Bible Dictionary and Concordance



scatter / scatteredTo throw loosely about, to disperse over a small or large area, to be displaced or moved to various place of the world. DTP When people groups disobey God and his Word, He may scatter them throughout the world. Without walking close to God one cannot find the peace that passes all understanding. Churches that fall away from the Lord may also experience the scattering of the sheep; it may be because of immorality of the shepherd and leaders or the lack of a congregations' obedience to the word of God and to the moving of the Holy Spirit. Disciples of Christ may also be scattered abroad due to persecution.
sceptreThis is an ornamented rod or staff held by rulers or kings as a symbol of authority. DTP Jesus Christ, our King, holds all power and authority in His hand, presenting the sceptre to whom He chooses.
schoolEducation, a place of learning through the discipline of study. DTP The disciple is to be a student of learning all their lives. The church is a school house for learning both by mature people and most of all by the Holy Spirit giving us wisdom and insight from studying the Bible and in spending time before the Lord in prayer.
schoolmasterOne who is head over a school, a leader of children, a tutor, often a head teacher; one that carries authority and makes sure that the students follow the rules of the institution; a fatherly image (1 Cor 4:15). DTP The law in the Old Testament was said to be our schoolmaster showing us how we are to live, but also showing to us that, in our own strength, we could not fulfil the laws of God. The law was our schoolmaster with the purpose to draw and point us to the way of Christ Jesus.
scienceThe systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world by observation and experiment.
scourgeA whip that used to administer severe punishment. In New Testament times, the number of strikes with such a whip could vary from one or two, up to 39. Roman scourges often had attached to them pieces of metal or bone, the purpose being to cause much pain and damage. Jesus, Paul and many disciples were scourged. This punishment is still used in some countries around the world today.
scribeA person who copies documents, especially prior to the invention of printing. A writer, secretary, one who records and keep notes; a clerk or one who copied out Scripture. In the New Testament, they were people who copied, studied and taught the law. They were scholars and members of the Jewish Sanhedrin.
Scripture / ScripturesSacred writings; the precious Word of God; God's authority, His divine and inspired Word, Revelation of God. The number of scriptural books varies in the Christian church (apocryphal books are sometimes included), but the standard number is 66. We have the Old Testament or the Hebrew Scriptures, and then we have the Greek New Testament which was written in the years following the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. သန့်ရှင်းသောကျမ်းစာ(scriptures)၌ ကတိထားတော်မူသော၊ ... ရော၊ ၁:၄ထိုကျမ်းစာ (Scripture) ရှိသမျှသည် ဘုရားသခင် မှုတ်သွင်းတော်မူသော၊ ... ၂တိ၊ ၃:၁၆
Scriptures, GreekThis often refers to the New Testament Scriptures or New Covenant; made up of 27 books categorized as Gospel, History, Church Epistles, Pastoral Letters, and General Epistles and the book of Revelation. They were all written after the time of Christ up to about 95 AD.
Scriptures, HebrewThis term refers to the Old Testament Scriptures or the Old Covenant; made up of 39 books described as Law, History, Poetry, Major Prophets and Minor Prophets; all were written at least four hundred to 2500 years before the time of Christ.
scroll / scrollsThese were rolls of parchment that could contain records or history of kings and countries. Also refers to the Old Testament or Hebrew books of the Bible that were each written on such materials. The Greek word for scroll (biblos) is where we get the English word "Bible". Some scrolls where found by a shepherd boy in a cave as early as 1947; more were found up to 1956. These have become known as the Dead Sea Scrolls. The most famous of these findings was the almost complete book of Isaiah.
seal / sealedA piece of wax, lead, or other material with an individual design stamped into it (with, for example, a signet ring), attached to a document to show that it comes from the person who claims to have issued it. Scrolls would be rolled up and "sealed". See the Kachin word "dawk" to stamp, seal, stamp also "shakap", to fasten, stick, affix. DTP Disciples are sealed by the Holy Spirit to show that we belong to Christ Jesus.
seal-guaranteeFor the believer or disciple of Christ, the Holy Spirit "seals" us and, by so doing, He becomes the guarantee that we will have eternal life through Jesus Christ. We have been marked forever as belonging to Christ Jesus.
searchTo hunt, to look deeply into, or seek to find something that was lost. DTP God desires to look deeply into the heart of man; He also desires that man would search deeply into the Word of God for the true heart of God. As we search the Scriptures, we need to allow our roots to go deep because, in so doing, we find true life.
seasonEach of the four divisions of a year: spring, summer, fall and winter, each lasting about three months. Seasons result from the yearly orbit of the earth around the Sun and the tilt of the earth's rotational axis. DTP In God the disciple may find himself going through various seasons of life. Different responses may even be required at different times of life.
second comingThis most often refers to the second coming of Jesus Christ. He said just as you have seen me go I will once again come back Acts 1:9-11. Jesus' first coming was as a servant, but when He comes the second time He will come as Lord and King to destroy His enemies and to set up His eternal Kingdom. We are also given hints about what to watch for, but we are also told that no man can know the day or the hour, but can know the times or the seasons as to when He will return (1 Thes 5:1-11).
secretTo keep something hidden from another, unknown truth, to hold back details about someone or some event. DTP The disciple needs to be aware that there is no place where one can hide things from God; He is all-seeing and all-knowing; all confessed sin is put under the blood of Christ Jesus, totally forgiven.
see / seen / sawTo look or to gaze, to behold or watch something, to gather inform or insight from, to observe. DTP We are to search the scriptures, to look intently into them in order to find the truth about God and about ourselves. Prayer is also the door through which we can see the Lord's will for our lives.
seedA flowering plant's unit of reproduction, capable of developing into another such plant. Also known as the kernel, stone, pit, it is the starting point of growth. The germ of life is contained in the seed. Often the seed breaks open and dies, but the contents grow into a plant with roots, stems, leaves and, at maturity, will bear fruit (new seeds). In due time it can be harvested and be used to grow more plants. DTP As disciples, we are "seeds" and we must die to self so that we can be transformed into the image of Christ and bear fruit for His glory.
seek / soughtTo search for or look out for, to hunt for something until found. DTP We are to seek the Lord and His Kingdom and, as we do so, He tells us that He will be found. We are also to seek within the Word of God the pearls of truth, for they are life and strength to all who find them. Seeking takes time and effort; many disciples give up or do not finish the race and, in so doing, miss out on many blessing from the Lord Jesus Christ.
seerAlso known as a prophet, one who can see into the future. This person can serve and, on behalf of God most High, proclaim the truths that God has put upon his heart. There are also false seers who are enemies of God (example: antichrists), trying to deceive the children of God.
selahLet it be so or can sometimes be translated as amen or "pause and think calmly about that", also possibly a musical direction. A finishing point to a strong and clear statement. Agreeing with the singer or speaker of that which has been shared. This word appears in the book of Psalms 71 times; it is to be a pause, giving time for the heart to reflect.
selfThis can be described as a person's essential being, individual nature or character, that which make us personally different from another; it can also mean a person's "will" that describes desires, special interests or pleasures. DTP The disciple is to die to self and live for Christ Jesus. The self appears to emanate from the mind and often does battle with one's heart.
self-controlTo be self-disciplined, to have restraint, willpower, to control one's emotions or behaviour especially when facing trials or struggles in one's life. DTP The disciple, through the power of the Holy Spirit, is to live a life of balance and self-control. Prayer each day helps the disciple to be controlled by the will and power of the Holy Spirit. Disciples must depend upon the ability and strength of Jesus Christ; we cannot live a self-controlled life on our own.
self-sufficientThe ability to satisfy one's own basic needs without the help of another; can also mean that one is emotionally and intellectually independent of the help of others. DTP The disciple, through faith, comes into the body of Christ as a family member needing others and serving together with them, a community of believers with similar goals and purposes. This word can have both positive and negative connotations; one can focus on just one's own personal will and desires, or we can understand that we can be self-sufficient in Christ, through faith. He is able to meet all our needs. (See 2 Cor 3:5; 12:9)