tawude v/adv1FrntrouverEngto find2Frntrouver que c'est possible ou probableEng"tawan" - find to be possible or probable This general incomplete form of "tawude;" (and it several cognates formed from taweede); is used in rapid speech without a noun or a pronoun. It reflects a case where something is suspected to have already occurred or will probably occur - literally it might be put: "it will be found.";Hakkunde naange warii joonin, tawan o hewtii Ouagadougou.FrnC'est midi, probablement il est arrivé a Ouagadougou.EngIt is noon, he has probably arrived in Ouagadougou.Si a waddaay law, tawan mi dillii.FrnSi tu ne l’amènes pas rapidement, probablement on trouvera que j'aurai quitté. EngIf you don't bring [it] quickly probably/most likely it will be found that I have left.Tawan o yiitu mbaalu makko, ɗum waɗi o warti law.FrnProbablement il a trouvé ses moutons, voilà pourquoi il est revenu si vite.EngMost likely he found his sheep, that is why he has returned quickly.3Frnvenir trouver que, advenir, devenir, comme c'était, découvrir que, en faitEng"tawi" - this is one of two case where the verb "tawude" is used without a noun or a pronoun and assumes the function of an adverb. When "tawi" (a relative complete form often used in explanatory narrations) is used alone it means something like -"come to find out" or "as it turned out" or "as it was";O fantii wuro am, tawi mi segilaaki.FrnIl s'est arrêté chez moi, mais en fait, je n'étais pas prêt. EngHe stopped by my place [but] as it was, I was not ready.O hokkii kam teewu, tawi mi yiɗaa.FrnIl m'a donné de la viande, mais il a découvert que je ne la voulais pas.EngHe gave me some meat [but] come to find I didn't want it].Tawi Seyɗaani heɓii ko yiɗi sabo o jurkundurii ɓe.FrnC'est devenu comme Satan le voulait, il a pu causer une division parmi eux.EngAs it turned out Satan had what he wanted because he caused a division between them.Comparehasiina moƴƴaSynonymshoccude1 1yiitude 1

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