ƴoyre n1Frnjugement ou discernement, opinion, avisEngjudgment or discernment;Gaɗoowo gina-mori yiɗaa jom ƴoyre.FrnLes escroques n'aiment pas quelqu'un avec un bon discernement.EngCon artists hate one with discernment.2Frnconnaissance, bon sensEngknowledge; especially as it relates to discernment;Suka pamaro na hoyi hiilude sabo o walaa ƴoyre.FrnC'est facile de tromper les petits enfants, car ils n'ont pas encore la connaissance pour discerner.EngA small child is easy to deceive because they don't have the knowledge to discern.3Frnruse, fourberie trompeuse, astucieuxEngcunning deceit;Golloowo ko boni fuu na woodi ƴoyre faa hiila yimɓe.FrnTous les escroques ont de la ruse pour tromper les gens.EngAll con artists have cunning in order to deceive people.Comparefaamuhakkillo 1hiiludepaamusarudeƴoƴudeSynonymsanndalcaral 1sing: nde plur: ɗeƴoƴe

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