salambaunIrain bloomEnglift net ; this net had 2 bamboo sticks with a net in the middle that was submerged underwater and when fish came close the net was lifted underneath the fish trapping them in the net. Cikgu tells of how the used to catch mullet in the river using this kind of net.
salaya'nEnga hanging tray for drying fish. the photo shows a small replica of this traditional tool
salidainSelaroides leptolepis ; selar sp.Engyellowstrip scadMalselar kuningunspec. comp. form ofmala' i mata
salunsungnLates calcariferEngbarramundiMalsiakapA favorite game and eating fish that fights well when it is caught and brings a high price in the fish market, it is found inshore and in rivers.
salunsung a binaningnPsammoperca waigiensisEngwaigieu seaperch ; glass-eyed perchMalsulungsung
salunsung a maitemnPsammoperca waigiensisIrasalunsung a maitem-item, malu' maitu, di' tantu madakel gkaserabEngWaigieu seaperch. it is small and slighty black in colour. Malsiakap hitam
sampidatnIlisha elongataEngelongate ilishaMalpuput bulan
seda'2nIraantuna-antuna ban a gkiped kuman sa begas umpama yan seda', daging, manuk, gulai, timus, gula, unga kayu, agu' manga kuih. Engfood eaten with rice for examples meat,fish, vegetables, salt, sugar, fruits and pastries.Malsesuatu yang dimakan bersama nasi contohnya lauk-pauk, garam, gula, buah-buahan dan kuih-muih.
seda' a ganguadjEngdried fish ; the way Iranun dry fish is to put them in the sun. sometimes salt is used. the most popular dried fish is liking and tiampik Malikan kering ; satu cara mengeringkan ikan bagi masyarakat Iranun, ada waktunya menggunakan garam. ikan kering yang paling popular dalam masyarakat ini ialah liking dan tiampik.