Browse Bible Dictionary



shine / shoneEnlighten, illuminate, gleam, sparkle, lighten, glisten. DTP We as disciples should demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit to a lost and dark world. We are to be a shining testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to be a light that is set upon a hilltop that all may see. The world is full of darkness and we are commanded to let our light shine forth for Jesus Christ. As a lighthouse, we need to let God shine though us so that others may see His glory revealed in our lives.
shoeFoot protection, often made of leather and available in a variety of styles and colours. DTP We read in the Old Testament that God's followers were to remove their shoes when they came into or before the presence of the Lord; there was to be nothing between the person's feet and the Holy Ground on which he was standing. In describing the full armour of God, we are told to have our feet shod with the Gospel of peace, giving the idea that wherever the disciple goes, the Gospel of peace should be proclaimed. Eph 6:15.
shoffarA Jewish word referring to a ram's or deer's horn used as a trumpet to call out to the people. It was used in religious ceremonies and as a battle signal or a warning of danger. It was also used as a part of praise and worship of God to summon His power and strength. (See the word trumpet and also See Joshua 6:4).
shoutTo speak out loud, to cry out or call to someone. Shouting attracts people to hear and look in your direction. It can also be a way to express great joy in worship to God.
showbread / shewbreadsee the word "shewbread".
sick / sicknessNot to be well, infected with some type of disease or infirmity. DTP Disciples are to pray for the sick; elders are to anoint the sick with oil and pray. To see people healed, both faith and Christ's Holy Spirit filling us and flowing through us are necessary. All must be done while recognizing God's sovereignty; everything must be done according to the will of the Father in Heaven.
sign / signsA mark, a miracle, a wonder, something beyond the normal way of doing things. Something that cannot usually be explained scientifically. Can be a warning or alert pointing us to something of danger or of what lies ahead. DTP God sometimes uses different signs to guide his disciples. He also tells us that there will be signs that will point to His second coming and that we should be watching for them.
signet ringA ring that has embedded into it letters or a seal that, when pressed into hot wax, leaves an impression representing the owner of the ring and his authority.
signs and wondersThese are often considered to be miracles from God, they show His power and usually go against man's scientific explanations. They are often experienced by more than just one person. Example Acts 2:1-13 the coming of the Holy Spirit.
simpleUncomplicated, humble, modest, unpretentious, meek, understandable, unsophisticated, sincere. DTP The gospel of Christ needs to be proclaimed to others in its simplicity so that they may comprehend and understand the amazing truth of Jesus Christ.
sinTo offend, to transgress, to trespass or do wickedness. An act of disobedience toward God and His laws. Something that is corrupt and transgresses the moral laws of God. A falling away from, or missing the mark of God's commands. DTP Because of the disobedience of Adam and Eve, mankind inherited a sin nature. The soul of man is born in corruption and sin.
sin imputedImputation means to reckon or to charge to one's account. There are various views on imputed sin, but the most common is that all have sinned (Rom 5:12) because sin has come through Adam and Eve's disobedience to God when they ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This sin introduced death into their world; thus the death penalty came upon all who are born. In Adam, all humanity was present at that time. Because of one, sin entered the world; because of One (Jesus Christ and His death on the cross) we can, through faith, have forgiveness for our sins.
sin inheritedThis teaching deals with how we ended up with a sin nature, through the disobedience of Adam and Eve. Because they were the first two parents, from them all mankind has inherited a sin nature. The soul of man is born in corruption and sin.
sin natureMan is born with a sin nature he does not have to do anything to become a sinner; he or she is a sinner from the moment of conception. We have become sinners because of Adam's and Eve's disobedience in the Garden of Eden. Because we all come from these first parents, we too carry their sin nature in our lives. This curse can be broken only by believing and receiving Jesus Christ personally into one's life.
sin, personalBecause of our sin nature and a spirit of disobedience that dwells within our lives, man battles between doing the will of God and his own personal will. We personally sin when we turn our backs on God and follow after the lawlessness and corruption of this world. In various places throughout the Bible, lists of personally committed sins are enumerated. (See Col 3:5-11)
sing / sang / sungTo use one's voice to make music, hum, carol, to rejoice. DTP The disciple's heart should be full of love for Christ Jesus and, because of that, our hearts should sing forth praise and adoration unto our Lord. He is truly our Lord and King and we should rejoice with Him for Who He is and for what He has done for us. Singing is an expression, likened to a river of love that comes from our hearts and mouths, giving thanks and praise for all that our Lord has done.
sinnersPeople who have committed acts of disobedience toward God and His laws. People who are outside of the will of God.
Sion / ZionSee the word "Zion/Sion".
sit / sat / sittethTo recline on a chair, to relax, to contemplate or make a decision from, to be seated. DTP It is important that we take time to sit ("be still") before the Lord, to meditate on Him and His Word, and to hear His still small voice encouraging and directing us according to His will for our lives.
slanderMaking a false (oral or written) and malicious statement damaging to someone's reputation. DTP We as disciples should not put down or speak evil of others. Our goal is to lift up the broken-hearted and to restore those who have fallen; we are not to tear them apart.
slay / slew / slainTo kill or put to death, to cut to pieces, murder, assassinate, massacre, slaughter, butcher, exterminate.
sleep / sleptTo slumber, not to be awake or conscious; can also refer to death. DTP The disciple needs to be careful that they he does not fall into a spiritual sleep where he does not hear the voice of the Lord, or is no longer aware of what is taking place around him.
slingA simple weapon in the form of a strap or loop, used to hurl stones or other small missiles; used by shepherds and soldiers alike. When swung in circles and released at the right moment, a stone could be flung with deadly accuracy.
smite / smote / smittenTo kill, to strike, to hit, beat or punch.
snareA trap for catching birds or animals, usually employing a noose of wire or cord. Something which hinders movement, slows down, binds, or entangles. DTP Satan desires to snare or entangle the disciple in sin and in the affairs of this world. Prayer and studying of the Word of God keeps us from being ensnared by Satan and the ways of the world.