wannude v1Frnpréparer qqch pour qqnEngwannude is a contracted form: 1. [J;Y] (waɗande) to make or prepare something for someone;Mi heɓii beero hannden de ngannumi o nyiiri.FrnAujourd'hui, j'ai eu un visiteur et je lui ai préparé du tô.EngI had a guest today and I prepared him "nyiiri."Synonymswaɗande 12Frnaméliorer qqchEng(waɗande) to improve something for yourself or someone else;Ko radio am boni de moƴƴimmi ɗum wo hoore am ngannumi.FrnEn réparant mon poste de radio j'ai fait une amélioration.EngIn that I fixed my broken radio I helped myself.Synonymswaɗande 13Frndonne qqch, aiderEng(waɗande) to give something; to help;Ko o wanni ɓe hikka ɗum na wooɗi, sabo o wasanii ɓe ɓunndu.FrnIl a bien fait de les aider en creusant un puits pour eux.EngThat he helped them this year is good because he had a well dug for them.Synonymsfaabaadehaɓande 1hokkudehoynude 1moƴƴerenafude 1newnude 1sakkudewaantude 1waɗande 1wallitindewalludeyeɗude4Frnfaire pour (utilisé dans des salutations)Eng(waɗande) "Wan;" a form of "wannude;" commonly appears in salutations and blessingsLaamɗo wan njiiden e jam.FrnQue Dieu fasse que nous nous rencontrons de nouveau en paix.EngMay God grant that we meet again in peace.Laamɗo wan tawowaa jam.EngMay God grant that you find peace where you are going.Laamɗo wan ngaraa e jamEngMay God cause you to return in peace.Laamɗo wan koyɗen ko wooɗi.EngMay God give us good dreams.Laamɗo wan pinɗe lobbe.EngMay God give a good wakening from sleep.Laamɗo wan pinen e jam.EngMay God give us peace when we awaken.Synonymswaɗande 15Frnfaire que qqn fait qqchEng(waɗinde) to cause someone to do something;Si goonga ni, a wannii kam ko welaa kam.EngYou caused me to do something that I am not happy about.Synonymswaɗinde

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