


duixlzuxlddo tʷe̠⁶⁶tsʮ̠⁶⁶-do³³v.treat well对得住/duì dé zhù/Ngo ni leil hie nr goxr a, ni dax duixlzuxlddo! 我没有骂过你,对得住你!I have never scolded you, I have a treated you wellǃLabialization occurring in words that are not borrowed from Mandarin Chinese is simply the result of a consonant plus /o/ combination, where the influence from the /o/ vowel—which is pronounced with rounded lips—causes the labialization. This diphthong /ʷo/ is in free variation with the /o/; there is no contrast. If some other vowel, other than /o/, follows a labialized consonant, the word is probably a Mandarin Chinese loan.唇发音出现在非源自汉语的字群中,是子音加上 /o/ 的结果。这是由元音字母 /o/ 所带来的影响 – 嘴唇做圆形状而发出的音 – 而产生的唇发音。双元音 /o/ 是与 /o/ 自由变化;没有对比。如果有其他非 /o/ 的元音,跟在一个唇发音子音之后,这个字很可能是来自汉语的借词。Compare 另见duixlzuxl-nr-ddoduixlzixlddax tʷe̠⁶⁶tsɿ̠⁶⁶-da̠⁴⁴
duixlzuxl-nr-ddo tʷe̠⁶⁶tsʮ̠⁶⁶ n̩²¹ do³³v.treat poorly对不住/duì bù zhù/Ni ca dax duixlzuxl-nr-ddo! 你跟人对不住。You treat people poorly!Labialization occurring in words that are not borrowed from Mandarin Chinese is simply the result of a consonant plus /o/ combination, where the influence from the /o/ vowel—which is pronounced with rounded lips—causes the labialization. This diphthong /ʷo/ is in free variation with the /o/; there is no contrast. If some other vowel, other than /o/, follows a labialized consonant, the word is probably a Mandarin Chinese loan. 唇发音出现在非源自汉语的字群中,是子音加上 /o/ 的结果。这是由元音字母 /o/ 所带来的影响 – 嘴唇做圆形状而发出的音 – 而产生的唇发音。双元音 /o/ 是与 /o/ 自由变化;没有对比。如果有其他非 /o/ 的元音,跟在一个唇发音子音之后,这个字很可能是来自汉语的借词。Compare 另见duixl-nr-zuxlduixlzuxlddoduixlzixl-nr-ddax tʷe̠⁶⁶tsʮ̠⁶⁶ da̠⁴⁴
du leitɤ³³ ɮe³³🔊1AUX (direction)助(方向)up起来/qǐ lái/Almer lei ho a, so mel ner du lei a. 雨下过后,小麦长起来了。After it has rained, the wheat grew up.Merteir a mel, yixr nr ddo a; ha du lei nia a. 天亮了,不能睡了,要起来了。At dawn (you) are not allowed to sleep, (you) have to get up.Eilni niul liardir miar bei du lei a. 今天我们两点开始工作。Today we started up work at two o'clock.1. /du lei/ means 'up' following verbs. But it doesn't only apply to verbs of motion; sometimes it is used idiomatically as in "started up" in the example above. /du lei/ 意思是 '起来',跟在动词后。不只用在有移动的动词;有时用在惯用语以表示开始;如同上面的例子。An auxiliary (AUX) is defined as a word which accompanies the main verb in a clause and helps to make distinctions in the mood, timing or direction of the verb. Some verbs function as main verbs of movement as well as auxiliaries showing direction.助动词的定义是:一个字在子句或从句中,伴随着主要动词;可以帮助区分‘情绪,氛围’,‘时序,时机’或‘动词的方向’。 有一些词可以用作含有移动性的主要动词,或用作助动词以显明方向。2VERBALIZER动词化become; gottenEilleix, ngua mermi su caleixlssor mel miur du dax lei a. 现在我们地方的小伙子多起来了。These days, where I live young men have become more and more.Ni leil nr mia nr koxl sael nga a, ni mu du lei bbe! 好几年没看见你,你长高起来了。I have not seen you for several years, (and) you have gotten tall!Almeixrmeixr du lei a! (肚子)饿起来了。(I) have gotten hungry!Xiubbo ddux lei a, bbele du lei a. 月亮出来,亮起来了。When the moon comes out, it becomes bright.Yar leixrzzu bbor arleixr cir a, bbiexr du lei a. 他的手镯洗一下,亮起来了。She washed (her) bracelet, (and) it became shiny.Ca hal ddei zzaegu vur a, vur be du lei a. 那个人卖东西,卖富起来了。That person sold things, and (as a result of) selling became rich.Guxlsixl ci a, zzimusu be du lei a. 快到春节,赶街的人多起来了。When it was Spring Festival, the shoppers became many.When the /du lei/ functions as a verbalizer, it follows an adjective.当 /du lei/ 用来作动词化的功能时,它跟在一个形容词后面,将其动词化。du lei tɤ³³ ɮe³³
dur tɤʔ²¹v.bet/dǔ/Niul nrnel arleixr dur lei, eilni almer lei var var bbe'i. 我们俩个打个赌,看看今天会不会下雨。Lets make a bet, lets see if it will rain today or not.Ngua eil ddei arseir bei cox dur a, ngo leil dur gex dae a. 我们赌这个是谁的错,把我赌上了。(When) we bet on who did this wrong, I lost the bet.loan借词Compare 另见cenijiunijiudur tɤ²¹
durda tɤ²¹ta³³adj.complete; whole整个/zhěnggè/Ni ngo leil mae sixllexr ardoxr nei durda ar cox vei gger si la. 你给我拿一点斜布和整块的。Give me a piece of cloth cut at a diagonal and a full piece of cloth.durda tɤ²¹ta³³
dux tɤ̠⁴⁴1v.gather; put together收集/shōují/Ca hal ddei sol bbeixarnar, zzibbae cirdoxr cirdoxr dux a, yar aniux leil sul zza ssi lol. 虽然那个人穷但是他收集一点一点的钱,让他的孩子上学。Though that person is poor, (s/he) has collected money little by little, to allow his/her children to go to school.2put together/pīn/Hhexrturxi naexr a mel, nr seixr a zzi leil dux gex xixl lei nia. 缝插针包,要把两面拼在一起。When sewing a pin cushion, two layers need to be put together.dux tɤ̠⁴⁴
duxl tɤ̠⁶⁶n.degree/dù/Eilni yarzi gielco a, soceingor duxl sael zza! 今天很热,大概有三十五度。Today is very hot, it's about thirty-five degrees (celsius)!loan借词duxl tɤ̠⁶⁶
duxr tɤ̠ʔ²¹adj.poisonous; venomous/dú/Sae eil ddei yarzi duxr, niul yar leil mox ssi nr ddo. 这个蛇很毒,我们不能去摸它。This snake is very poisonous, we should not touch it.loan借词Compare 另见duxryoxrduxr tɤ̠ʔ²¹
duxryoxr tɤ̠²¹ʝo̠ʔ²¹n.poison毒药/dúyào/Duxryoxr mel cirdoxr a dda lei, ca leil si lol var. 毒药只喝一点点,也会让人死。Drinking even a little bit of poison, can cause a person to die.loan借词Compare 另见duxrduxryoxr tɤ̠²¹ʝo̠ʔ²¹