Bible Dictionary and Concordance



sojournTo go on a journey and to stay at another place for a period of time.
soldierA person who serves in an army, under the authority of those with higher rank. A soldier may act defensively protecting his country's interests, or may act offensively in an effort to advance his country's borders. DTP The disciple is to be a soldier of Jesus Christ, putting on the full armour of God (Eph 6: 10-20) because disciples are daily involved in a spiritual battle against evil.
Son / sonA male offspring of a man and woman. In Bible times, the first son was heir to the family possessions. DTP The Heavenly Father sent His son to become the sinbearer for us so that through his death on the cross we, through faith, could become clothed in the righteousness of Christ Jesus. At our new birth, we become children of God, sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. We have become joint heirs with Jesus Christ for all eternity.
Son of GodFound over 50 times in the New Testament, the name is ascribed to Jesus Christ, clearly defining Him as God in human flesh, one member of the Holy Trinity. In the Old Testament, the term was variously applied to angels, Israel, and likely to the Messiah Himself.
Son of ManFound over 80 times in the New Testament, the name is ascribed to Jesus Christ, clearly defining Him as man. While Christ was truly God, He was also truly man. It was often connected with the word or name "Messiah", the One who would come and bring deliverance and establish a new kingdom on the earth.
songWords or poems set to music or meant to be sung. A tune or melody. (See the word sing). DTP Songs of praise are a natural expression of worship arising from a heart of love for the Lord. Such worship songs are like prayers, breaking "cords and ropes" that can bind us. Hymns (worship songs) can be God's way of teaching theology. The hymn book is really a systematic text book put to song.
SONG OF SOLOMON, book ofThe book was written by King Solomon around 970 BC. Superficially, this is poetry extolling the joys of human love. This book is often thought to be an allegory or analogy of God's love for Israel, but also it is believed to be a picture or how Christ relates to and loves His Church.
soothsayersPersons who are supposed to be able to see the future. They are presumed to be able to interpret dreams or strange utterances and to bring to light those things which are secret. (See Daniel 4:7, 9; 5:11, 12, see also Acts 16:16 fortune-teller)
sorcererA person who practices in magic by using particular formulas, incantations, and mystic mutterings. DTP Believers are forbidden by God to practice sorcery or to use practioners of sorcery to get direction for their lives.
sorrow / sorrowfulAnguish, distress, grief, misery, suffering, tribulation, suffering. DTP Jesus' journey on earth brought Him great sorrow as He took on Himself our sin and pain leading to His death on the cross for us. As disciples, we will also experience times of distress; however, we are children of God and He walks with us. He will be with us until we meet Him face to face in heaven where all pain, tribulation and sorrow will come to an end.
soteriologyStudy of the doctrine of salvation. It examines the provision of salvation through Jesus Christ. It has come to us by way of Christ's crucifixion and the work of His atonement on the cross. We are saved by grace and it is a gift of God. (See Eph 2:8; 1 Tim 1:15)
soulThe immortal spiritual or immaterial part of a human being; the actual person. Man is made up of body, soul and spirit. The soul is the part that is dominated by the mind which, in turn, is controlled by the will or nature of man. DTP The soul must become broken before God so He can create within us a whole new person.
soundVibrations in the air that are detected by the human ear. DTP As disciples, we need to have our spiritual ears open to hear the voice of the Lord. He can call to us in a variety of ways, and we need to hear the sound of His still small voice. This is why it is so important to have times of meditation with Him.
sound (adjective)To be firm, unmoveable, secure. DTP The disciple needs to be firmly planted in the Word and will of our Lord Jesus Christ, so that when the wind and waves come, we will not be moved. In the last days the antichrist will do all he can to divide and destroy you and the church of Jesus Christ; the believer must be unmoveable regarding the doctrines of the word of God.
southern kingdomThis is the name given to the tribes of Judah and Benjamin in the southern part of Israel. The twelve tribes split into two kingdoms around 931 BC. The city of Jerusalem was in the Southern Kingdom and this Kingdom continued on for over 130 years after the Northern Kingdom was destroyed.
sovereign / sovereigntyThis is a supreme ruler, especially a monarch over a kingdom. They possess royal power and authority, having an army to defend their royal position throughout the land. DTP For the disciple, Christ is our sovereign King and Lord, the One to whom we are committed to serve all our lives. We are also part of His sovereign army.
sowTo scatter or to broadcast seed in the field, to plant with the hope of receiving back a harvest in due time. DTP The disciple is to be a sower of the Gospel, the good seed, bringing forth life for God's glory.
speakSay something to convey information, to talk, or to communicate with words. DTP As disciples, we are called to tell people the Gospel of Christ, bearing witness of His love, mercy and grace. We are to speak the truth of God in love. Our speech can impart to the hearer either life or death. Our words can either bind or set the captive free. We always need to be careful how we speak to others.
speaking in tonguesOne of the "Spiritual Gifts" that has been given to the church of Jesus Christ with the purpose of edifying and encouraging the body. When spoken in a church setting, a requirement is that it be interpreted. Thought to be a language given by the Holy Spirit and coming from the heart; the languages of man may not be capable of expressing the deep emotions involved. It has also been described as a heavenly language. Some teach that there are two kinds of tongues: one that is given in a church setting and must have an interpretation, and another is called a "prayer closet language" where the believer is privately expressing his deep feelings to God. "Anyone who speaks in a tongue edifies themselves, but the one who prophesies edifies the church". 1 Corinthians 14:4 (See also Acts 2:1-13, Day of Pentecost)
spearLance, javelin, harpoon, a tool for hunting and killing of prey, a weapon of war.
speechTalking, dialog, communication, discourse, language, tongue, to use one's voice to communicate. DTP We need to be careful how we speak. Our speech can build people up or tear people down. Our speech should be words of encouragement, grace and courage. We speak on behalf of our Lord Jesus Christ and our words should always be seasoned with love.
Spirit / spiritEssence, life force, power, Holy Ghost. DTP Often the word "Spirit" is ascribed to the name of the third person of the trinity. He is the teacher and empowering one, the comforter and encourager sent by the Father. He provides disciples with gifts so that there will be fruit, and so that the church will be empowered for service. Also, the non-physical part of a person, the seat of emotions; sometimes equated with the soul. Can represent the third part of man (body, soul and spirit), that is, the heart of man where Christ through the Holy Spirit comes and dwells.
Spirit of GodAnother name or title describing the third Person of the Godhead. DTP The disciple believes in one God who functions is three different ways, as a Father, as a Son and as the Spirit. Spirit means wind or breath; God means the Supreme Being, one who has always existed and is above all.
Spirit of the LORD / Spirit of the LordAnother name or title describing the third Person of the Godhead. DTP The disciple believes in one God who functions is three different ways, as a Father, as a Son and as the Spirit. Spirit means wind or breath; LORD, translated in the Old Testament as Jehovah, is the One who has all power and authority. Disciples have only one Lord, who is Jesus Christ (See 1 Cor 8:6).
spirit, manEssence, life force, power; man is made up of three parts, a body, soul and spirit. The spirit's voice come from deep inside and can be at odds with the mind of man. There can be what counsellors call a battle between one's mind (thinking) and heart (spirit). DTP It is the spirit of man that is made alive or becomes born again through regeneration in Christ Jesus. It is the area that through Christ shed blood and by the confession of one sins by faith, that one can experiece eternal life and the Kingdom of Heaven.