Browse Bible Dictionary



desolateIsolated, bleak, abandoned, forsaken, wild, uninhabited, solitary, waste, and barren; can be a very bleak and cold place, where one can feel alone.
desolationAbomination, revulsion, abhorrence, hatred, a place of total destruction. DTP Sometimes God would pronounce judgment upon the people either because of sin or for turning their backs toward Him and worshipping other gods; several times the city of Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed; many nations around Israel were also destroyed; the disciple must know that there is a high price for sin which often leads to death and destruction.
despise / despised / despisethAbhor, detest, distain, hate, scorn; to look negatively toward, to have a bad taste in one's mouth against something or someone.
destroy / destroyer / destroyedObliterate, wipe out, annihilate, demolish, tear down. DTP This word carries with it the idea of physical destruction but also it can have meaning concerning the emotion and spiritual sides of man; we are builders from our time of birth in the physical and in our minds but we also can build spiritually so that we can mature and produce fruit. Satan desires to destroy us on all levels so that we will not be able to bring glory to God with our lives.
destructionTo ruin, to devastate, to tear down and destroy, to obliterate, to break into pieces.
DEUTERONOMY, book ofDeuteronomy means second law, Jews would call it the "word"; it was written by Moses (Deut 31:9, 24, 26); there are three speeches or instructions, plus some final counsel to the people of Israel before they were to cross over the Jordan River into the promised land. Moses could not go in but he would watch from the other side.
devil / devilsA demon; an evil spirit that is a servant of Satan, determined to overthrow the plans of God Almighty in heaven. DTP Satan as a serpent plunged mankind into eternal death but Christ came to redeem those who would confess their sin to Him. The demonic realm is powerful in nature and is able to destroy and kill; the devil wants to be ruler of the entire world.
devotionTo love, to have loyalty to another, to dedicate oneself to God through prayer, worship and the studying of the Bible, to die to self and to live totally for Christ Jesus as Lord. DTP The disciple needs to live a life of devotion to Christ Jesus. We need to be devoted to prayer and the Study of the word. We also need to be devoted and committed to a life of service for Christ. It is a commitment that He makes to us and we need to commit fully to Him.
devour / devouredconsume, destroy, eat, to make waste.
dichotomismThis is a doctrine and believe that man is only made up of two parts (dichotomy), a body and mind (soul). (see the word dichotomy.)
dichotomyThis is a teaching that man is only made up of two parts, a body and mind (soul). The example of Adams creation in Gen 2:7 is often used; it was not until the New Testament where we see that man is more a trichotomy; made up of body, soul and spirit (1 Thes 5:23). (see also the word "dichotomism".)
die / diedTo be without life. All bodily functions come to an end here on earth. All movement stops, breathing and heartbeat are no more. We can also die a spiritual death resulting in an eternity in hell. DTP The key to a successful walk and life for Christ is to be willing to die daily to self. As long as our sin nature remains alive and on the throne we will always struggle and fail. Christ wants us to have life and to have it more abundantly but this starts first by dying to oneself. It is no longer I that live, but it is Christ who liveth in me (John 11:25; Acts 17:28; Rom 14:8; Gal 2:20).
direct / directedTo guide, lead, to give a command or order, give direction to another, to give some wisdom and understanding to another.
discern / discerning /discernedWise, wisdom, understanding (KJB), (Job 34:34; Rev 13:18) enlightened, of good judgment, learned to determine between what is right or wrong, to look somewhat into the future for wisdom and understanding for God's leading and direction for one's life.
discerning spirits, giftA gift from God that is used in the body of Christ to help one distinguish between truth and error, whether the information is spoken or implied.
disciple /disciplesFollower, believer, supporter, devotee, student, learner. DTP A disciple is one who follows after the imparted knowledge of a teacher; disciples emulate the lifestyle of the teacher; in the New Testament people were called by Christ to follow Him and in so doing they became His disciples. (Both men and women can be called disciples).
discipleshipProcess of training and equipping someone. DTP The disciples of Christ are commanded to go out and make disciples and this can only come through the discipline of discipleship training.
disciplineRegulation, order, control, obedience, correction, punishment; discipline can also mean a form of training. DTP A disciple comes under the discipline of their teacher. The disciple is subject to the way, truth and life of Christ Jesus (John 14:6).
disease / diseased / diseasesA sickness that can afflict different aspects or functions of the body. It can be borne from without or come from within being passed on from generation to generation, sometimes leading to incapacitation or even death. DTP Sin also acts like a disease that can wound, inflict and kill the believer.
dishonest / dishonestyLying, deceitful, false, untruthful, corrupt; this word is the opposite of honest. DTP The disciple's character should be one that is honest and true before both man and God; God sees the dishonest heart and cannot bless His people, if their hearts are in this condition.
dishonourDiscredit, bring shame on, disgrace, humiliate. DTP The Bible teaches that we are to honour one another above ourselves, but often, through our speech and action, we show dishonour to our brothers and sisters in Christ and even to God Himself.
disobedient / disobedienceDefiance, breaking the rules, insubordination, rebellion, challenging authority. DTP God calls us to obey Him and His word but we are often like little children who desire to follow their own will, than the will of their parents; as disciples of Christ, we are called and commanded to obey the ways and teaching of God.
dispensation Concerning theology these words deal with how God dealt and revealed Himself to man over different periods of time; it shows through the Bible also stages of God's redemptive plan for mankind.
dispersionTo move a people group from their lands to another place or country. These people are scattered throughout the lands around the world. The goal is to destroy their way of life, to remove or destroy people's customs and traditions. This is what has happened to the Jewish people over the last 2000 years.
distress / distressedAffliction, anguish, calamity, grief, misery, sorrow, suffering, tribulation, trouble; to have deep heart affliction to one's body soul and spirit.