


peix pʰe̠⁴⁴1CLF (measure word)amount, portion/bèi/Niul ca leil zzaegu cir peix gger a mel, ca mel niul leil nr peix gger xixl var. 我们给别人一倍的东西,别人会还给我们两倍。When we give a (certain) amount of things to people, people may give us twice that amount in return.2half/bàn/Zzirbae cir xiu pir eil ddei, ni ar peix sser, ngo ar peix sser. 这一百块钱,你用一半我用一半。You use one half, (and) I will use one half of this one-hundred yuan.The word bbaexrlaexr is used for something solid that is cut in half. The word /peix/ 'half' would be used for dividing a group of things--something like half the rice or half the money, or an amount of time. For example /cir koxl peix/ means a year and a half./bbaexrlaexr/ 一个固态的东西分成两份。 /peix/ 可以用在‘米饭’上,譬如说:饭一半是你的,一半是我的。Compare 另见bbaexrlaexrcirkoxlpeixpeix pʰe̠⁴⁴
peixlpʰe̠⁶⁶🔊n.leaf叶子/yèzi/Zzixzi ci a mel, sixzzei leil yarpeixl mel lei bbae jjia a. 到冬天,树上的叶子都落完了。When it gets cold, all the leaves of the tree drop off.peixl ~ sixpeixl.Compare 另见seixlpeixlsixpeixlpeixl pʰe̠⁶⁶
peixlpʰe̠⁶⁶🔊1v.drain/fàng/Mi eil bbae gga ajjix mal ji miur a; ni ardoxr peixl teixl gger nia. 这块田里的水放进来太多了,你要放出去一点。The field has a lot of water in it, you need to drain some out.2vomit呕吐/ǒutǔ/Eilni yar no a, almeixr lei nr zzor, peixl doxr lalnga. 今天她生病了,饭也不吃,只是呕吐。Today s/he was sick, (and) didn't even eat food, (s/he) just continually vomited.Compare 另见vipeixlpeixl pʰe̠⁶⁶
peixlpʰe̠⁶⁶🔊1CLF(apron; bowl; ladle; trough; umbrellagè)Yar baxlaxr so peixl bei xiaxr gger a, yarma yar leil deil a. 他弄坏了三个碗,他的妈妈打他了。S/he broke three bowls, (so) his/her mother hit him/her.1. The word /peixl/ is the CLF classifier for a bowl; /bax/ is the CLF for a bowl of food. /yarma/ is the combination of /yar-/ and /ama/./yarma/ 是 /yar-/ 和 /ama/ 的组合词。2(door; window/mén/)Ni ake alddur hormo peixl zza? 你家有几道门?How many doors does your house have?3frame; jamb/kuàng/Ngua mermi su mel Guxlsixl goxr a, alddur peixl ddei leil duixlzi niaxl. 我们地方的人过年,在门框上贴对联。When the people where we are from celebrate Spring Festival, (traditional) poetic couplets are stuck/pasted on the door frame.This would include the doorjamb as well as the molding around the jamb--which is where they would paste the poetic couplets.4sill/tái/Cuaho peixl ddei leil vixlux dol dae. 在窗台上放着花。Flowers were put on the windowsill.Compare 另见baxmexrfapeixl pʰe̠⁶⁶
peixlfuxrpʰe̠⁶⁶fɤ̠ʔ²¹🔊v.admire; respect佩服/pèifú/Ssormaer hal ddei yar cirmuzil a nga, nael ake yarzi vaer; ngo yar leil peixlfuxr. 那个女人只是她一个人,但家很大,我佩服她。That woman is single, but her house is very big; I admire her.loan借词peixlfu pʰe̠⁶⁶fɤ³³
peixrpʰe̠ʔ²¹🔊v.compensate/péi/Ni ngo ddei beizi taex bei xiaxr gger a, ni ngo leil peixr nia. 你把我的杯子弄坏了,你要赔我。You broke my cup, you have to compensate me.loan借词peixr pʰe̠ʔ²¹
peixtorpʰe̠⁴⁴tʰo²¹🔊n.top section of the plow blade that attaches to the handle犁耳/lí ěr/Lorqir dexl a peixtor nr dexl arddeirnga a mel, mi mor nr cexr. 安犁头不安犁耳的话,就不能犁田。When attaching the plow blade, if the top section isn't attached, in isn't possible to plow.
peixtor pʰe̠⁴⁴tʰo²¹
pe kae pʰɯ³³ kʰæ³³v.untie解开/jiě kāi/Compare 另见pepe kei pʰɯ³³ kʰe³³
perpʰɯ²¹🔊v.fall apart朽烂/xiǔlàn/Pia hal xiux hormo koxl lei veixr ho a, per niazzir dae a. 那件衣服穿了好几年了,想要朽烂了。That set of clothes has been worn for many years, (and) is about to fall apart.per pʰɯ²¹
perpʰɯ²¹🔊v.cost; value; worth/zhí/Zzaegu eil ddei hormosael per? 这个东西值多少钱?How much does this thing worth?Arbosobo i dae a, ca mel hormo per. 上帝看人很宝贵。In God's sight, people are very valuable.This is only used when asking what something is worth. To ask how much something costs, "hormo pir?" is used.Compare 另见perjiarperlaperniarvaeperworperper pʰɯ²¹
perjiarpʰɯ²¹tʃʲa²¹🔊v.bargain讲价/jiǎngjià/Yar zzaegu vae a, zoxlzoxl perjiar doxr. 他买东西经常讲价。When s/he buys things, (s/he) always bargains and bargains.The /-jiar/ is the Mandarin Chinese loanword ./-jiar/ '讲'是来自普通话的借词。Compare 另见perperlaperniarvaeperworperperjiar pʰɯ²¹tʃʲa²¹
perlapʰɯ²¹-ɮa³³🔊adj.cheap便宜/piányi/Casolssor mel zzaegu perla halmel lar vae du xie. 穷人只买得起便宜的那些东西。The poor can only buy cheap things.Compare 另见perperjiarperniarvaeperworperperla pʰɯ²¹-ɮa³³
perlerpʰɯ²¹ɮə²¹🔊n.gourd葫芦/húlú/Perler mel nr dalduxrmo, yarzi igax zae. 葫芦是两节的,很好看。Gourds are two-sectioned, (they) are very pretty.Compare 另见pexniaxlperludal pʰɯ²¹ɮɤ²¹ta⁵⁵
perniarpʰɯ²¹-nʲa²¹🔊adj.expensive; valuable/guì/Zzaegu eil ddei yarzi perniar, ni bei xiaxr lol nr ddo! 这个东西很贵重,你不要弄坏。This thing is very expensive, don't let it get broken!Yar zzaegu vae a, perniarniarmo halmel vae. 他买东西,买贵贵的那种。S/he bought things, buying those that were very expensive.Compare 另见perperjiarperlavaeperworperperniar pʰɯ²¹nʲa²¹
perniarpʰɯ²¹nʲa²¹🔊v.care for; love/ài/Arbosobo niul leil perniar, yel niul lei zzicarzzi leil perniar nia. 上帝爱我们,所以我们也要彼此相爱。God loves us, so we should also love one another.Compare 另见i laljjiurlizoxrnolngerperniar pʰɯ²¹nʲa²¹
perte pʰɯ²¹te³³adj.decayed; rotten朽坏的/xiǔhuài de/Adoxl zi a mel, tar perte mel zi nr wo, cirleixr dder zi gge a. 烧火的话,朽坏的松木不耐烧,一会就烧完了。If you light a fire, you can't light it with decayed pine, it burns up in just a moment (too quickly).perte pʰɯ²¹te³³
pexpʰɯ̠⁴⁴🔊v.splatter; spurt; sprinkle/pēn/Var vur su mel yar ddei var mel leil ajjix pex nia; nrnga a, var mel hie var. 卖菜的人要喷水在他们的菜上,要不菜会干。Those selling vegetables must sprinkle their vegetables with water; if not, the vegetables will dry (out).Yar ajjix dda dae car, vae du lei a qie, ajjix ddei ngo leil pex deix gger a. 他喝水的时候笑起来,把水喷在我身上了。When s/he was drinking water, when (s/he) laughed, (s/he) spurted water on me.1. This is different than /pe/ 'flow'.此字与 /pe/ 'flow 流' 不同。loan借词Compare 另见pepex pʰɯ̠⁴⁴
pexpʰɯ̠⁴⁴🔊v.encounter; meet by chance; run into遇见/jùjiàn/Eilni ngo zalbbaer ddux a, gaxggor carbeix nrnelsael pex dae a. 今天我出去外面,遇见了几个好朋友。Today I went out, (and) ran into several companions.The word /zzi/ also means to meet someone or some situation by chance but the /zzi/ verb needs to be combined with /dax/ 'with' and the /pex (dae)/ does not./pex (dae)/ 此字的意思是巧遇某人或某些情境。但是 /zzi/ 需要与 /dax/ 'with 和' 一起用,而 /pex (dae)/ 则不需要。Compare 另见zzizzi dzɿ³³
pexpʰɯ̠⁴⁴🔊v.pile/duī/Ngua ggucirmi cirbelde pex ggie ar maex zza. 我们门前有一个堆垃圾的地方。At our front gate there is a place where garbage is piled.Compare 另见bemarpex pʰɯ̠⁴⁴
pexpʰɯ̠⁴⁴🔊CLF (measure word)(bouquet; bunch; cluster; group)/duǒ/Sixzzei eil zzei vixlux nr pex sael veix teixl lei a. 这棵树开出了几朵花。Several clusters of flowers are blooming on this tree.Goxrdoxl maelsael ddei leil seilzol qiuxl pex ddaex ngexl nia. 围腰的带子上,要剪上六朵线条。Six tassels must be cut into the Yi apron belt.pex pʰɯ̠⁴⁴
pexpʰɯ̠⁴⁴🔊1v.crowd聚满/jùmǎn/Niur zzidu ggie halmaex ca pex bbi a. 斗牛的那个地方聚满了人。That place where there is a bullfight is crowded full of people.2gather together聚集起来/jùjí qǐ lái/Sulmulsu mel sulzzasu leil ae pex du lei a, yaa leil miardal a, sul bei lol. 老师把学生聚集起来,吩咐他们做作业。The teacher called the students to gather together, (and) told them to do (their) homework.Compare 另见pex gexpex pʰɯ̠⁴⁴
pex gexpʰɯ̠⁴⁴ kɯ̠⁴⁴🔊v.crowd around; crowd together围着/wéi zhě/Halmaex zzaegu vur dae a, ca cirke pex gex dae. 那里在卖东西,围着很多人。Things are being sold there, (so) a lot of people crowded around/together.Compare 另见gexpexpex gex pʰɯ̠⁴⁴ kɯ̠⁴⁴
pexlpʰɯ̠⁶⁶🔊v.swell/zhǒng/Yar ngo leixrhher ddei leil ar taex deil gger a; yel pexl du lei a. 他打了一下我的手;所以肿起来了。S/he hit me once on the hand; now (it) has swollen.pexl pʰɯ̠⁶⁶
pexlixpʰɯ̠⁴⁴ɮi̠⁴⁴🔊AUX (mood)can't help but; can't hold back禁不住的/jīn bù zhù de/Ca hal ddei mel luldaddur xiux vei pox dae a, yel ngo mia a qie, vae pexlix si a. 那个人把裤子穿反了,所以我看见了就禁不住笑了。That person wore his/her pants backwards, so when I saw (him/her), (I) couldn't help but laugh.1. This auxiliary is only used with the verb /vae/ 'laugh'. An auxiliary (AUX) is defined as word which accompanies the main verb in a clause and helps to make distinctions in the mood, timing or direction of the verb.助动词的定义是:一个或几个字在子句或从句中,伴随着主要动词;可以帮助区分‘情绪,氛围’,‘时序,时机’或‘动词的方向’。pexyix pʰɯ̠⁴⁴ʝi̠⁴⁴
pexniaxlpʰɯ⁴⁴nʲa̠⁶⁶🔊n.gourd instrument葫芦笙/húlúshēng/Pexniaxl mel perler bei teixl lei, ngua mermi su capor mel cirddei-hanga lei mex var. 葫芦笙是用葫芦做出来的,我们地方的男人都会吹。The gourd instrument is made from a gourd, where we are from all the men can play.Compare 另见perlerpexniaxl pʰɯ⁴⁴nʲa̠⁶⁶