Browse Doromu-Koki – English



kafosikaposi2ncupYa bi dubu dubu ti kafosi irisa.You are drinking more and more cups of tea.Ya vene bi yi mereki kaposi di etofaro mina maka koitedi.You only wash the outside of your plates and cups.unspec. var.kaposi15.2.2.8Eating utensil
kafun1gap, intervalYabo iye kafu ma ari feyo ne rei veyaka.I looked through the tree leaves' gap and saw the white cloud light., space2opportunity, chance.Kafu tau mina biri regedi.They will block off all opportunities/chances.
kafu ninacvpick up, snatch.Evade kafu ni, ya ka be bi yaregi redo maka.Pick it quickly, or some will fall. up
kaintongs, grip.Ota di gasina kai be rifa.Make some gasina tongs for the earthen oven. utensil
kai renacvtrim; cut off, prune.Ye kai rena teteka waini meko di yabo ideri de amedo.And the cut off vine branch from the tree doesn't remain. plants
kaia2unspec. var. ofkaiyaknife
kaiba renacvassociate/join/hang around with.Moimai de rena amededi venesa kaiba ga refa.Don't hang around/associate with slothful (lit. 'not working') people.
kaikainscorpionKaikai yaku nai vana rarokori maka aki reyo.The scorpion bit me right on my finger.
kainiadvalready, just, enough, satiated, full.Nai mida bani goegifari uru nigo bi kaini feresi rautu digifa.While my son and I will dig yams it will get dark and then already we will leave and go to the village.Ma yi moimai dudu, gokaisanu moisa bi, kaini ada re.And with your work, whatever you get, just be happy with it.Kaini! Meda nemoko bi okiyo.Enough! The time has come.
kaira ninacvbe almost/about to, approach, draw near.Ina bi ini muyena bi kaira niyo.It was almost time for him to die.Mida kosika ga refa, omuna ika tobo kaira niyafa dada.Boys don't get tired, we are about to reach the top of the mountain.
kaire1unspec. var. ofkaere2 1who
kaire2kaere3unspec. var. ofkaerekana
kairekakairera2nseasonGua bi oketa kaireka ma yaga tora niyo.Today is Tahitian Chestnut season and there is a big dry season.unspec. var.kairera18.4.1.5Seasonkaireka ninaunspec. comp. formcvdry upRoiso kaireka niyo.The roiso plant dried up.
kaireka ninaunspec. comp. form ofkaireka
kairera1unspec. var. ofkairekaseason
kaita unacvrub againstFosi una kaita una bi ga re.Don't be like a cat rubbing against us.7.7.5Rub
kaitoadvstarting, then.Vasa ya kaito iya duiaya reyo.Sand was starting to count Star.Iruku irisi mo kaito bogida.I will eat the food and then I will go.
kaiyakaia1kasire2'aiya1'asire1nknifeIna bi gua minari evadi kaiya dudu dona nugaro.Here now he quickly cut the pig with a knife.Kaia keika dudu bani kakoro ri.Peel the yam with the small knife.unspec. var.kaia2kasire1'aiya2'asire26.7.1Cutting tool
kaiyoma2unspec. var. ofmosarasweet potatoKokila dialect
kaka'a'a1'a'abai1adjredNai baba ya Toyota Hilux kaka gauna voi reyo.My father bought a red Toyota Hilux.unspec. var.'a'a2'a'abai28. of the spectrumkaka vaiga foreunspec. comp. form1coloured stoneUma koru anemari kaka vaiga fore amedo.At the Uma river headwaters are coloured stones.2ripeFainafu kakari bi kimisona tau gade.When pineapples are ripe there are lots of gnats.kaka ninaunspec. comp. formcvblossom, flower, ripen.Karuka tauga kaka nigori irina buni.Karuka banana is good to eat when its ripe.
kaka ninaunspec. comp. form ofkaka
kaka vaiga foreunspec. comp. form ofkaka