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kaufangrasshopper, locust.Ini iruku bi kaufa ma kaoro di ona.His food was grasshoppers and honey.Kaufa ya nai murori baguru bi moi koina ridedi.The locust is finishing off the greens in my garden.
kaukau rinacvpile (on/up), heap.Adina ini vegu no fafau fafau kaukau ri bosi oma baku reyadi.For her sins are piled up reaching heaven.Auna mida kaukau riyadi.The puppies were piled up (upon one another)., pile
kaunanava2unspec. var. ofkaunavapunishment
kaunavakaunanava1npunishmentVarika amiye yaku ini kaunava ya mago.The Lord will give you his punishment.unspec. var.kaunanava24.7.7Punishkaunava renaunspec. comp. formcvpunishAmiye di uka no dada kaunava resi gauka reisa.You are sick and punished the people because of their evil hearts.
kaunava renaunspec. comp. form ofkaunava
kavaadjnot one/allNa bi baguru, tauga, mava moisi okiyaka, mida remanu bi forokari bi aka yokoi kava de.I brought greens, bananas, and coconuts, and when the two children got the basket there was not one prawn.Idu yokoi kava moi buni de reyo.Yet he did not heal even one., notkava renaunspec. comp. formcvunable/not able to.Ye muyena baku rego di ida ini no reyo dada bi maina rei kava reyaka.But I could not find that he had done anything for which he deserved death.
kava renaunspec. comp. form ofkava
kavekavenspider species.Na bi kavekave veyaka ma ini yuka bi eight.I saw a spider and it had eight legs.
kavinbamboo pole to tie up money for bride price.Yi rema voi ri bi moni kavi ne rei vesi na toto nisa ba?When you look at your bride price money pole do you forget me?
kavonungrey/white hair.Ini ada bi kavonu dudu vata niyo.He was born with white hair.2.1.5Hair
kayaproreflexive; self.Garasi dudu na kaya veida.I look at myself with a mirror.Ya kaya ga moke.Don't just think about yourself. pronouns
kayamonargument, dispute, disagreement, quarrel, controversy.Idu deda kayamo feregiya.But leave any controversies/arguments behind. renaunspec. comp. formcvargue; dispute, disagree with, quarrel, have controversy with.Amiye tausa gubuyo kayamo reyadi.They angrily argued with many people.
kayamo renaunspec. comp. form ofkayamo
kayavanimantree species.Kayavanima yabo imu reyoma erena ya vata baeyadi.The kayavanima tree bloomed and birds filled it up.1.5.1Tree
kayo renacvscoop/bail (out).Nai vana dudu ya ice cream kayo reyaka.I scooped the ice cream with my hand.Vana dudu kayo rei maku.Bail water with your hands., take apart
kayoma1unspec. var. ofkaemasweet potato
kebere ninacvbecome baldSamuel bi mida matamata to evadi ada kebere niyo.Samuel is a young boy but he became bald very quickly.2.1.5Hair
kebi rinacvclose, block, prevent.Ekita koru mina ro kebi ri kumo soku ro neyaine.Block the flood water here so it will go to the drain.Mibi gebe koru kebi rigo yakubigo.It is to prevent sperm escaping. from moving
kefarekafare1ngrass skirtBogara Vare ini tobaiyaka muyeyadi veyori, ini kefare kutusi moi odoro riyo makai..When Bogara Vare saw that her brothers were dead, she lifted up her grass skirt like this.unspec. var.kafare25.3.4Clothes for special occasions
kefatensharp paddle-like black fish-tail palm club; weapon.Bi afeyo rofu mironari boyadi, tosi, keroko bona ruda di gai, kefate sosogi ka vana moiyadi..He went up there, so that they took torches, fighting clubs and also spears with them., shoot
kefepostbesideCharles ya bi na kefe yava aku kumo ya nari regida.Charles you must build your house beside me so I will look after you. rinaunspec. comp. formcvside/partner with, join.Bedakai vene bi uka vari gira masi ina venesa kefe riyadi.Some were convinced and sided with them.Ma Greek vene kaere Sei rofu nivakeyadi ma rema tora tora tau gade ka vakoi kefe riyadi.So very many Greeks who worshipped God and leading women also joined with them.
kefe rinaunspec. comp. form ofkefe
kefokanbird species.Kefoka erena bi konori unema aedo.The kefoka bird lays its egg on the ground.

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