Browse Bible Dictionary



Word / wordA single distinct meaningful element of thought expressed by speech or writing. DTP Jesus Himself announced that He was the Word (John 1:1). See Psalm 119:172 ... this is a Psalm that gives to us the big picture of the awesomeness of the Word. The Word (Scripture) is to be the disciple's standard by which he lives. The Word is the way, truth and life in all areas of life; we are called to be obedient to the Word and live out our lives according to it.
Word of GodThe Bible because God communicated Himself and His will to humanity through the writers of its books. DTP The Word (Scripture) is to be the disciple's standard by which he lives. The Word is the way, truth and life in all areas of life; we are called to be obedient to the Word and live out our lives according to it. Christ has sent the Holy Spirit to help us fulfill His high calling which He has given us through His Word.
word of the LORD / word of the LordAn expression that shows to us that God does and will speak to His people. We call upon His name and He will hear and in His timing speak a word to our hearts.
work / works / workethLabour, occupation, trade, building, profession, career, employment, job, vocation, toil, activity being done to achieve a purpose or result. DTP We are saved by God's grace; because of that great gift of love, we want to serve Him and His church. We work not because we have to do so, but because we chose to do so out of love for our Saviour and Lord.
worker / workman / workmanshipLabour, service, toil, employee, operative, wage earner. DTP Because of what Christ, in His great love, has done for us by willingly dying on the cross, we also should willingly serve and minister from a heart of love. Each member of the Body of Christ is needed and important. Each should be working, not because they feel obligated, but because of love.
worldUniverse, cosmos, globe, sphere; can mean all creation, heaven and earth or just the planet on which all living things exist. The world is the home God created for man's life and work. Can also mean the fallen human condition and the corrupt spiritual, social and political forces with which we contend.
worryTo be anxious, troubled, fearful; the condition of focusing on the cares and troubles of this world; agony of the heart. DTP When the disciple puts his trust in the Lord Jesus Christ he need not to be worried. We are told not to be anxious but to have faith and trust that God is in control of all things.
worship / worshippedRespect, esteem, devotion, reverence, ascribing worth, worship is the humble and dependent attitude of the heart towards God demonstrated in our redemptive words and actions towards all. Can be accompanied by lifting up of hands or bowing down before our Lord. DTP The disciple's life should be one of praise to God. We not only worship Him with our voices, but also with our attitudes and actions.
wound / wounds / woundedTo bruise or to hurt, to cause pain. An injury to living tissue. DTP Jesus was wounded when they whipped Him and then took Him and placed His torn back against the cruel wooden cross. He went through this for us because He loves us and wants us to have healing in our lives and victory over Satan.
wrathExtreme anger, fury, rage, indignation, resentment. Scripture refers to God's deep anger towards the sinfulness and wickedness of humanity; anger, rage, fury, indignation, resentment. DTP Many think that God is only a God of love, overlooking the fact that people can do things which prompt His wrath. Continuous sinning by individuals or nations can elicit His wrath. What individuals or nations sow, they will also reap.
wrestle / wrestledTo fight or to subdue, to grapple with someone or something, to do battle with until one has the upper hand. DTPThe disciple is not so much in a fleshly battle, but is always in a spiritual battle. Satan wants to kill and destroy us and he wants us not to do the will of God.
write / wrote / writtenMarks, letters, symbols, or words on a surface (typically paper). To make a record, to record information for others to read. The Old Testament books were written so that they could be read and studied because they contain history and teaching about God and His people. The New Testament reveals to us who Jesus Christ is, and how He has established the church to be His living Body here on earth.
wrong / wronged / wrongethFalse, lying, incorrect, mistaken untrue, not right, unjust, immoral, dishonest. DTP All humans are capable of doing wrong things against God and people. We need to walk a life of truth, trying not to wrong or offend. Prayer is the key that will help us and keep us from making mistakes or doing wrong to others.
wrothAnger or ire. DTP As disciples, we should aim for peace and be longsuffering in our reactions. We need to watch our attitudes and control our anger.
wroughtLabour, toil, work, fashioned, formed, created, or to produce.

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