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bae rama ainaunspec. comp. form ofbaina
baebubabu1cnjlest; otherwise, might, possibly.Ga nevo, koru yaku ya moi digo babu.You shouldn't go down there, lest the water will sweep you away.Koru moka buibui redori bi ga rafe, koru irigiya babu.Don't swim in the deep whirlpool, or you might drown.Vibani toga ga irifa yi uka eta nigedi baebu.Don't eat more protein or you'll possibly have worms in your stomach.unspec. var.babu29.4.4.4Possible
baekocnjmight; maybe, probably, possibly, perhaps.Ari seuya tora niyo ye miya dego baeko.It was a very cloudy day so it might rain.Ya bi odi okiyo amiye maka baeko dada ya toto mina meda be koina niyori beika vata niyadi bi?Perhaps you are the only visitor who doesn't know the things that have been happening there these last few days?
bafunleftover; remainder, remnants.Iriyo rofu uka bere nisi bafu be fereyo.She ate it so that she was full and there were some leftovers. storage
bagintree species in which leaves are used as greens and to wash pots; similar to fig tree.Agiya bi bagi iye be megi digifa.Yesterday we went to pick bagi leaves.1.5.1Treebagi mekounspec. comp. formcnchild's toy vehicle made from the fruit of the bagi tree.Mina mida mida bagi meko dudu ini taraka riyadi.These children made their trucks out of bagi fruit.
bagi mekounspec. comp. form ofbagi
bagungrotto; stone overhangAire bagu bi godiyo amededi.There are human spirits living in Aire grotto.
baguru1ngreens, cabbage.Na bi baguru, tauga, mava moisi okiyaka.I brought greens, bananas and coconuts. from leaves
baguru2nplacentaMina rema bi mida moiyo to baguru bi moina de.This woman gave birth to a child but the placenta hasn't come (lit. 'hasn't been received').
baia'a1unspec. var. ofbainacomeKorigo dialect
baiburunBibleNoel nai baiburu bedi odoro moi de.Noel bring my Bible that is on top of the bed. writings
baigenbagIruku tora gade, idu baige bi de.There is a lot of food, but no bag.
bainabaia'a2vcomeNai vene kaini ferei baifa meda tobo niyo dada.My people it is enough you will leave it and come as it is the middle of the day.Koima, evadi raga nesi nai ima voi resi bae.Son, go quickly and buy my betel nuts and bring them.unspec. var.baia'a17. ketei dinaunspec. comp. formgo away; depart, leave, get lost.Bae ketei difa, ago tau niyadi ine.Get lost/leave, you are talking too much.bae rama ainaunspec. comp. formbe fulfilled, come true.Bi beika Sei di ago niyo amiye yaku niyo bi bae rama aiyo.It is what the prophet had said would come true.
bainasinsword, bayonet.Bainasi dudu umuyeyadi.They killed them with a sword., shoot
baiyabai'a1nbush knife, machete.Na dadisi viro bona baiya moiyaka.I got up and took my axe and bush knife.unspec. var.bai'a26.7.1Cutting tool
bai'a2unspec. var. ofbaiyabush knifeKorigo dialect
bakanriver crossing shortcut.Agiya abata deyo ma baka ruruyaka.Yesterday a flood came so I took the shortcut., route
bakai1unspec. var. ofbabafatherKokila dialect
bakai3nfathersUni bakai yaku una keikari una nari reyadi.Our fathers looked after us when we were small., mother
bakananspace; gap, interval, air.Ye amiye bi tora gade egogo mina resi yava bi bakana amena de.So very many people gathered that there was no seating space.Mina bakana ma ruru boi neyo.He went over that gap., space
bake rinacvkneadFarava bake riga feideyadi.They kneaded the flour and baked it.5.2.1Food preparation
baketinbucketBaketi koru vata baegori, ya ura de rausi rego vonisi.When you have a bucket full of water, you don't want it to spill.5.1Household equipment

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