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mokena vava moinaunspec. comp. form ofmokena1
mokena vegu renaunspec. comp. form ofmokena1
mokena yokoi makaunspec. comp. form ofmokena1
mokonanimal-like spirit which rides on the back of wild pigs and dogs, causing them to be diseased.Moko yaku godi ufeya reyadi.The spirits beat (the pig's) backside/bum.4.9.2Supernatural being
momo ninacvdissolve, melt, disappear, turn to water/watery.Ledi vaisi momo niyo.The lead was heated and melted.
monaadvproperly; correctly, well, nicely, dilligently.Rei mona maka de reyo ba ya bura riyo urusa rofu.He did not do it properly and so he is exposed at night.Yi moimai rei mona re.Do your work well.Oukaka farofaro bi uforo rei mona reyo.Oukaka flowers bloom nicely.Ina yaku ini dibo regediri aedei mona mona ka refo.When they are on the way also help them diligently., proper
moninmoneyYa moni nufa?Do you have any money?6.8.6Money
mononbanana species.Aiyo, mono tauga buni!Wow, the mono banana is good!1.5Plant
monogondwarf which hangs around large trees in deep forests, has long hair and a long beard that drags on the ground, and magical powers; humanlike spirit, ghost.Ina bi koru fafau nana regamori, ini mokena bi monogo!When he was walking on the water, they thought he was a ghost!4.9.2Supernatural being
morakerengreen frog species which lives in papaya trees.Morakere bi yuaita iyeri amedo.The morakere green frog is on the leaves.
moraranpart of feastMorara iruku rau rededi.They share the part of the feast., show
morobanmale Hercules/rhinoceros beetle.Ima moroba yaku nuyo.The betel nut was chewed (up) by the rhinoceros beetle.
mosarakaiyoma1'aiyoma1nsweet potatoNa bi mosara irida.I am eating sweet potato.unspec. var.kaiyoma2'aiyoma21.5.3Grass, herb, vinemosara buniunspec. comp. formnice (young) girl.Ya bi nai mosara buni.You are my nice girl.Idiomatic
mosara buniunspec. comp. form ofmosara
mosenloam, fine soil, inorganic matter.Mimani seriri mose vasa amedo.On the Mimani shore there is loam sand., dirt
mosibongrass species.Mosibo bi oruma yokoi.Mosibo is one kind of grass.1.5.3Grass, herb, vine
motenloincloth made of tree bark.Sena tora vene bi mote fai rigamadi.The ancestors were wearing loincloths.5.3.3Traditional clothing
motona2unspec. var. ofyofanagarden bottomKokila dialect
motumotunislandYe mironari gutu bi bouti dudu motumoturi boi neyadi.So from there they went down by boat to the island., shore
moudenavswallowKimisoena bi moi etagae ridedi, idu kamelo bi iri moudededi!You strain out a gnat, but swallow a camel!5.2.2Eat
moutaadjtoothlessNai baba bi adu mouta ada seuya amiye.My father is a toothless white-haired person. ninaunspec. comp. formcvbe toothlessGade mouta niyo.He has no teeth/is toothless.
mouta ninaunspec. comp. form ofmouta
mova1unspec. var. ofmofasweat
mova2moa2unspec. var. ofmofa

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