Naskapi - English

ᐸᑕᔅᑎᒧᑕᐤvaishe/he comes walking in this directionpaataastimuuhtaaw
ᐸᑕᔅᑎᓐviiit comes this direction blown by the windpaataastin
ᐸᑕᔅᑕᒥᑲᐳᐤvaishe/he stands facing this directionpaataastaamikaapuuw
ᐸᑥᐛᐸᑕᐤvaishe/he comes this direction running noisilypaatwaawaapaahtaaw
ᐸᑥᐛᓯᓐvaiher/his steps are audible as she/he comes this directionpaahtwaawaasin
ᐸᑥᑎᒻ1vtishe/he is heard singing while coming this directionpaatwaatim
ᐸᑥᑎᒻ2viiit is heard comingpaahtwaahtim
ᐸᑭᑕᐛᐤvtashe/he burps him/herpaakitaawaaw
ᐸᑭᑕᐤvaishe/he burpspaakitaaw
ᐸᑭᑕᑎᒻvtishe/he burps because of itpaakitaahtim
ᐸᑭᑕᑐᐛᐤvtashe/he burps because of it (anim)paakitaatuwaaw
ᐸᑭᑕᑐᑐᐛᐤvtashe/he burps on him/herpaakitaatuutuwaaw
ᐸᑯᐃᒪᐤvtait (anim) chews a hole in it (anim)paakuimaaw
ᐸᐧᑯᐃᔾnitent canvaspaahkuiy
ᐸᐧᑯᐎᔅᑕᓯᓐvaishe/he has a blister on her/his footpaahkuwiistaasin
ᐸᑯᐱᔪᐤvaishe/he wakes uppaakupiyuw
ᐸᐧᑯᐱᔪᐤ1vai/iishe/he, it dries dries uppaahkupiyuw
ᐸᐧᑯᐱᔪᐤ2viiit runs dry (river, stream)paahkupiyuw
ᐸᑯᐸᐤvaishe/he wades in the water; she/he surfacespaakupaaw
ᐸᐧᑯᐸᑎᓂᒻvtishe/he wrings it out drypaahkupaatinim
ᐸᑯᑎᑎᒻvtiit (anim) chews a hole in it (wood)paakutiihtim
ᐸᐧᑯᑎᑕᐤ1vai+oshe/he dries it in the windpaahkutiihtaaw
ᐸᐧᑯᑎᑕᐤ2vai+oshe/he breaks a piece off it by dropping it (anim), by it hitting somethingpaahkutitaaw
ᐸᐧᑯᑎᑯᑕᐤviiit hangs drypaahkutikutaaw
ᐸᐧᑯᑎᑲᐊᒻvtishe/he dries it (ex wood floor) with somethingpaahkuuhtikaaham