Browse Bible Dictionary



Palm SundayThe Sunday prior to Christ's crucifixion and resurrection. It was the time when Christ entered into Jerusalem and the people shouted praise to Him, laying down their cloaks and palm branches. This was a triumphant entry fit for a king. (See Matt 21:8-11; Mark 11:8-10; Luke 19:36-38.)
palsy / palsiesA disease that can cause various parts of the body to be paralyzed; usually accompanied by involuntary tremors. A disabling of the nerves in one part of the body; the lost of feeling and the ability to use that part of the body. It can also cause speech difficulties.
pantheismThis is a doctrine identifying God with the universe, or regards the universe as a manifestation of gods. Can also mean worship that admits multiple gods. This is an unscriptural teaching that God cannot be just one and personal, but that all laws, forces, manifestations that are in the universe are considered part of God. This can be seen in the religion of Buddhism and Hinduism just to name two. DTP The disciple of Christ is to worship the one true, divine, triune God who is the Creator of heaven and earth and distinct from them.
parable / parablesThese are said to be earthly stories with heavenly meanings. They can be pictures or stories from nature, history, or from culture and tradition. Parables illustrate moral or spiritual lessons. Jesus taught the people with many parables.
paracleteAn advocate; most often translated as "Helper" or "Comforter"; One who speaks on behalf of another. DTP Jesus uses this word to explain the role of the Holy Spirit for us as Christ's disciples (John 14:16, 26; 15:26; 16:7; 1 John 2:1). The Holy Spirit is in us, to help and guide us in our walk with Christ Jesus.
paradiseThis is like an ideal garden, a place of beauty and perfection, the Garden of Eden being a prime example. Paradise has come to mean heaven, a place where one day all believers in Christ shall live for eternity.
paraphraseA rewriting or retelling in easier-to-understand language. Uses basic language and common phrases. The Good News Bible, the Message Bible and the Living Bible are good examples of paraphrases; they simplify the understanding of the original Hebrew or Greek text.
parchmentsThe dried skin of a lamb or goat prepared is such a way that one can write on it. It was used as a durable writing surface in ancient and medieval times.
pardon / pardonedAction of forgiving or being forgiven. It is often used as a court term in a legal case. The judge can pardon the guilty person. It is used 20 times in the Old Testament. DTP God demands a righteous reason for His pardoning of the sinner. This comes through the atoning work of Jesus Christ. The idea of pardon is key to the doctrine of salvation. Personally believing in Christ leads to forgiveness of one's sins.
parentsFather or mother of a child; progenitor. Parenting can also come through adoption of a child. Can also refer to one who mentors and trains a younger person. Parenting is teaching and nurturing, watching over and protecting children bodily, emotionally and spiritually. Jesus portrayed God as a Father (parent) who looks after his children perfectly. See Matthew 7:11. DTP As Christian parents, we are to point our children to the place of personally knowing God and His deep love for them. They need to learn to obey and walk in the ways of God (Deut 6:5-9; Ps 128:1-3; Eph 6:1-4).
partaker / partakersOne who shares along with others, joins in or is involved with; participant, accessory, member. DTP As disciples, we need to be careful about what or with whom we join. Joining with the wrong crowd will make us members with them in what they say and do; this can lead to death and destruction. We must become one with Jesus Christ, a participant and member of His body.
pass / passed / passethTo permit, to have authorization, a license or permission, to move on by someone or something.
PassoverThis was a day for the people of Israel to celebrate their miraculous deliverance from Egypt (Ex 12:14-24). The idea of this term comes from how God passed over the houses of Israel, because of the sacrificial blood of a lamb that was spread over the mantel and door post of their homes. Their homes were also to be clean from all presence of yeast (yeast represented sin that can so easily spread through a person's life). Those who followed the directions were saved from the death angel, but the firstborn of the Egyptians were all killed. The Passover takes place either in the month of March or April. DTP For the disciple, Christ has become our sacrificial Lamb; when we believe personally in Him and ask to be cleansed of all personal sins, we can then receive for all eternity, everlasting life.
Pastoral EpistlesA descriptive title often given to the books of 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus. These books were written by Paul to Timothy and Titus who were going out as Christ's ambassadors to the various newly planted churches. These epistles are concerned with church organization and discipline. Paul talks about how to appoint elders and deacons, and gives instructions concerning church doctrine.
pastorsA minister in charge of a Christian church or congregation. This was one of the gifts provided by the Holy Spirit to be used in the body of Christ; the Church. The Greek word poimen is translated either as shepherd or pastor. A pastor ministers like a shepherd to a flock. He works under the Great Shepherd, Jesus. See 1 Peter 5:1-5. He is one who leads, nurtures and cares for God's people. They are to be people who have servant hearts, unselfishly loving the flock over which they've been given charge. The Scripture also warns the shepherd to be careful how they minister to the sheep because there will be strict judgment from Christ for those who been given this key ministry position by God. (See the word shepherd, plus study Psalm 23:1-6 what the job description of a shepherd/pastor is.)
pasture / pasturesLand covered by grass and other low plants suitable for grazing animals, a meadow, grassland, prairie. DTP As disciples, we are the sheep of God's pasture; we need to eat of God's Word and drink of His Spirit; this is what will cause us to become mature in Christ Jesus.
path / pathsAlso known as pathway. A trail over the ground that has been made by animals or people. A walkway made by continual treading. It gives guidance in reaching a destination. DTP For the disciple, God's Word is to be a pathway for us to walk, and by which we ought to live. God, through the unction of the Holy Spirit, shows us a way through the various challenges that we may be facing in our lives each day. Prayer and the reading of God's Word can be the path that leads us from bondage to freedom. There is strength and guidance in walking together with other believers in God's ways.
patient / patience / patientlyCapacity to accept delay, trouble, or suffering without anger. Forbearance, longsuffering, slow to anger; patience is one of the fruits of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22. DTP It is like "going the second mile" with people, giving them time and understanding even if they've wronged you or fallen short of expectations. We need to "go the distance" in helping and encouraging another.
patriarch / patriarchsThe older head man of a family, clan, or tribe; a highly respected man, one who has much wisdom and understanding, able to help guide others through challenging problems. An older woman with the same qualities is called a matriarch. Deborah arose, a mother in Israel (Judges 5:7).
PaulPaul was an apostle, a missionary who worked with many other disciples of Christ such as John Mark, Barnabas, Timothy, etc. He described himself as "a Hebrew of the Hebrews"; he was a Pharisee who persecuted the church. After his transformation, he joined in "yoke suffering" with Christ, experiencing frequent stoning, whipping, and prison. He was the author of thirteen epistles in the New Testament where he often emphasized the deity of Jesus Christ and the importance of salvation by grace through faith in Christ Jesus. He also taught how important it is that the disciple live a holy and obedient live before their God. Paul's key doctrine was the Lordship of Christ in all areas of the believer's life.
peaceTranquility, calm, restfulness. Also freedom from war and unrest. DTP This is a gentle quietness of heart that comes from Christ. Christ can give to the disciple pure peace in the midst of a raging storm. It is a place of calmness, freedom from the anxiety and the cares of this world. Perfect peace comes by keeping our mind and heart focused on Jesus Christ, knowing that He has gone before us in all things and has become for us our personal Victor.
peace offeringSee section on "offerings, peace".
peacemakerOne who makes peace between individuals or various groups of people. One who is able to encounter turmoil and destruction and bring people to a place of hope and freedom. DTP The disciple is to be like Christ who became our peacemaker with God. Our sins kept us at war with God but through the atoning blood of Christ on the cross, we can enter into His perfect peace. The disciple is also to be a peacemaker, often through self-sacrifice, helping others to be reconciled to God.
Pentateuchhe name given to the first 5 books of the Hebrew Scriptures (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy). The word comes from two Greek words: penta (meaning five) and teuchos (meaning volumes). These books cover the time from creation through to the end of Moses' life, Moses being the author of all 5 books. These first five books of law are the foundation stones to all other Old and New Testament books. These books give to us the laws and ways of God, and demonstrate that He is One God and is personally interested in the everyday affairs of man.
PentecostThis was a Jewish holy day that came fifty days after the Day of Atonement or Passover. It was also known as the Feast of Weeks (Ex 34:22; Deut 16:9-11) or Feast of Harvest (Ex 23:16) or the Day of the First Fruits (Num 28:26). DTP Pentecost occurred fifty days after Christ's death (at Passover); As the disciples waited in the upper room, the Holy Spirit came like a mighty wind and fire, filling the disciples with the fullness of God's abiding presence. From the day of Pentecost to the present day the Holy Spirit is our teacher and comforter. The day of Pentecost was also the day that the disciples of Christ became the bride of Christ, His eternal church.