Browse Bible Dictionary



tabernacleThis was a tent-like structure that was used as the people of Israel moved about during their times of wandering following the exodus from Egypt; it was also used also in the promised land up until the temple was built by Solomon. The tabernacle was the centre of religious life for the Jewish people. The tabernacle had three main sections: the outer court featuring the brazen laver and brazen altar; the Holy Place where the golden altar of incense, table of showbread and golden lampstand were located; the Holy of Holies where the Ark of the Covenant was kept. The high priest could enter the Holy of Holies only once a year to make on offering for the people. (See Exodus chapter 25-27). It can also mean the human body in which the Holy Spirit resides (See 2 Corinthians 5:1, 2 Peter 1:13, 14).
tableA piece of furniture with one or more legs, providing a level surface on which objects can be placed; typically used for eating meals, working, writing, etc. In the Tabernacle, the table was where the 12 loaves of unleavened bread were placed. It can also mean a place and time where we spiritually commune or dine with God and His family.
tabletsA flat slab of stone or wood upon which statements could be written. The Ten Commandments were written by God on two tablets of stone.
take / took / taketh / takenTo accept, receive, to lay hold of and transport to another location. DTP God is a God Who gives, but He may also take from us because He knows what is best for us; He knows what will make us to grow and mature for His glory. Life presents many times when we receive from God, but also we need to be ready to give back to God that which He has entrusted to us. Our hands (lives) need to be open to receive what God provides, but we also need to realize He can take away what He provides.
talent / talentsA weight measure of approximately 95 pounds (35 kg). Talent can also mean a natural aptitude or skill with which one is born or has acquired.
talk / talkedTo speak, utter, to share with someone through words, to communicate. DTP We are called upon by the Lord to give a verbal testimony of Christ to others. Talking is a two-way street which starts with prayer; as we talk with God He will talk with us. With that kind of relationship with the Lord we can talk with others about Jesus Christ.
tarryTo wait, to stay in one place for a period of time. DTP For the disciple, it means to come to the Lord in prayer, sharing one's heart and then waiting for His answer so that we can be guided in our walk with Christ.
taskmastersA person who imposes a harsh or onerous workload on someone. During the time of the Hebrews' enslavement in Egypt, taskmasters were instructed to elicit monumental work efforts from the slaves. In their efforts to motivate them to work harder, they even beat the people with whips and sticks.
taste / tastedThe sense of being able to experience different flavours in one's mouth. To perceive the flavour of something by experiencing a small sample. DTP We are to taste and see that the Lord is good. Just "a little bit of the Lord" will cause us to experience His goodness!
teach / taughtTo give information or instruction to another. DTP Teaching is something we are all to do, but it is also one of the spiritual gifts that God gives to the body of Christ. While we are to teach others, we ourselves must also be taught. The learning process never ends. There is always more to learn.
teacherOne who gives instruction, tutors, or educates. DTP We are all called to teach; we must realize that we are teaching others at all time by our actions and words. Teachers have a greater accountability before God; we should be careful how we instruct others. The church where we gather should be a teaching centre, a place to ground people in the Word of God. Teaching, as well as preaching, can used as a method of evangelism.
teaching, giftThe Holy Spirit gives to the church the gift of teaching, because teaching is the method that God uses to instruct His people. The disciple is to be a teacher as well as a learner, instructing people so that they may produce fruit that will glorify God.
tearA drop of saline watery fluid secreted between the eye and the eyelid. Tears can be evidence of deep sorrow. Tears are the deep outward expressions of one's heart. We may weep before the Lord both in sorrow and in gladness. Tears of joy can reflect our overwhelming gratitude for the goodness of the Lord.
tellTo declare, to proclaim, to reveal, to instruct, to share what one knows with another. DTP We are to be servants, going out to tell others of the good news of Jesus Christ. Telling is proclaiming truth and helping people understand the things of God.
temperanceSelf-restraint, abstinence, moderate, to be self-disciplined, to have restraint, willpower, to control one's emotions or behaviour especially when facing trials or struggles in one's life, to be slow to anger. DTP The disciple, through the power of the Holy Spirit, is to live a life of balance and temperance / self-control. Prayer each day helps the disciple to be controlled by the will and power of the Holy Spirit. Disciples must depend upon the ability and strength of Jesus Christ; we cannot live a temperance / self-controlled life on our own.
templeA building devoted to worship. The first Hebrew temple was built in Jerusalem by Solomon. It was the centre of religious life for the Jewish people. The Temple had three main sections: the outer court featuring the brazen laver and brazen altar; the Holy Place were the golden altar of incense, table of showbread and golden lampstand were located; the Holy of Holies were the Ark of the Covenant was kept. The high priest could enter the Holy of Holies only once a year to make on offering for the people. (See Ex chapter 25-27) It can also mean the human body and the collective Body of Christ (the Church) in which the Holy Spirit dwells.
tempt / temptation / trialsEntice or attempt to entice someone to do or acquire something that they find attractive but know to be wrong. To enter into temptation, to be lured, to face enticement, something that appeals or attracts us to go in a wrong direction. DTP Satan often temps us with pleasure and self-gratification. The temptation is the first step in getting us to move away from God's will, and moving into sinful thoughts and actions. Temptation is not the sin but acting on that temptation is what makes it sinful. Scripture also sometimes uses "tempt" in relation to disciples trying the patience of God.
temptationA desire to do something wrong, a testing, allurement, enticement, something that appeals or attracts us to stray off a good path. Satan often temps us by pleasure and self-gratification. DTP Satan often temps us with pleasure and self-gratification. The temptation is the first step in getting us to move away from God's will, and moving into sinful thoughts and actions. Temptation is not the sin but acting on that temptation is what makes it sinful.
Ten CommandmentsThese were the laws of God that were twice given to Moses. The law were divided into two parts: religious (first 4 laws) and moral (the last 6 laws). They were given to the Jewish people as a foundation on how they should relate to God and each other. (See Ex 20:1-17) The Christian church has adopted these laws, as they are a powerful guide in one's everyday life. (See Matt 5:19)
testTo check out, to examine to see if real or true, to judge, or to try, also can mean to undergo a trial or to be tempted. DTP The disciple is to test things and not just take for granted that all things are acceptable; they could be cloaked in terminology that may result in falling into some type of sin, trap or snare of the devil.
testamentEither of the two major portions of the Holy Bible, the New Testament and the Old Testament Scriptures. Both testaments provide historical evidence concerning people and events. They recount for us the actions of God in the history of mankind. Can also refer to a person's will.
testify / testimonyTo give evidence as a witness of what one has seen or experienced; to declare under oath before a judge. DTP Disciples should always be ready to give a testimony of their faith in Jesus Christ, testifying of our personal relationship with Him and how he lives and works through our lives.
thankTo be grateful for, to bless or give praise, to express gratitude to someone for what they have done. DTP It is very important that the disciple have a heart that is full of thanksgiving. Often we are not thankful because we are focused more on the things of the world than we are on Jesus Christ. Everything we have is a gift of God, including each new day. Even in the midst of deep suffering there are always things for which we can give thanks to our Lord.
thanksgivingExpression of gratitude, especially to God. DTP Paul tells disciples that they are always to have an attitude of thanksgiving and a grateful heart; this is the will of God for us as we serve Him (See 1 Thes 5:18). Often churches celebrate once a year a special day of Thanksgiving, to remember about what God has done, for the blessing and for the harvest that we have received.
theismThe belief in the existence of one God or gods, especially in one Creator God, intervening in it and sustaining a personal relationship with His creatures. DTP The disciple of Christ believes in One God who created all things and is the One who has no beginning or end. He is the Source, Support and End of everything that exists.