Browse Kope – English



tuian1middle, midst, amongstHimio ata taraka ata ubii pimoroho goꞌoto geegai tuiai-da.One time there was a bus taking passengers around the middle of the city.Ireibuai-da, omo keehi ata tuia hato pireibua, moo mudu abeai iemidio mati hato.When I came up, I found myself in the middle of a small creek where my uncle lived.Memiho kudui iiho rabia! Goꞌotoi tuiai-da imaꞌoidioi-re, iihoi-re, bubu-ka!Don't smoke marijuana! To bring it and smoke it in the village is forbidden.Rii turia-ha iodaumo ubii tuiai-da, retoꞌa-gaaꞌu upibaiꞌo behai-ro oaioi puuhoumo.Of all the people who went, only three women ate okari nuts.comp.ipi tuiaipi2big riverKa moo sikuri Paraide ioropoiꞌoi-da, adimoi moo pee keehi-da ohuꞌoi-ka, Oapo Tuiai.It was after school on Friday afternoon, and I got into my small canoe and went down the Oapo River.Ka duoduoi piromahoroido, odoroidoi-ri Kikori Tuiai.The next morning the two of us started paddling towards the Kikori River.Ka rii iemidioumoi-da Maubi omoi tuiai-da, hiiba geemai oraꞌoiai omahoroi-ka.And while they were living there on the Maubi river, a large crocodile started roaming around.Ka gairi imitohiai duumo, ai-remahiꞌiai kaumo. Irememiꞌi duumo omo tuiai eito.We tie vines on, and haul it down to the bank. Then we pull it into the river.Iridiai hamai, ka odoi-ka, tuiai eito.I went up onto the top of the bank, and walked down to the river.Irodau tuiai, omoi-da raai iriobo, pohoi-da.I go out on the river, and catch fish by blocking a creek with with a weir net.3deep waterMoo kimai rodau tuiai, ka moo kimai raꞌai tuiai-da.I go fishing on the river, and I cast my line into the deep.Rii-ti madei imomahoroduido, moo tuiai hato piremagauriai.When they started scolding me, I jumped into the deep water.Ida mereekehi aiha pirahiai oboi tuiai-da. Kiauka aiha poꞌuo mereekehi.While doing so, suddenly the child fell into the deep water. To our distress the child sank.
tuia geemacftibirinlarge body of water, such as the sea or a very big part of the river. Himio ata adimoi-da Durubui-ro Geroꞌoi pemaaꞌo, "Toutu duoduoi rimoi-ti kimai odai raꞌai kaudo, tuia geemai orobu mioi eito.One evening Durubu said to his son, "Early tomorrow morning we will go out to the reef and do some fishing.
tuminmushroom that grows on starchy waste such as sago waste and rotting logs. Ones with brownish colour and white gills are good for eating, cooking in soup and cooking with sago grubs. Those with brown gills are poisonous. from plants1.5.5Moss, fungus, algae
tumunplace in the bush for making sago
tumurangiant, big spirit-people (male or female) from the bushTumurai ruu geema dubu-ka. Ruu buꞌi-da emidiodio-ka.A giant is a huge man. He lives in the jungle.4.9.2Supernatural being
tuomon1squall; storm; very strong windTuomoi ruu pupuꞌo hiꞌa koroboi-ka. Roo-ro ruu eaꞌai aꞌai bia, irai ruu-ro omumu aidaha ereꞌai aꞌai ruu orohodi.A squall is a very strong wind. You cannot see it, but you feel it when it blows past you.1.1.3Weather2dry season, usually August to February, when storm winds are more likelyanturo3
tuotisp. var. oftuu-oti
tuotuoHHLLnfog, mist
tuoꞌondust; ashes5.5.5What fires produce
tupapanspecies of tree, pencil cedarpalaquium sp.
tupinspur or claw on a leg that is used for fighting, such as on a cassowary, rooster, bandicoot or wallaby.Aaꞌo mabui-da imei pikui aiha pohuꞌui uiai tupi-da, ka imei ihiai-ka.And so the cassowary pierced the crab's shell with his claw, and the crab died.
turaturanrelax, play, fiddle, createsynhobo-hobo
turengeneral name for various species of taro6.2Agriculture
turiahaadjall, everyone; completelyKeito riꞌo turiaha moo odii oromidioi-ri.Thank you all for listening to my story.Kiauka adimoi rimoi-bi gaaꞌu-ha piriodimo goꞌotoi eito raarai rautu turiaha.In the afternoon we all went back together to the village with all our things.Turiaha horohoroi itauti aꞌai.All the rubbish must be dumped on the side.Kiauka hiai-da pitoi hepato reto'a turiaha arahioi-ka.Then he immediately cut both his ears completely off.8.1.1Number
turiicfrairongreater bird of paradise (male)
turorinvariety of sweet potato
turupaupaunball shaped toy woven from leaves
-tutiv > vsfxvariously, the action happens to each thing individuallyEmiei-tuti kaumo!Everyone, sit yourself down!Rimo geꞌii raahoaꞌei iabotuti-da, riꞌo hete omaumo bia! Rimo idebi raahoaꞌei iabotuti-da, riꞌo idebi aꞌaimo bia!When we each sang happy songs, you did not dance! When we each sang sad songs, you did not cry!Badareꞌe rii tamu rautu-ka, mia titi-titi-kaumo. Rii kopoi-da emieituti-ha oraꞌoia madio-kaumo.Butterflies have wings that are colourful. They each rest on flowers and look for nectar.
tutu1nhandle made from long mangrove rootsRuu ahoroi rupui-da omahoroi-ka, ioroi hurui-to, tutui imododiꞌai didimoi-da.When you start weaving, you start from the bottom and work up to where the handle is.
tutu2sp. var. oftutuu
tutu3nbuttress root