Outer part

मान2mannEngegg shell, a term used in worship ceremoniesकूकड़ा गार खीपरा मान सोलका, मान सेसा।The egg shell (is called) man solka or man sesa. shell, skin6.3.6Poultry raising1.6.3.1Egg8.6.4.1Outer part1.6.2.1Parts of a birdमान सोलकाman solkacnEngegg shells used in worship; term used for egg shells during sewa worship ceremony4.9.5.3Worship5.2Food9.6.2.4Basis
सोलकाsolkan1Engegg shellsHinम्‍यान5. shell, skin1.6.3.1Egg2Engshed snake skin1.6.2.2Parts of a reptile1. of nut5. shell, skin1.5.5Parts of a plant5Engcovering7.3.7.2Wrap8.6.4.1Outer part6Engpeeling1.5.5Parts of a plantमान सोलकाman solkacnEngegg shells used in worship; term used for egg shells during sewa worship ceremony4.9.5.3Worship5.2Food9.6.2.4Basis