comp. formrule over; be head over.Ya yaku ada nisi vega amebifo.And you rule over and take care of it.ada seuyaunspec. comp. formwhite-hairedNai baba bi adu mouta ada seuya amiye.My father is an old white-haired person.ada toraunspec. comp. formstubborn, obstinate, determined.Ada tora nufa uka vari gira de aeyadi.They were stubborn and did not believe.ada yoraunspec. comp. form1understanding, listening.Ya ka bi ada yora de ba?Are you also without understanding?2ear of grain.Ada bodo butu rigamo.She was collecting the ears of grain.adauunspec. comp. formhead of, that is top of garden.Ini muro adau bi arefa raro riyo.He lined up all his sugarcane at the top of his garden.
ada3nshadeMeda tobo niyo dada, baesi iruku irisi adari ame ame refa.As it is the middle of the day, come and eat food and sit in the shade.
ada4unspec. var. ofvada1uncle
ada bouunspec. comp. form ofada2
ada buniunspec. comp. form ofada2
ada deunspec. comp. form ofada2
ada fairo renaunspec. comp. form ofada2
ada foreunspec. comp. form ofada2
ada forovai renaunspec. comp. form ofada2

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