


bexl pɯ̠⁶⁶n.foliage; stalks and leaves秆和叶子/gǎn hé yèzi/Cei ddaexr a, cei bexl mel cir bo cir bo neixl du lei nia. 打谷子要把谷草一把一把的绑起来。When threshing rice, the rice stalks and leaves are tied up bundle by bundle.So mel yarbexl zza, yarbexl mel halae zzeir leil zzol cexr. 麦子有麦秸秆,麦秸秆还可以让动物吃。Wheat has stalks and leaves, the stocks and leaves can also be eaten by livestock.
bexl pɯ̠⁶⁶
bexlelte pɯ̠⁴⁴ɮə⁵⁵tʰə³³n.baby婴孩/yīnghái/Compare 另见aniux bexlelteagelssor ʔa³³gɯ⁵⁵zo²¹
bexlze pɯ̠⁶⁶tsə³³n.plant clippings 禾秸秆/héjiěgǎng/Bexlze gga ddaexr teixl lei loxlmoxr saer mel yarzi yojiar yel zzeir leil zol lalnga. 禾秸秆里打出来的粮食种子很不好,所以只能让动物吃。The threshed grain amongst the plant clippings is very low quality, so it is only fed to the livestock.The /bexlze/ is the small pieces of plant material that is produced in the process of threshing the grain--bits of stems and leaves. Among the plant material is some good seed, so it is all fed to the animals./bexlze/ 这是打谷后剩下的碎碎的谷类植物的茎干或叶子的小片。其中仍有些好的谷粒,可以用为饲料。Compare 另见paerbexlze pɯ̠⁶⁶tsə³³
biar pʲaʔ²¹v.tell/jiǎng/Yar gurlir biar a, yarzi noni zae. 他讲故事,很好听。(When) s/he tells stories, (it is) very interesting./bbeix/ is often used for reported speech, so it is common in stories. It is the verb most often used when reporting a conversation between people. The /biar/ verb is used when someone is telling someone about something, and the /te/ verb is used when someone is just talking or speaking a particular language./bbeix/ 是经常用在间接引语,所以在故事叙述中常见。这是在描述人与人之间的对话常用的字。/biar/ 这个动词则用於当某人在告诉另一人一些事情。/te/ 用於某人在讲话或说某种语言时而用。Compare 另见biarbeibiar cibiar hoxr nr ddobiar kaebiar zei sibbeixddar biarddar bbeixtebiar pʲaʔ²¹
biarbei pʲaʔ²¹-pe³³v.talk about讲遍/jiǎngbiàn/Yar bei nr sir bei a, cirmaex-hanga lei biarbei a. 他做了不合适的,每一个地方都讲遍了。The bad things s/he did were talked about everywhere.Compare 另见biarbiar cibiar ggerbiar kaebbeix cibiarbei pʲaʔ²¹-pe³³
biar ci pʲaʔ²¹ tsʰɿ³³v.pass on information讲到/jiǎng dào/Gurlir eil ddei nia dax biar ci ci a? 这个故事讲到你们那里了吗?Has this story been passed on to you?Compare 另见bei cibiarbiarbeibiar kaebbeix cicibiar qi pʲaʔ²¹ tʃʰi³³
biar gger pʲa²¹ gɯ²¹v.tell告诉/gàosù/Ngo ni leil biar gger a, ni yar leil biar gger nr ddo. 我告诉你,你不能告诉他。(What) I tell you, you are not allowed to tell him/her.Compare 另见biarbeibiar hher pʲa²¹ ɣɯ²¹
biar hoxr nr ddo pʲaʔ²¹ ho̠ʔ²¹-n̩²¹-do³³v.not able to make someone understand讲不到一块/jiǎng bù dào yīkuài/Nganei mel zeixleixr lei zzi vaervaer gga lei nr seix, yel ngo zzi gga ddei cirza-hanga mel yar dax biar lei biar hoxr nr ddo. 我奶奶他们从来没有来过大城市,所以我讲城里各种各样的,跟她讲不到一块。My paternal grandmother has never come to a large city, so I can't make her understand the things of the big city./nganei/ is the combination of /nga-/ and /anei/. /nganei/ 是 /nga-/ 和 /anei/ 的组合词。Compare 另见biarbiar hoxr nr ddax pʲaʔ²¹ ho̠ʔ²¹ n̩²¹ da̠⁴⁴
biar kae pʲaʔ²¹ kʰæ³³v.spread by word of mouth传开/chuán kāi/Yar yar maerssor leil bei zil gger a, cirmaex-hanga lei biar kae a. 他杀死了他的妻子,每一个地方都传开了。(The fact) that he killed his wife, was spread by word of mouth everywhere.Compare 另见biarbiarbeibiar cikaebiar kei pʲaʔ²¹ kʰe³³
biar zei si pʲa²¹ tze³³ sɿ³³talk about; tell讲下去/jiǎng xià qù/Gurlir eil ddei zeixleixr biar zei si. 这个故事再讲下去。This story continues to be told.Compare 另见biarsizeibiar zei yi pʲa²¹ tze³³ ʝi³³
biax pʲa̠⁴⁴AUX (direction)助(方向)down/biǎn/Zzaegu ddei halmaex ji dae a nixl biax a. 东西放在那里面压扁了。(If) you put (the) thing there it will get pressed down (flattened).Yaa zzideil a, hal ddei deil biax gger a. 他们打架,把那个打扁了。They fought and beat that one down.Compare 另见nixlnixl bbeixrbiax pʲa̠⁴⁴
biaxguxdaex pʲa̠⁴⁴kɤ̠⁴⁴tæ̠⁴⁴adj.flat扁扁/biǎnbiǎn/Ngo almeixr meixr a, xilbe ddei lei biaxguxdaexmo ar ddei meixr mal a. 我饿了,肚子也饿得扁扁的。I am hungry and my stomach has become flat because of hunger.Yaxrpexr eil ddei nixl xiaxr ho a, biaxguxdaexmo ar ddei loxr a. 这个盆子压坏了,成了一个扁扁的。The basin was smashed and broken and became something that was flat.This is for something that had a shape and has become flattened, like a tire for example. The word /bbae/ is for a flat surface.biaxgoxdaex pʲa̠⁴⁴ko̠⁴⁴tæ̠⁴⁴
bidu-bardu pi³³tɤ³³-pa²¹tɤ³³idiom习语clumsily; unsteadily笨手笨脚/bènshǒu-bènjiǎo/Aniuxssor mel jjiumo ssi zza beil a ngaseir a, bidu-bardumo ssi, yarzi fasol. 小孩子刚学走路笨手笨脚地走,很危险。When a little child has just learned to walk, (s/he) walks unsteadily, (it is) very dangerous.bidu-bardu pi³³tɤ³³-pa²¹tɤ³³
biex pʲæ̠⁴⁴1v.ask/wèn/Yar ngo leil biex: "Ni leil arsae mi?" 他问我:“你叫什么名字?”S/he asked me, "What is your name?"2greet问好/wèn hǎo/Ni ake jjixr a, niabbor niama leil zzasoso dae biex. 你回家,问你爸爸妈妈的安。When you return home, greet your father and mother.The /niabbor/ is the combination of /nia-/ and /arbbor/; the /niama/ is the combination of /nia-/ and /ama/./niabbor/ 是 /nia-/ 和 /arbbor/ 的组合词;/niama/ 是 /nia-/ 和 /ama/ 的组合词。Compare 另见zzasoso dae biexbiex pʲæ̠⁴⁴
bil pi⁵⁵1v.carry on the shoulders/tiāo/Capor mel yarzi bil worni. 男人们挑得很有力。Men are physically strong for carrying things on their shoulders.Zaezir eil zoxr yarzi vaer, ca nrnel bil nia. 这张桌子很大,要用俩个人来扛。This table is very big, two people are needed to carry it on (their) shoulders.Most of the time this verb means to carry something with a pole, but it can also mean to carry something on the shoulders without a pole./bil/ 多半用在用杆子挑东西的场合,但也可以用在不用杆子,而直接挑东西在肩膀上。2lift/tái/Ni oldde bil du la a, arleixr i. 你抬起头来,看一下。Lift your head (and) have a look.Ni leixrhher ddei bil du la a dder zzaegu ddei vei wo ddo a. 你把手抬起来就可以拿到东西了。If you lift your hand you will be able to get the item.3carry in the mouth/diāo/Anol hal te hherggar ar taex bil dae. 那个狗叼着一个骨头。That dog is carrying a bone in its mouth.Axneix hal ddei zzo bil lel wo a dder bbiu du si a. 那个乌鸦叼吃了食物就飞走了。The crow got some food to eat (with its beak) and flew away.Compare 另见bbaxbberbil pi⁵⁵
bil pi⁵⁵v.brush; comb/shū/Ni oldde bil bil ho a? 你有没有梳头(发)了?Have you combed your hair?When talking about combing or brushing someone's hair, the word 'head' is used rather than 'hair', i.e. 'brush your head'./bil/ 用在梳头发的时候,所用的字是‘头’而不是‘发’:‘梳头’。Compare 另见olbilbel pɯ⁵⁵
biller pi⁵⁵ɮə²¹n.grandparent and grandchild两公孙/liǎng gōngsūn/Nr biller mel hherdder lilbol-lilmo nei arbo anei leil bbeix. 说两公孙就是说孙子,孙女和爷爷奶奶。Saying "nr biller" is referring to the grandson or granddaughter and grandfather or grandmother.The /nr biller/ means a grandparent and one grandchild. The child can be anyone who is connected to the grandparent as long as it is a child from the generation who would think of that person as a grandparent; they don't have to be a relative--as long as there are two of them including the grandparent. The number which is put in front of /biller/ can change if there are more kids. If a person wants to specify that it is a grandparent and son rather than a grandparent and daughter it would be /lilbol (yaa) nr biller/. If it is a grandparent and a daughter it would be /lilmo (yaa) nr biller/./biller/ 公孙。 /nr biller/ 意思为祖孙两个人。其中这个孙辈可以是与这个祖辈有任何关系的孙辈中的人, 在他眼中这人像是一个祖父母辈的人,不一定要有真正的血源关系,只要是一个孙辈和一个祖辈两个人。/biller/ 前面可以有不同的数目,表示有更多的小孩子与祖辈在一起。要是想明确指出孙辈的性别,那么,祖辈和孙子可以说 /lilbol (yaa) nr biller/;祖辈和孙女可以说 /lilmo (yaa) nr biller/。Compare 另见bollormarlarmollorbiller pi⁵⁵ɮə²¹
bir pi²¹v.sign; signal打手势/dǎ shǒshì/Yar ddar te nr var, yel leixrhher ddei bir lalnga. 他不会说话所以只能打手式。S/he could not talk so (s/he) only made signs with (his/her) hands.bir pi²¹
bir pi²¹v.compared to/bǐ/Ni bir yar leil vaer. 你比他大。Compared to him/her you are big(ger).loan借词bir pi²¹
bir dae a bbeix pi²¹ tɛ³³ a³³ be̠⁴⁴v.for example; give an example比如说/bǐrú shuō/Bir dae a bbeix, yar yarzi seir arddeirnga a, ni yar leil lizoxrzoxr? 比如说,他很好的话,你喜欢他吗?For example, if s/he were a very good person, would you like him/her?Yar ngo leil bir dae a bbeix ddar cirke bbeix gger a. 他对我说了很多的例子。S/he spoke to me giving a lot of examples.It was reported that this phrase is not used in the village of ZhangJia.据说张家村那里不用此短语。
bir gex pi²¹ kɯ̠⁴⁴v.place against; put against胁持/xiěchǐ/Yaa nrnel zzideil a, altor ddei zzicarzzi leil bir gex dae a. 他们俩个打架,用刀互相胁持着。(When) the two were fighting, they put knives against each other.bir gex pi²¹ kɯ̠⁴⁴
biu pʲo³³v.throw/paō/Yar altor ar baex biu gel lei a, ngo ddei pia xiux leil biu gex dae a! 他抛过来一把刀,刺在了我的衣服上。S/he came throwing his/her knife (into things), and pierced my clothing!The word /zax/ is when something is thrown with a lot of force at something or someone else. If something is thrown so someone can catch it, it would be /piar/. /Biu/ is when something sharp is thrown at something. When something just drops accidentally it is /dezei/ which is the same as when someone trips and falls./zax/ 字用于以非常大的力量砸人或砸东西。/piar/ 字用于丢一个东西让别人可以接得住。/biu/ 是丢一个尖尖的东西。 若是意外的掉落什么东西,就用 /de zei/,一个人不小心跌倒,也可以用 /de zei/。Compare 另见dezeipiarpiar pixlzaxbiu pʲo³³
biu pʲo³³n.bone marrow骨髓/gǔsuǐ/Veixr mel ddei hherggar gga biu mel yarzi zzorci. 猪的骨头里面的骨髓很好吃。The marrow in pigs bones is very delicious.biu pʲo³³
biul pʲo⁵⁵CLF(banana; bean; hot pepper)个(香蕉;辣椒;扁豆)/gè (xiāngjiāo; làjiāo; biǎndòu)/Lalzir biul mel deil me ho a saelnei lalzir me loxr var. 一个一个的辣椒打碎了以后才能成为辣椒粉。The pepper plants have to be ground into powder in order to make it into pepper powder.byl py⁵⁵
biulbiulcar pʲo⁵⁵pʲo⁵⁵tsʰa²¹n.cymbals/bó/Sulzzaggie xinixr goxr car, biulbiulcar deil no deil, caxlgo caxl no caxl, yarzi gaxggor seir. 学校里过新年的时候,又敲拨又唱歌,很好玩。At school when celebrating the new year, cymbals are played and songs are sung, it is a lot of fun.biulbiulcar