Browse Bible Dictionary



NAHUM, book ofWritten by Nahum around 664 BC, this is one of the 12 books of the minor prophets in the Hebrew Scriptures or what is also known as the Old Testament. This book describes the downfall of the city of Nineveh and why the city was destroyed.
nameName, tag, handle, designation, title, label. DTP In Scripture, a name often reflected the character and nature of the person. Naming a child was a very important event, especially if it was a boy. Sometimes God would intervene in what the child's name should be (example: not "Zacharias" but "John").
name of the LORD / name of the LordThis is a title of the living God, the Creator of all heaven and earth. He is the one to Whom we bow and serve with all our hearts. He is the Lord of lords and the King of kings.
names of ChristThere are more than 160 names and titles by which Christ is known; most of them are descriptive of who Christ is and how He ministers to us here on earth. Some of Christ's names are: Redeemer, Prophet, Son of God, Holy One, King, Stone, Rose of Sharon, Emmanuel, Counsellor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace, Jehovah, Messiah, Judge, Jesus, Son of Righteousness, Son of David, Son of Man, Master, Saviour, Word, Light, Lamb of God, Bread of Life, I Am, Door, Good Shepherd, Resurrection, Vine, Way, Truth, Life, Prince, Lord, Deliverer, Second Adam, Chief Corner Stone, Mediator, God, Daystar, Eternal Life, Advocate, Alpha and Omega, Almighty, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Root of David, Lord of Lords, King of Kings.
names of GodMost of the many names for God are descriptive in nature of who He is and how He ministers to us here on earth. Some of God's names are listed here: Elohim, Mighty One, God, El, Might, Power, Eloah, Yahweh, LORD Adon / Adonai, Lord Ruler, I Am, Most High God, Almighty God. See the list of names under the Jehovah section.
names of the Holy SpiritThere are names that are given for the Holy Spirit and most of them are descriptive in nature of who the Holy Spirit is, and how He ministers to us here on earth. Some of His names are: Breath of God, Comforter, God, Spirit of the Lord, Spirit of God, Teacher, Spirit of Truth, Revealer, Witness, Guarantor, Guide, Seal, Indweller, Intercessor, Advocate, Counselor.
nation / nationsA large aggregate of people within a certain boundary; a country. A nation can be distinctive, having a specific culture and tradition or it can be a country that has a diversity of ethnic groups living together.
nativityThe word means birth or the place of one's birth. Mostly used when speaking of events surrounding the birth of Christ. Today we have many different nativity scenes around the Christmas season.
natural revelationGod's showing Himself, through creation (Ps 19:1-4) and through man's innate enquiring and understanding (Acts 17:27.28). The atonement, the incarnation, and plan of salvation can only be revealed through His written Word, as made known by the Holy Spirit.
natureCollectively, the physical world in which man lives, as well as the laws that govern creation. Can refer to the character or personality of a person.
Nazarene / NazarenesA person who lived in, or was from, Nazareth. Jesus was born in the city of Nazareth.
Nazarite / NazaritesA Israelite consecrated to God's service by making a special type of vow before witnesses and God. The Nazarite vow could be made for a short period of time or it could be a lifetime commitment. Some Bible characters who made this vow of commitment were Samson, Samuel and John the Baptist. They abstained from wine, unclean things and did not cut their hair or beard. (See Num 6:1-21).
nearTo come close to, to come alongside, to have close companionship and fellowship. DTP The disciple of Christ is to take time to draw near each day to the heart of God because, as we draw near, we will then know His will and have better understanding on how we should serve Him as our Lord and Saviour.
NebuchadnezzarHe was a famous king of Babylon that lived at the same time as Daniel. He was the king that conquered Judah and destroyed the city of Jerusalem, taking back many Jewish people into Babylonian captivity.
needSomething that is of necessity. Differing from a want, a need is something important for personal life existence or for one's work, something that one cannot go without, a requirement, a necessity. DTP When we seek God, we must understand that we are to come to Him for our needs, not for our wants. The desire for wants is often worldly-based and, in the end, will perish with this world.
needleA small slender steel rod or piece of wire having a sharp point at one end and an eye or a hole for thread at the other end; used for sewing. Another type of needle, termed a syringe, is used by medical people to administer drugs. In Jerusalem there was a very small gate or hole in the wall that only a person could go through. He would have to remove anything he was carrying before passing through. DTP The disciple is to strip off all the cares of the world before passing into the presence of Christ.
NEHEMIAH, book ofThis book is closely linked to the book of Ezra. God calls Nehemiah to go back to Jerusalem to rebuild the city walls. He is a cupbearer for King Artaxerxes. This king had a compassionate heart for the Jewish people and was generous in allowing some of the people back to the city; he also gave back much of the temple treasury. The book was written around 446 BC and is mainly a testimony of Nehemiah's work and service for God and for the people at Jerusalem.
neighbour / neighbour'sSomeone who lives in close proximity to another. Also can mean one's fellow human being or fellow-man. DTP The Scripture commands us to love our neighbours as we love ourselves. We need to open our eyes and see the needs of our neighbour, because God wants to use us to be a light that may draw them into a personal relationship with Christ. We always need to be praying for our neighbours and co-workers.
neo-orthodoxy / OrthodoxA theological movement often associated with Karl Barth, a German teacher (1886-1968). His teaching was in reaction to the liberal teachings of the early nineteenth century. Several older doctrines were reinterpreted during this time; for example, inspiration of the word, human depravity, and some of the words of Christ.
newOriginal, fresh, different. DTP The disciple is to become a new creation in Christ. We die to the old ways and begin a new life in Christ Jesus.
new birthSometimes called being "born again". The idea of first dying to oneself and then receiving a new life through faith in Jesus Christ. We are no longer to participate in the sins of our sin nature; Christ has birthed us forth spiritually by faith and trust in Him. "Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again'." (John 3:6, 7 NIV).
new commandmentDirective, order, charge, instruction, mandate. DTP For the disciple, a commandment is a direct statement that he or she must obey. Christ added a new commandment that the disciples were to follow: we are to "love one another" and this can only be done through the power of the Holy Spirit and a personal relationship with Christ Jesus.
new covenantAgreement, contract, treaty, promise, pledge; in the Bible "covenant" relates to an agreement between God and man; some are for a period of time while others are everlasting. Christ made a new covenant with Israel. (See Hebrews 8:7-13). Christ gave to the disciples a new agreement or covenant between Him and them; this is what the communion service reminds us of each time we partake of it. See 1 Cor 11:23-26.
new creationWith Christ there is a dividing line between what is old and what will be new. When we invite Christ into our hearts we become new creations; the old life has passed away. When we get to heaven we will have a new body, new clothing and even a new name. The old will pass away and eventually all creation will become new. (See 2 Cor 5:17).
new manWith Christ there is a dividing line between what is old and what will be new. When we invite Christ into our hearts we become new creations; the old life has passed away. When we get to heaven we will have a new body, new clothing and even a new name. The old will pass away and eventually all creation will become new. (See 2 Cor 5:17).

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