taaraade v1Frntourner autour de, encerclerEngto circle around;Ko waɗi aɗa taaroo e he'am?FrnPourquoi tu tournes autour de moi ?EngWhy are you circling around me?Synonymsfiilaade2Frns'enrouler (serpent)Engto coil - applies to snakesMumini tawii ngoowla na taarii dakkol sibiihi ki.FrnMoumini a trouvé une cobra enroulée près de cet arbre.EngMumini found a cobra coiled next to that tree.3Frnenrouler autour de, envelopper, emballer, enlacer, enserrerEngto wrap around - such as a vine wrapping around a post or when a python wraps itself around its prey;Mboddi taareke e koyngal makko.FrnU n serpent s'est enroulé autour de sa jambe.EngA snake wrapped/coiled around her leg.Comparefiilude 1taarude 1

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