Browse Bible Dictionary



decreeRuling, verdict, announcement, declaration, judgment, order, law. DTP As a disciple of Christ we have been given decrees that Christ commands us to carry out as His servants here on earth.
dedicate / dedicated /dedicationOffer, give, donate, bestow, contribute. DTP In the Old Testament people dedicated things or objects and sometimes themselves to God; In the new Testament the disciples were challenged to dedicate all they owned and all they were to Christ for His service.
deed / deedsEndeavor, accomplishment, effort; one's action or work; the things that show one's attitude or truths by which one lives. DTP By our actions we will either receive a blessing or punishment. We are measured by the things we say and do. What we do here on earth can greatly affect our rewards and blessing in heaven. We must be speak wisely and minister to others; deeds done for Christ and people will result in reward for our labours.
defend / defenceProtect, secure, shield, to guard against, to keep an enemy from destroying or killing. DTP Sometimes we forget that Christ is interceding on behalf of the disciple of Christ in Heaven. He is our defence and shield but all we must do each day is believe and trust that He knows what is right and perfect for our lives.
defile / defilethThis means to be unclean or dirty, to mar or spoil. DTP It can mean that we are unclean physically, mentally or spiritually. We can become dirty by the ways of this world and by our sinful lives. Other words that can describe this condition of man: corrupt, tarnished, spoiled, tainted or polluted; one who is no longer pure or clean. This state can only be changed by giving our lives to Christ Jesus, who can make us white as snow (Isa 1:18).
defraudTo take advantage of someone's finances or possessions. To deceive, to swindle, to cheat or trick someone in order to get something that belongs to them. DTP Satan loves to defraud the believer of their peace and joy that they have in Christ.
deismBeginning around the 17th century, the belief that God created all things but then left the world to unfold in its own natural way; God is viewed as "Watchmaker", one who has created and wound it up and then sits back and watches it work.
DeityDeity of God, creator of all things, eternal, all powerful, all knowing, divinity, divine being, holy being. DTP The disciple believes in the Deity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that they are together as one God.
delightGladness, enjoyment, joy, pleasure; an emotion of joy and contentment, a place of peace and excitement. DTP True delight comes to the disciple when he takes time to immerse himself in the word of God which becomes the light for his life pathway. He can make sense of the past, understand the present and is able to walk into the future with God. This becomes the disciple's delight here on earth.
deliver / deliveredTo deliver into the hands of, also to betray. DTP Christ delivers us from our enemies. With Christ He deliver us from our enemies; we were bound by sin and Christ is our Deliverer, coming to set us free from the strongholds of Satan.
deliveranceRelease, liberation, redemption, set free. DTP The people often found themselves in some form of bondage, both physically and spiritually, but when they would repent God would bring them deliverance.
delivererTo save or to set free, to release from the enemy. DTP Jesus is our deliverer who has come to set us free from sin and death. We were in bondage by Satan and this world, and Christ came to the earth to shed His blood so that we could be set free from an eternal damnation.
demon / demonsSpirit, devil, demon; an evil spirit that are servants of Satan. And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling; these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day, Jude 1:6. The great dragon was hurled down; that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him - Revelation 12:9. Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads. Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born. Revelation 12:3, 4. DTP They are determined to overthrow the plans of God Almighty in heaven, Satan as a serpent, plunged mankind into eternal death but Christ came to redeem those who would confess their sin to Him; the demonic realm is powerful in nature and is able to destroy and kill; they have the ability to oppress and possess people and sometimes, objects.
demon oppressionDominating, coercion, cruelty, repression, subjugation; DTP oppression of Satan is like a heavy weight that is placed on people, whispering destructive thoughts into their minds.
demon possessionTo take ownership, to rule and direct; DTP Demon possession is when Satan comes into one's mind and thoughts, controlling our minds and sometimes our actions; these spirits can only be removed from people's lives through much prayer and fasting; pleading Christ's name and blood is the process which Scripture demonstrates as the direct way of delivering a person from this form of Satanic bondage.
demonic presence of evilEvil on or around a person or thing. DTP Satan is very active in the everyday affairs of the world and this is why the disciple of Christ must put on the full armour of God. We need to be aware that we are involved in a spiritual warfare concerning our own walk but also as we relate to the lives of others.
denariusThis was a form of Roman money equal to about a days' worth of wages at that time. Matt 20:1-16 Jesus gives a parable concerning the labourers in the vineyard and how they were paid their wages for the work that they did.
deny / denied / deniethRenounce, reject, relinquish, abandon, forsake, refuse; not accepting the results or truth of something, disbelief, to say no to. DTP The disciple needs to remember that our speech and action can deny Christ before others. The way that people see and understand who Christ is, often comes through the things we say and do.
departTo move on from one place to another, to go to someplace else, to take leave.
deportationTo move a people group from their lands to another place or country. It is a form of genocide in today's thinking. These people are being held captive by another people group either as hostages, slaves. The goal is to destroy their way of live, to remove people from their customs and traditions.
depravityImmorality, corruption, wickedness, evil. DTP Man has a sinful and fallen nature; we are incapable on our own to come into the presence of God. (Example of Gen 6:5-7; Ps 5:9; Rom 1:28; 3:10-18; Eph 2:1-3; 1 Pet 1:18-19)
depth /depthsTo go down deep, to explore, to go deeper into insight or knowledge concerning a certain topic of study.
descend / descended / descendingTo go down, to come down from a higher place.
descendantA line of people who come from the same blood lines or can be understood by a family tree. This can be up of many generations. DTP Jesus was from the root of Jessie. We as disciple are of the family of Christ.
desire / desiredTo want, to long for, craving, yearning, a need, to covet, to wish for, to long after in one's heart, to purpose or desire to do, to seek after or to hunger for.