2. Person

अदकारीədkarinEngchild's nurseHinआथा a child
अमलाऊकəmlaukcvVbEngto make sicksubject is 'food'2.5.1Sick2.5.2Disease
अरँडा लोगərə̃ɖa loɡcfसोजे लोगcomp. ofसोजेलोगcnEngordinary people; people who work in fields as opposed to those who can read, or are religious leaders4.1.2Types of people2Person6.1Workcomp. ofअरँडालोगलोगअरँडा
अछाətʃʰa1adjEnggoodHinअच्‍छा; ठीक8.3.7Good183Norms812Philosophy811Logic577Ethics2advEngwell2.5Healthy827Ethnophysiology753Theory of Disease3exclEngOkay!अछा मँजाətʃʰa mə̃dʒa1comAdjEngenjoyableHinसुख से; आनन्‍द से; रमणीय ढंग सेहून लगे अछा मँजा रोऊऊँWe had an enjoyable time there.खुशीपुर्वक3.4.1.2Happyअछा लागूकətʃʰa laɡukcfहरीक लागूकph. v. ofहरीकलागूकcomVb1Engto enjoy something; Hinअनन्‍द लेना; ठीक लगना like something3.4.1.2Happy3Engto feel a good feeling3.4.1Feel goodअछा सूबूकətʃʰa subukcomVb1Engto suit someoneHinसुभानालेकी लेका काजे अछा सूबली।The girl suits the boy very well.नोनी के काजे नाव सूबली।The name is well suited to the little girl-child. with2Engto please someone greatly3. with
अर झटा1ər dʒʰəʈacnEngcollapse2.5.6.4Lose consciousnessअर झटा मारूकər dʒʰəʈa marukcfतावरँ मारूकph. v. ofमारूकcomVb1Engto collapse as from heat prostration2.5.1Sick7. to attack, usually occurs in hot weather4.9.2Supernatural being4.8.2.3Attack
अमरा अमरी होऊकəmra əmri houkcomVb1Engto arriveHinपहुँचनानावराँगपूर आँट बजे नीकरालू आऊर जालपूत दूई बजे अम्‍रा अम्‍री होलू।We left Nowrangpur at 8am and arrived at Jalaput at 2pm. become due as when a baby's birth is due2.6.3Birth2.6.4.1Babyph. v. ofअमरा अमरीredup. ofअमरूक1 92 8होऊकअमरूक
अरपूकərpukvEngto scratchHinखुरचनाsubject is an animal such as 'kitten', 'cat', 'tiger'2.5.3Injure7.8.6Dig
अकराऊकəkraukcvVbEngto growHinउगानाsubject is people, object includes grains and vegetables1.5.6Growth of plants2.6.4.6Grow, get bigger
अकरूकəkrukv1Engto growHinअंकुरित होनाsubject is 'plants'1.5.6Growth of plants2.6.4.6Grow, get bigger827Ethnophysiology145Ontogenetic Data2Engto sproutतड़ाकनाएँ अकरूकtəɽaknaẽ əkrukcomVb1Engto sprout up quickly8. of plants8.4.8Speed2Engto shoot up quickly7.2.1.2Move quickly8.4.8.1Quick2.6.4.6Grow, get bigger
अरलानी करलानीərlani kərlanicnEngheartache2.6.6.4Mournrhy. ph.redup. ofकरूकलानीकरूकअरलानी करलानी करूकcomVbto feel heartache; to feel emotional pain when see a child or another person being mistreatedअरलानी करलानी लागूकcomVbto feel heartache; to ache emotionally when see a child or another person being mistreated
अरलानी करलानी लागूकərlani kərlani laɡukcfअरलानी करलानी करूकph. v. ofअरलानी करलानीकरूकcomVbEngto feel heartache; to ache emotionally when see a child or another person being mistreatedHinमानसिक3.5.6.5Cry, tear2.6.6.4Mournph. v. ofअरलानी करलानीrhy. ph.redup. ofकरूकलानीलागूककरूक
अरवानीərwaninEngfood for the dead given at the "nahni" mourning ceremony2.6.6Die5.2Food
अलचीəltʃinEngparalysis2.5.4Disabledअलची बीमारəltʃi bimarcnEngparalysis; a sickness which causes paralysis down one side of body or faceHinपक्षाघात; लकवा2.5.1Sick2.5.4Disabled2.5.2Disease
अलची बीमारəltʃi bimarcnEngparalysis; a sickness which causes paralysis down one side of body or faceHinपक्षाघात; लकवा2.5.1Sick2.5.4Disabled2.5.2Diseasecomp. ofबीमारअलची
अलनाəlnaadjEngsaltless8.1.7.2Lack5.अलना होऊकəlna houkcomVbEngto lack enough saltलोन अलना होली।There is not enough salt in this. ingredients5. food
अवसतीəwsəticfढोड़ा1फूका1adjEngexaggeratedHinअतिरंजितअवसती गोट।exaggerated speech.; one who exaggeratesहूम अवसती आए।He is an exaggerator. ofअवसत2 1अवसत
असकटəskəʈ1nEngtiredness; boredom; tired of doing somethingHinथका हूआin the sense of being tired of working, even though work not finished2.4.4Tired2adjEngtiredHinथका हूआ2.4.4Tiredअसकट लागूकəskəʈ laɡukcomVbEngto feel bored; to be tired of doing something2.4.5Rest2.4.4Tiredअसकट होऊकəskəʈ houkcomVbEngto become tired of; to become bored with2.4.4Tiredअसकान करूकəskan kərukcomVbEngto sit tiredly7.1.2Sit
असकट होऊकəskəʈ houkcomVbEngto become tired of; to become bored with2.4.4Tiredph. v. ofअसकटहोऊकअसकट
असकट लागूकəskəʈ laɡukcomVbEngto feel bored; to be tired of doing something2.4.5Rest2.4.4Tiredph. v. ofअसकटलागूकअसकट
असपतालəspətalnEnghospitalHinअस्‍पताल; आरोग्‍यशाला
अँगरेसीãɡresipnEngEnglish person2Person
अँगə̃ɡcfदेहेंधड़nEnghuman bodyHinअँग; शरीर; बदन2.1Body828Ethnopsychology826Ethnoanatomyचारी अँगtʃari ə̃ɡcfचारी गतरcomp. ofगतरचारीcn1Engall over bodyमाता चारी अँग आसोत।The smallpox is over the entire body.2.1Body2Engwhole body2.1Body2.4Body condition
अँडकाə̃ɖkacfअँडकीn1EngthumbHinअँगूठा; अँगुष्‍ठ; ऊँगली, toe826Ethnoanatomy2Engbig toe2.1.3.3Finger, toe826Ethnoanatomy
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