


eilʔe⁵⁵🔊INTERJhey/āi/Eil, yar arddol ssi a? 哎,他去哪里了?Hey, where did s/he go?il ʔi⁵⁵
eil ʔe⁵⁵DET限定词these; this/zhè/Ca eil ddei eilmaex lei a, ca hal ddei dder ssi du a. 这个人来这里,那个人就走了。This person came (to) this place, that person then departed.1. This is singular or plural depending on whether the classifier following it is singular or plural. 这可以是单数或复数,取决于跟着它的量词或分类词是单数或复数。The indefinate article /ar/ 'a ' is used to introduce new material while the definite articles /eil/ 'this ' and /hal/ 'that ' refer back to information that has already been mentioned. (ar) 是一个不定冠词。用来作为新资料的开头。而固定冠词 /eil/ '这' and /hal/ '那' 乃是用来引用已经出现过的资料。/dex-/, /eil/, /hal/, /nal-/, /vael/, /yo/, /zal-/ and /zil-/ are "proximity demonstratives" (Grammatical category: LOC SPATIAL). The distance can be increased or emphasized by pronouncing the word with greater stress and/or length. (Please see the article by Marlin Leaders "tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc)./de-/, /eil/, /hal/, /nal-/, /vael/, /yo/, /zal-/ and /zil-/ 这些是“邻近指示代词”。距离可以用强调或拉长的音来加增或加强语气。(请参考 Marlin Leaders 所著 “时态–体态–情态(ATM),层次语法,M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc) ”Compare 另见areilpiarhalil ʔi⁵⁵
eilboxlʔe⁵⁵-po̠⁶⁶🔊adv.now; this time现在/xiànzài/Arsaxl ni leil jjixr nia bbeix a, ni nr jjixr; eilboxl almer lei a! 刚才叫你回去,你不回;现在下雨了。(I) just said you should return, (and) you didn't return; now it is raining!Eilboxl ni bei cox a mel, ni leil hie nia; nael zeixleixr eine arboxl zza lol nr ddo a. 这一次你做错了要骂你,但是不能再有下一次。This time you did what is wrong, (and ) will be scolded; but don't let it happen again.ilboxl ʔi⁵⁵-po̠⁶⁶
eilbbaer ʔe⁵⁵-bæ²¹adv.here; this side这边/zhèbiān/Arsaenga a nia dax halbbaer almer lei, ngua dax eilbbaer nr lei? 为什么你们那边下雨,我们这边不下呢?Why is it raining there where you are (but) here where we are it isn't raining?Compare 另见-bbaerhalbbaerilbbaer ʔi⁵⁵-bæ²¹
eilcarʔe⁵⁵-tsʰa²¹🔊adv.now现在/xiànzài/Eilcar a, ni arddol ssi? 现在你去哪里?Now where are you going?Compare 另见arsaxlcarilqixl ʔi⁵⁵tʃʰi̠⁶⁶
eilcar malmal ʔe⁵⁵tsʰa²¹ ma⁵⁵ma⁵⁵adv.just at this time正当这时/zhèng dāng zhè shí/Arni eilcar malmal, almer lei a. 昨天正当这时侯,下雨了。Yesterday, just at this time, it rained.Compare 另见halcar malmalmalmalilqixl malmal ʔi⁵⁵tʃʰi̠⁶⁶ ma⁵⁵ma⁵⁵
eilgielggur ʔe⁵⁵kʲɛ⁵⁵gɤ²¹adv.during this time; recently这段时/zhè duàn shí/Eilgielggur ni zzasoso dae? 这段时间你好吗?Recently have you been healthy?il nr ni sil ʔi⁵⁵ n̩²¹ ni³³ sɿ⁵⁵
eilleixʔe⁵⁵-ɮe̠⁴⁴🔊adv.recently最近/zuì jìn/Ni leil seirseil argielggur mia nr goxr a; eilleix, ni arsaesael nga? 好长时间没看见你了,最近,你怎么样?(I) have not seen you for a very long time; recently, how have you been?Compare 另见halleixilleix ʔi⁵⁵-ɮe̠⁴⁴
eilleix caʔe⁵⁵ɮe̠⁴⁴ tsʰa³³🔊n.this generation现代的人/xiàndài de rén/Eilleix ca mel arseir lei zzi gga goxr meixr; halleix ca mel nael, wordabbor goxr meixr. 现代的人谁都喜欢生活在城市里,以前的人呢喜欢生活在山上。In this generation everyone likes to live in the city; the people in times past, liked to live on the mountain.illeix ca ʔi⁵⁵ɮe̠⁴⁴ tsʰa³³
eilmaexʔe⁵⁵mæ̠⁴⁴🔊adv.here; this place这里/zhèlǐ/Ngua ddei allil mel halcar tortor dder eilmaex hher dae lalnga. 我的祖宗们以前就住在这里。Our ancestors a long time ago lived here.Eilmaex ca yarzi miur; halmaex ca yarzi nganiuxl. 这里人很多,那里人很少。The people here are very many; the people there are very few.1. The locative word /zzar/ means 'in(side)' some structure. a. /nalzzar/ 'up in' b. /lavuzzar/ 'inside' c. /kukurzzar/ 'inside layer' d. /nixmox zzar/ 'in (the) heart'. /-zzar/ 这个表示位置的字的意思是 '内(部)的;里(面)的;内(侧)的' 有些结构像: a. /nalzzar/ '上面在内' b. /lavuzzar/ '里面' c. /kukurzzar/ '里面夹层' d. /nixmoxzzar/ '心里面'. There is overlap in the usage of the locative words /-bbaer/ and /-bbor/ /, but in general, the locative word /-bbaer/ is used when one location is related to a second location, person or thing. a. /giedaebbaer/ 'behind' (some other location, person or thing). b. /xilmeirbbaer/ 'in front of' (some other location, person or thing). c. /lamaebbaer/ 'outside” (of a container). d. /halbbaer/ 'over there' (from the perspective of a person 'over here' /eilbbaer/). e. /qierbbaer/ 'edge' (of something in contrast to the main body of the area). 方位词 /-bbaer/ 和 /-bbor/ 边/面 的用法有些重叠, 一般来说, 方位词 /-bbaer/ 是用于与第二个方位,人或物有相对关系的时候。a. /giedaebbaer/ '在 . . . 后面' (其他的位置,人或物). b. /xielmeirbbaer/ ' 在 . . . (其他的位置,人或物)的前面' . c. /lamaebbaer/ (在容器) '外面' . d. /halbbaer/ '那边' (从一个在) '这边' /eilbbaer/ (的人的观点来看). e. /qierbbaer/ (一个主体的) '边缘' . The locative word /-bbor/ means 'in; on'. a. /merlabbor/ 'in the sky'. b. /middurbbor/ 'on the earth'. c. /xiepaebbor/ 'on the roof'. But it also follows the pattern of /-bbaer/ when it follows the [DET.限定词] /eil/ 'this or /hal/ that' and means 'this side' (eilbbor), in contrast to 'that side' (halbbor) of some boundery like a road or a river, and with /yobbor/ 'on the right 右边' and /vaelbbor/ 'on the left 左边'. 方位词 /-bbor/ 的意思是 '内; 在 . . . 上'. a. /merlabbor/ '天空中'. b. /middurbbor/ '在地上'. c. /xiepaebbor/ '在屋顶上'. 但它也随着 /-bbaer/ 的模式当它跟在 [DET.限定词] /eil/ '这 or /hal/ 那' 之后来显明一条河或路的 '这一边' (eilbbor), 与 '那一边' (halbbor) 之对比, 此外还有 /yobbor/ '右边' 和 /vaelbbor/ '左边'. The noun /maex/ means 'place'. a. /halmaex/ 'that place. b. /eilmaex/ 'this place'. c. /arddolmaex/ 'where; what place'. d. /armaex/ 'a place'. 方位词 /maex/ 意思是 '地方'. a. /halmaex/ '那个地方'. b. /eilmaex/ '这个地方'. c. /arddolmaex/ '什么地方'. d. /armaex/ '一个地方'. The noun /piar/ means 'edge' (of something), or the 'side' (of something). This is in contrast to the locative word /-bbor/ which simply is speaking of two apposing sides or places—over here vs. over there. a. /giedaebbaer piar/ 'the back edge/side'. b. /lazzarmo nr piar/ 'the two edges/sides of the river'. c. /mersi jia gex dae piar/ 'the side the wind blew on'. It also refers to direction. ːa. /yo piar/ 'right side'. b. /arddolpiar gga ssi a/ 'going wherever'. Or it means side, as in a group of people in competition with another group of peopleː. a. /eilpiar nrnel; halpiar nrnel/ 'two on this side, two on that side'. b. /yar dax cir piar bei su/ 'those who were on the same side as s/he (was)'./piar/ 这个名词意思是之某物的一 '边', 或某物的 '旁边'. 与方位词 /-bbor/ 相对比 /-bbor/ 是指两个并列之物的两边或两个地方:在这里 或 在那里. a. /giedaebbaer piar/ '后面那一边'. b. /lazzarmo nr piar/ '河的两岸'. c. /mersi jial gex dae piar/ '凤吹的那一面'. 也可以用于指明方向. ːa. /yo piar/ '右边'. b. /arddolpiar gga ssi a/ '无论去那一个方向'. 或是指在两组相对抗的人中支持那一边的人. a. /eilpiar nrnel; halpiar nrnel/ '这一边(党派)两人,那一边(党派)两人'. b. /yar dax cir piar bei su/ '站在他这一边(支持他)'.ilmix ʔi⁵⁵-mi̠⁴⁴
eilmeiʔe⁵⁵-me³³🔊adv.tonight今天晚上/jīntiān wǎnshàng/Eilmei ni ngua ake gaxggor lei ngo. 今天晚上你到我家来玩。Tonight come visit us at our home.Eilmei yarzi almer zae seir. 今天晚上天气很好。Tonight is very beautiful.ilmei ʔi⁵⁵-me³³
eilmelʔe⁵⁵-mɯ⁵⁵🔊1DEM ADJ指示形容词these这些/zhè xiē/Mi eilmel nia ddei nga nga? 这些田是不是你们的?These fields are yours, right?Eilmaex hher dae ca eilmel maelmaerjjia lei ngua ddei gaxggor carbeix a. 在这里的这些人全部都是我们的朋友。These people who live here are all our friends./armel/, /arzzu/; /eilmel/, /eilzzu/ and /halmel/, /halzzu/ are all written together.2DEM PRON指示代词Zzirbae mel, eilmel ngo li, halmel ni li. 这些钱,这些我要,那些你要。As for the money, this(PL) I'll take, that(PL) you'll take.Compare 另见armelmelilnel ʔi⁵⁵-nə⁵⁵
eilmerxixlʔe⁵⁵-mɯ²¹-ʃi̠⁶⁶🔊1n.Eilmerxixl ci a, wordabbor yarzi neixmar, mia nr ddo. 到了晚上,山上很黑看不见。When night arrives, the mountain is very dark, (you) can't see.1. /cirneixr-nehe/ is early morning; there may be some light to see by but the sun has not come out. /eilneixr-nehe/ is during the morning after sunrise until around 11ː00 a.m. or 12ː00 noon. /eilnirggu/ is the time after /eilneixr-nehe/ until dark. /eilmerxixl/ is after dark. /cirneixr-nehe/ 是很早的清晨;有些曙光,但太阳还未出来。/eilneixr-nehe/ 是早上太阳出来以后,到大约11点或12点。 /eilnirggu/ 是 /eilneixr-nehe/ 以后到天黑。/eilmerxil/ 是天黑以后。eilmerxixl ~ eilmerxiexl.2adv.night; nighttime晚上/wǎnshàng/Eilmerxixl mel alddur lagexddu ddei la gex dae nia. 晚上要肖上门闩。At night the door bar needs to be set in place.Compare 另见xixlmeialmerheixl ʔe⁵⁵-mɯ²¹-xe⁵⁵
eilne ʔe⁵⁵nə³³adv.like this; this way这样/zhèyàng/Compare 另见eineilnel ʔi⁵⁵nə⁵⁵
eilneiʔe⁵⁵ne³³🔊adv.like this; this way这样/zhèyàng/Compare 另见eineilnel ʔi⁵⁵nə⁵⁵
eilneixr-neheʔe⁵⁵-ne̠ʔ²¹-nə³³xɯ³³🔊1n.Zzocir nr zzor seir xilmeir leil nael, eilneixr-nehe bbeix; zzocir zzor ji ho a nael, eilnirggu bbeix. 没吃早饭以前,是说“eilneixr-nehe 早上”;吃了早饭以后是说“eilnirggu 白天”。Before eating breakfast, it is called "eilnexr-nehe"; after eating breakfast, it is called "eilnirggu"./cirneixr-nehe/ is early morning; there may be some light to see by but the sun has not come out. /eilneixr-nehe/ is during the morning after sunrise until around 11:00 a.m. or 12:00 noon. /eilnirggu/ is the time after /eilneixr-nehe/ until dark. /eilmerxixl/ is after dark./cirneixr-nehe/ 是很早的清晨;有些曙光,但太阳还未出来。/eilneixr-nehe/ 是早上太阳出来以后,到大约11点或12点。 /eilnirggu/ 是 /eilneixr-nehe/ 以后到天黑。/eilmerxixl/ 是天黑以后。2adv.morning早上/zǎoshàng/Eilneixr-nehe ha du lei car a, silbbar bbae leil mel zil ddar deix dae. 早上起来,草地上有露水。When getting up in the morning, dew has condensed on the grass.Compare 另见cirneixr-nehealneixr-nehe ʔa⁵⁵-ne̠ʔ²¹-nə³³xɯ³³
eilniʔe⁵⁵-ni³³🔊adv.today今天/jīntiān/Eilni ni azo miar bei? 今天你干什么活?Today what work are you doing?Eilni yarzi almer zae seir. 今天天气很好。Today the weather is very good.ilni ʔi⁵⁵-ni³³
eilni-arggeni ʔe⁵⁵ni³³-a²¹gɯ³³ni³³idiom习语future以后/yǐhòu/Eilni-arggeni arsae var mel niul nr saexl, Arbosobo lar saexl. 以后会怎么样我们不知道,只有上帝知道。We don't know the future, only God knows.arddolqixl ʔa²¹do⁵⁵tʃʰi̠⁶⁶
eilnirgguʔe⁵⁵ni²¹gɤ³³🔊1n.afternoon; daytime白天/báitiān/Zzocir nr zzor seir xilmeir leil nael, eilneixr-nehe bbeix; zzocir zzor ji ho a nael, eilnirggu bbeix. 没吃早饭以前,是说“eilneixr-nehe早上”;吃了早饭以后是说“eilnirggu白天”。Before eating breakfast, it is called "eilnexr-nehe"; after eating breakfast, it is called "eilnirggu".2adv.Eilnirggu merni ddux lei a, yarzi lexl no.白天太阳出来了,很晒。During daytime the sun comes out, and it is so bright it hurts./cirneixr-nehe/ is early morning; there may be some light to see by but the sun has not come out. /eilneixr-nehe/ is during the morning after sunrise until around 11ː00 a.m. or 12ː00 noon. /eilnirggu/ is the time after /eilneixr-nehe/ until dark. /eilmerxixl/ is after dark./cirneixr-nehe/ 是很早的清晨;有些曙光,但太阳还未出来。/eilneixr-nehe/ 是早上太阳出来以后,到大约11点或12点。 /eilnirggu/ 是 /eilneixr-nehe/ 以后到天黑。/eilmerxixl/ 是天黑以后。almerni ʔa⁵⁵mɯ²¹ni³³
eilpiar ʔe⁵⁵-pʰʲa²¹n.this edge; this side这边/zhèbiān/Ngo eilpiar a gga hher dae a yar leil ae, nael yar halpiar a gga hher dae a bbe-nr-jjiur. 我在这边叫他,但是他在那边没有听见。I was on this side and called him/her, but s/he was on that side and did not hear.1. The locative word /zzar/ means 'in(side)' some structure. a. /nalzzar/ 'up in' b. /lavuzzar/ 'inside' c. /kukurzzar/ 'inside layer' d. /nixmoxzzar/ 'in (the) heart'. 位置格的词: 1. /-zzar/ 这个表示位置的字的意思是 '内(部)的;里(面)的;内(侧)的' 有些结构像: a. /nalzzar/ '上面在内' b. /lavuzzar/ '里面' c. /kukurzzar/ '里面夹层' d. /nixmoxzzar/ '心里面'. There is overlap in the usage of the locative words /-bbaer/ and /-bbor/ /, but in general, the locative word /-bbaer/ is used when one location is related to a second location, person or thing. a. /giedaebbaer/ 'behind' (some other location, person or thing). b. /xilmeirbbaer/ 'in front of' (some other location, person or thing). c. /lamaebbaer/ 'outside” (of a container). d. /halbbaer/ 'over there' (from the perspective of a person 'over here' /eilbbaer/). e. /qierbbaer/ 'edge' (of something in contrast to the main body of the area). 方位词 /-bbaer/ 和 /-bbor/ 边/面 的用法有些重叠, 一般来说, 方位词 /-bbaer/ 是用于与第二个方位,人或物有相对关系的时候。a. /giedaebbaer/ '在 . . . 后面' (其他的位置,人或物). b. /xielmeirbbaer/ ' 在 . . . (其他的位置,人或物)的前面' . c. /lamaebbaer/ (在容器) '外面' . d. /halbbaer/ '那边' (从一个在) '这边' /eilbbaer/ (的人的观点来看). e. /qirbbaer/ (一个主体的) '边缘' . The locative word /-bbor/ means 'in; on'. a. /merlabbor/ 'in the sky'. b. /middurbbor/ 'on the earth'. c. /xiepaebbor/ 'on the roof'. But it also follows the pattern of /-bbaer/ when it follows the [DET.限定词] /eil/ 'this or /hal/ that' and means 'this side' (eilbbor), in contrast to 'that side' (halbbor) of some boundery like a road or a river, and with /yobbor/ 'on the right 右边' and /vaelbbor/ 'on the left 左边'. 方位词 /-bbor/ 的意思是 '内; 在 . . . 上'. a. /merlabbor/ '天空中'. b. /middurbbor/ '在地上'. c. /xiepaebbor/ '在屋顶上'. 但它也随着 /-bbaer/ 的模式当它跟在 [DET.限定词] /eil/ '这 or /hal/ 那' 之后来显明一条河或路的 '这一边' (eilbbor), 与 '那一边' (halbbor) 之对比, 此外还有 /yobbor/ '右边' 和 /vaelbbor/ '左边'. The noun /maex/ means 'place'. a. /halmaex/ 'that place. b. /eilmaex/ 'this place'. c. /arddolmaex/ 'where; what place'. d. /ar maex/ 'a place'. 方位词 /maex/ 意思是 '地方'. a. /halmaex/ '那个地方'. b. /eilmaex/ '这个地方'. c. /arddolmaex/ '什么地方'. d. /ar maex/ '一个地方'. The noun /piar/ means 'edge' (of something), or the 'side' (of something). This is in contrast to the locative word /-bbor/ which simply is speaking of two apposing sides or places—over here vs. over there. a. /giedaebbaer piar/ 'the back edge/side'. b. /lazzarmo nr piar/ 'the two edges/sides of the river'. c. /mersi jia gex dae piar/ 'the side the wind blew on'. It also refers to direction. ːa. /yopiar/ 'right side'. b. /arddolpiar gga ssi a/ 'going in whatever direction'. Or it means side, as in a group of people in competition with another group of peopleː. a. /eilpiar nrnel; halpiar nrnel/ 'two on this side, two on that side'. b. /yar dax cir piar bei su/ 'those who were on the same side as s/he (was)'./piar/ 这个名词意思是之某物的一 '边', 或某物的 '旁边'. 与方位词 /-bbor/ 相对比 /-bbor/ 是指两个并列之物的两边或两个地方:在这里 或 在那里. a. /giedaebbaer piar/ '后面那一边'. b. /lazzarmo nr piar/ '河的两岸'. c. /mersi jial gex dae piar/ '凤吹的那一面'. 也可以用于指明方向. ːa. /yopiar/ '右边'. b. /arddolpiar gga ssi a/ '无论去那一个方向'. 或是指在两组相对抗的人中支持那一边的人. a. /eilpiar nrnel; halpiar nrnel/ '这一边(党派)两人,那一边(党派)两人'. b. /yar dax cir piar bei su/ '站在他这一边(支持他)。Compare 另见eilpiarilpiar ʔi⁵⁵-pʰʲa²¹
eilseneʔe⁵⁵sə³³nə³³🔊adv.this morningg今天早上/jīntiān zǎoshàng/Compare 另见eilse-neheilse-nehe ʔi⁵⁵sə³³-nə³³xɯ³³
eilse-neheʔe⁵⁵sə³³-nə³³xɯ³³🔊1adv.this morning今天早上/jīntiān zǎoshàng/Eilse-nehe nia azo zzor? 今天早上你门吃什么?This morning what did you eat?2n.Eilse-nehe yarzi almer zae seir. 今天早上天气很好。This morning is very beautiful.1. This is any time before 12:00 noon.这是指中午12点以前。eilse-nehe ~ eilsene.Compare 另见eilseneilse-nehe ʔi⁵⁵sə³³-nə³³xɯ³³
eilteteʔe⁵⁵ tʰə³³-tʰə³³🔊1DEM ADJ指示形容词this no good thing这个/zhè gè/Zzor labox eiltete zzor lei zzor-nr-ci, ngo nr li! 这个吃的东西吃也不好吃,我不要。This no good food does not taste good, I don't want it!Ca eiltete yarzi bbaeyo. 这个人太懒了。This no good person is very lazy!Ni eiltete, azo lei bei nr var! 你这个什么都不会做。You no good thing, (you) can't do anything!2DEM PRON指示代词Capor eil te yi dda, zzibbaer lei dda, ngo eiltete leil nr li! 这个男人抽烟也喝酒,我不要这个(人)!This man smokes, (he) also drinks, I don't want this no good thing!1. This is said when someone is angry. The classifier /te/ is used for animals or used derogatively for people. It was reported that this word is not used in the village of ZhangJia.据说张家村那里不用此字。
eilyox ʔe⁵⁵ʝo̠⁴⁴pron.this kind那种/zhè zhǒng/Var eilyox bir halyox leil zzorci leixl. 这种菜比那种好吃。This kind of vegetable is better tasting than that kind of vegetable.Compare 另见halyoxilnel ʔi⁵⁵nə⁵⁵
eilzzar ʔe⁵⁵dza²¹LOC SPATIAL方位in here里面/lǐmiàn/Almer lei a, ni eilzzar arleixr pahher lei. 下雨了,你来里面躲一下。It is raining, come in here and hide (from the rain).This locative word is similar to what Marlin Leaders refers to as "spatial grounding" of the action, in his article Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc., because it gives relative direction information rather than just location information. /aga(la)/ 'between, among, in the midst of' is what Marlin Leaders would call the "neutronym".这一个方位词与 Marlin Leaders在 “Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc.” (时态-局面-语气 TAM)所说的行动 “空间的接地”。因为它给了相对方向的信息,而不是只有位置的信息。Marlin Leaders 叫 'between, among, in the midst of 中间' 这些字为 "neutronym"。Compare 另见halzzarilzzar ʔi⁵⁵dza²¹

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