Bible Dictionary and Concordance



studyTraining, learning, to dig deeper into, to look intently into, to observe, make and record observations. DTP It is key for disciples to spend time each day in God's word. Studying is not just reading but also digging into the Word so that we may grow and help others to do the same.
stumbleBlunder, stagger, upset, misstep, spill, to trip or fall while walking. DTP In order to keep from stumbling, the disciple needs to have the Word of God light his pathway. The enemy is out to try to get people to stumble through lies and false teaching.
stumblingblock / stumblingstoneA circumstance that causes difficulty or hesitation. Something that people may trip over and will cause them to fall.
submitTo give oneself over to, to come under the control of another, to accept or yield to a superior force or stronger person, to consent, to undergo a treatment or a way of training. DTP As disciples, we are to submit ourselves to the control of Christ Jesus; we should also submit ourselves to the leadership of the church.
substitution / substitutionaryTo fill in for someone else, to take another's place. DTP We were found guilty but Christ offered himself to take our place, even going to the cross in our place. Being innocent, He took our punishment. He paid the price demanded by God the Father, a price that we could not pay.
suffer / sufferingTo undergo physical and emotional pain that has been inflicted by something or someone. Can include persecution and even martyrdom. DTP Christ suffered on the cross; Paul talks about believers entering into Christ's suffering. Disciples who walk the "way of the cross" will have days of trial and suffering; in the last days disciples of Christ will undergo much suffering for His name's sake. We are not left alone; through the dark trials Christ is always there. He will never leave us or forsake us. (See Heb 13:5)
sunThe star at the center of our solar system, around which planets rotate; the source of energy, warmth and light for the earth.
superstitiousTo believe or act on the basis of false conceptions. An example is that of a black cat crossing in front of you being bad luck. Other events may (falsely) portend good luck. Arises from a fear of the unknown or from a lack of knowledge; may also come from one's background, traditions and cultural habits passed on from generation to generation.
supperA time to eat, dinner, evening meal.
supplicationThe action of asking for something earnestly and/or humbly. A deep commitment to seeking after the Lord, to entreat God in prayer and attitude. DTP In supplication, the disciple enters, as it were, the Holy of Holies, stripped of all encumbrances, humbly coming before the Lord, offering himself as a gift to God, trusting by faith that He will intercede and answer prayer.
suretyA person who takes responsibility for another's undertaking, to guarantee a debt of some type. DTP Christ has sent the Holy Spirit as a surety or guaranty that He will keep His words and fulfill all His promises and covenants with His children.
swear / swornTo make a binding oath to another, to use foul language.
swordA weapon with a long metal one or two-edged blade and a hilt; used in battle to wound and kill, as well as to protect oneself or the people for whom one is responsible. DTP The sword represents the Word of God. The Word is our Sword to be used both for defense and protection as well as for war against our spiritual enemies.
sword of the SpiritThis sword is part of the full armour of God to be used in spiritual battles with the enemies of the cross of Christ. This sword represents the Word of God and the more the sword handler knows the Word, the more powerful he will be as a soldier of Christ Jesus. We do not fight against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers in heavenly places (See Eph 6:12). We always need to be on guard, ready to fight whenever Jesus Christ calls upon us.
synagogueJewish place of worship, a place to assemble and to meet for religious observances and instruction of the Law. Synagogues also house sacred scrolls in a special chest. A synagogue service had four parts to it: (1) a brief reading from the Law; (2) prayer; (3) a reading from the law and the prophets and (4) benediction.
synopticThis word means "seen together" or "general summary"; often refers to the books of Matthew, Mark and Luke, otherwise known as the Synoptic Gospels. These books recount many of the same stories of Jesus Christ's life, stories that can be laid side by side and seen together; written by three different authors, one an apostle (Matthew), one a disciple (Mark), and another a Gentile Doctor (Luke).
systematic theologyThe study of Christian doctrines, assembled together under specific topics for easier understanding. It is laid out in a topical form with the purpose of helping the Disciple of Christ to clearly understand the full counsel of God from Genesis to Revelation. Some topics could be Ecclesiology (study of the church) or Pneumatology (study of the Holy Spirit). There are at least 13 key topics that deal with God and man from creation and the arrival of sin to the end times of this world.