


beix dae pe̠⁴⁴ tɛ³³v.in heat发情/fāqíng/Veixr mel beix dae a saelnei ssor zza var. 猪在发情的时候才会怀孕。A pig has to be in heat in order to get pregnant.This is for pigs; other words are used for other animals.Compare 另见meiggaxr daemeiggaxr daeza daebeix doxr a pe̠⁴⁴ to̠²¹ a³³
beixiaxr-beilaxl ceix pe³³ʃʲa̠ʔ²¹-pe³³la̠⁶⁶ tsʰe̠⁴⁴idiom习语annihilate; completely destroy; completely ruin完全弄坏/wánquán nòng huài/Yaa zzihie a, ake ddei beixiaxr-beilaxl ceix. 他们吵架,家庭完全弄坏了。They argued and completely destroyed the family.Anol ddei mi bbae gga beix za dae a, mi bbae beixiaxr-beilaxl cei a. 狗在天理跑来跑去,天完全弄坏了。The dog ran around the field, (and) the field was completely ruined.1. beixiaxr-beilaxl ~ caexrxiaxr-caexrlaxl.beixiaxr-beilaxl ceix ~ beixiaxr-beilal ceix.Compare 另见caexrxiaxr-caexrlaxl ceixbeixiaxr-beilaxl ceix
bei xiaxr gger pe³³ ʃʲa̠ʔ²¹ gɯ²¹v.break弄坏/nòng huaì/Yar ngo ddei zzaegu bei xiaxr gger a, ngo yarzi sirzzi! 他弄坏了我的东西,我很生气!S/he broke my thing, (caused it to break and) I am very angry!Compare 另见xiaxrbei xiaxr hher pe³³ ʃʲa̠ʔ²¹ ɣɯ²¹
beixl pe̠⁶⁶1v.sprinkle/sǎ/Nilme ardoxr miur, yel ni zzirga six car a, ajjix ardoxr beixl her a sael six. 灰有一点多,所以你扫地的时候,洒一点水再扫。There is quite a bit of dust, so when sweeping the floor, sprinkle a bit of water before sweeping.2urinate尿/niào/ Aniux hal ddox mel, ngo pia ddei leil sir ardae beixl deix gger a. 那个小孩尿了一抛尿在我的衣服上。That child urinated on my clothes.1. In order for /beixl/ to mean 'urinate', it must have the word /sir/ 'body fluid; feces ; 身体的液体' in the context. 这个字可以有‘尿’的意思,但必须加一个 /sir/ 字在前面。 /sir/ 是指身体的分泌液体;或‘屎’。The word /beixl/ is to sprinkle; the word /her/ is a general term for putting water on something--it is used for watering plants for example; the word /dox/ is often used for pouring water into a container./beixl/ 意为‘洒’;/her/ 这个字是洒水在什么东西上面的一般用词--譬如:洒水在花草上。/dox/ 意为‘倒’。譬如:倒水在容器里。Compare 另见doxhersirbeixlbeil pe̠⁶⁶
beixto pe̠⁴⁴-tʰo³³escape; run away逃脱/táo tuō/Compare 另见patobeixto pe̠⁴⁴-tʰo³³
bei zaxr pe³³ tsa̠ʔ²¹v.prepare准备/zhǔnbèi/Ngo eilcar a, arggeni ddei zzor labox bei zaxr nia. 现在我要准备明天吃的。Now I must prepared tomorrow's food.This can also be /bei har zaxr/.Compare 另见bei har zaxr daeharhar zaxr daebei zaxr pe³³ tsa̠ʔ²¹
beizi pe³³tsɿ³³n.cup杯子/bēizi/Beizi mel ajjix nei lor dda a sser labox a. 杯子是喝水和茶用的。The cup is used for drinking water and tea.loan借词beizi pe³³tsɿ³³
bei zil be³³ tsɿ⁵⁵v.kill杀死/shā sǐ/Ngama zzomei-lelxi gga bberzzi arzzu bei zil gger a. 我妈妈在厨房里杀死了一些虫子。My mother killed some bugs in the kitchen.1. This is not used for killing animals or people. That would be /seixl (zil)/./ngama/ is the combination of /nga-/ and /ama/. /ngama/ 是 /nga-/ 和 /ama/ 的组合词。Compare 另见beizilbei bel hher pe³³ pɯ⁵⁵ ɣɯ²¹
bei zza wo pe³³ dza³³ wo³³v.get or be accustomed to doing something; get or be used to doing something习惯/xíguàn/Azo lerler bei a lei zza wo lalssa, arseir lei bei var. 做什么都只要习惯,谁都会做。When doing things one just needs to get used to it, anyone can do it.Loxrlapor mel jiax goxr a mel, olddetexl hexzzi doxl eine bei zza wo. 彝族人过节的时候习惯磕头烧香。When the Central Yi people celebrate a holiday, they are accustomed to bowing and lighting incense (to the deceased ancestors).Compare 另见zza wobei zza mae pe³³ dza³³ mæ³³
bel pɯ⁵⁵v.wrap/ba/ Yar qihher ddei pexl a, naxcir bel dae. 他的脚肿了,包着药。His/her foot was swollen, (and) wrapped (along with) medicine.bel pɯ⁵⁵
bel pɯ⁵⁵v. (secondary)次动dare/gǎn/Neixmar a lei, ngo ca sima giexlhexggie ssi bel. 虽然天黑了,我也敢去埋死人的地方。Though it is dark, I dare to go to the cemetery.1. Secondary verbs differ from main verbs in that they never occur at the head of the verb phrase--they follow the main verb. If the main verb is not stated, the secondary verb still comes second and the main verb is replaced by /bei/ 'do '. For example, /nge laexl/ (cry pretend) is 'pretend to cry'. But if it is just 'pretend' without stating what is being pretended, then it is /bei laexl/ (do pretend). Secondary verbs differ from auxiliaries in that, while there is a logical and sequential relationship between the main verb and the secondary verb, the secondary verb does not make distinctions in the mood, timing or direction of the main verb. 次要动词与主要动词之分别是,次要动词从来不在动词子句之首,它们跟在主要动词之后。假如主要动词没有指明或出现,就用 /bei/ ‘做’来代表主要动词。譬如, /nge laexl/ (哭 装) 是 ‘装哭’。 假如只说 ‘装’而没有说装什么,就要说 /bei laexl/ (装做)。次要动词与助动词的不同是:次要动词与主要动词之间有逻辑上和顺序上的关系,助动词并不表明主要动词的时间, 方向,或情绪、语气。“A Dictionary of Linguistics & Phonetics” edited by David Crystal (Fifth Edition) defines serial verb constructions as “...a type of construction for a sequence of verbs or verb phrases within a clause (or sequence of clauses) in which the syntactic relationship between the items is left unmarked. The verbs share a semantic argument, but there is no conjunction or inflection to mark co-ordination or subordination.”由 David Crystal 主编的“A Dictionary of Linguistics & Phonetics” “语言学和语音学字典”对“动词序列”下的定义是 … 在一个从句(或一系列的从句)中,一系列的动词或动词短语的结构里面,项目之间的语法没有标记。 这些动词都带着或分担着共同语义的参数,但其间没有连接词或词形变化来指出同等或附属地位。bel pe⁵⁵
bel pɯ⁵⁵1v.net/bǔ/Ngo ngol yarzi miur bel wo a. 我捕到很多鱼。I netted a lot of fish.2n./wǎng/Bel eil ddei ddei suddu mel ardoxr vaer. 这个网的洞有点大。The holes of this net are a bit big.Compare 另见diuxlngolbelsubel pe⁵⁵
belho pɯ⁵⁵xo³³n.mint薄荷/bòhé/Belho mel ardoxr bbeirne, nael zzorci. 薄荷有一点臭,但是好吃。Mint is a little bit bad smelling, but (it is) good to eat.loan借词bolho po⁵⁵xo³³
beller pɯ⁵⁵ɮə²¹n.basket篮子/lánzi/Beller mel mo bei teixl lei. 篮子是用竹子做出来的。Baskets are made out of bamboo.This is a general word for basket; there are many kinds of baskets./beller/ 是‘篮子’的一般说法;彝族人有许多不同的篮子。Compare 另见bellerjixbellerzzicircaemexrnilyixlorzibeller pɯ⁵⁵ɮə²¹
bellerjix pɯ⁵⁵ɮə²¹-tʃi̠⁴⁴n.basket篮子/lánzi/Bellerjix mel suddu yarzi vaer, yix zul gex cexr. "Bellerjix" 洞很大,可以用来关鸡。The holes in the bellerjie are very big, they can be put over the chickens (like a cage).This kind of basket is not tightly woven; it has large gaps in it between the strips of bamboo./bellerjix/ 这种篮子编的不是很紧密;在一条一条的竹子间有比较大的间隙。Compare 另见bellerbellerzzicircaemexrnilyixlorzi
bellerjix pɯ⁵⁵ɮə²¹-tʃi̠⁴⁴
bellerzix pɯ⁵⁵ɮə²¹-tsɿ̠⁴⁴n.cricket蟋蟀/xīshùai/Bellerzix mel eilmerxixl ci a saelnei me. 蟋蟀到晚上才叫。Crickets only chirp when night arrives.baxllaxrzixl pa̠⁶⁶ɮa̞²¹-tsɿ̠ʔ⁶⁶
bellerzzi pɯ⁵⁵ɮə²¹-dzɿ³³n.basket箩筐/luókuāng/Bellerzzi mel suddu yarzi ye, loxlmoxr lei ji cexr. "Bellerzzi" 洞很小,也可以装粮食。(The) "bellerzzi" has very small holes and grain can be put in it (without leaking out).Compare 另见bellerbellerjixcircaemexrnilyixlorzi
bellerzzi pɯ⁵⁵ɮə²¹-dzɿ³³
ber pɯ²¹CLF(book)/běn/Sul eil ber yarzi noni wo sol. 这本书很难听懂。This book is very difficult to understand.1. The word /noni/ 'listen' is used in this context even if it is not read outloud./noni/ ‘听’适用与包括不出声音的‘听’。 loan借词ber pɯ²¹
berber-lixllixl idiom习语smoothly; well顺顺利利/shùnshùn-lìlì/Eil koxl goxr jjia ho a, zeixleixr hal koxl Arbosobo nia leil berber-lixllixl nga lol nia! 今年过完了,下一年要让上帝让你们顺顺利利的。When this year is over, may God cause next year to go well for you.berber-lixllixl
beryil pɯ²¹ʝi⁵⁵adv.from the start; originally本来/běnlái/Ni yar dax zex doxr nr ssa. Eil ddei beryil dder eine bei nia nor! 你不要一直和他争论。这个本来就要这样做嘛!Don't continually argue. This is what you should be doing from the startǃberyil pɯ²¹ʝi⁵⁵
beryixl pɯ²¹ʝi̠⁶⁶adv.of course当然/dāngrán/Ni bei nr hoxr a mel, beryixl yar ni leil hie mibbe. 你没有做对,他当然应该骂你。If you dowhat is wrong, of course s/he should scold you.Compare 另见bursiberyixl pɯ²¹ʝi̠⁶⁶
bex pɯ̠⁴⁴CLF (verbal)pinch/bǎ/Aniux hal ddox ngo leil ar bex sixl gger a. 那个孩子拧了我一把。That child gave (pinched) me a pinch.Compare 另见sixlbex pɯ̠⁴⁴
bex pɯ̠⁴⁴1n.dough/tuán/Aba bex bei a mel, some sser nia. 做面团,要用面粉。When making bread dough, flour must be used.2v.knead; make dough做米团/zuò mǐ tuán/Ko mel zeixl nr goxr seir a, almeixr bex bex nr cexr, nael zeixl mi ho a mel, bex cexr. 大米还没有煮过不能做米团,但煮过就可以做了。If the rice has not been boiled, it can't be kneaded into dough, but when it has finished being boiled, it can be kneaded.Arbosobo middurbbor nilhar mel bex a, capor bei. 上帝用地上的泥土造男人。God kneaded together the dirt of the earth to make man.bex pɯ̠⁴⁴
bex pɯ̠⁴⁴CLFear (of corn)/bāo/Sexbex zzei ddei naxrcixl arddeirnga, cir zzei lei dder nr bex nr bex bber; naxr-nr-cixl arddeirnga, cir bex lei bber nr var. 玉米好的话,一棵就背两包;不好的话一包也不背。If a corn stalk is good-quality then it might bear two ears of corn; if it's not good-quality then it might not bear even one head of corn.This is an "ear" of corn.Compare 另见sexbexbex pɯ̠⁴⁴
bexbex pɯ̠⁴⁴pɯ̠⁴⁴n.bat蝙蝠/biānfù/Bexbex mel eilnirggu doxlzi gga hher ji dae, eilmerxixl saelnei ddux lei. 蝙蝠白天在洞子里,晚上才出来。Bats are in caves during the day, only at night do (they) come out.worlorbiux wo²¹lo²¹pʲo̠⁴⁴